What is acupressure massage?

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Acupressure massage is a popular manual therapy technique in Traditional Medicine. This method has been proven to bring many benefits in the treatment of a number of diseases such as musculoskeletal, neurological,...

1. What is acupressure massage?

Massage, acupressure are manual therapy methods, the reflexologist will use their hands to act on the acupoints, skin and tendons of the patient, the physical effects will stimulate the nervous system to create Therefore, changes in humoral and endocrine help improve the functioning of the internal organs and improve the nutritional process of the body.
According to Traditional Medicine, acupressure massage affects acupoints and meridians that can drive away foreign evils, regulate nutrition, clear meridians, and regulate visceral functions.

2. What is the effect of acupressure massage?

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Xoa bóp có tác dụng điều hòa thần kinh, giảm căng thẳng

Acupressure massage is a technique applied in the treatment of many diseases such as:
Musculoskeletal group: massage has the effect of relaxing muscles, especially muscle groups that have been previously contracted due to diseases. about tendons, joints, ligaments, helping to increase the flexibility of joints and improve mobility for patients Group of neurological diseases: Massage directly affects nerve receptors under the skin to create reactive responses. Since then, nerve radiation has the effect of regulating nerves, reducing stress, increasing concentration, reducing pain, relaxing muscles >>> Acupressure massage to treat insomnia
>>> Acupressure massage column impact Vestibular syndrome treatment
Cosmetology: massage, acupressure at facial acupoints to help increase blood circulation, rejuvenate facial skin, make skin firmer, more ruddy. In addition, acupressure massage also helps regulate visceral function, enhance peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and improve digestive function. >>> Cure full stomach indigestion with acupressure massage

3. Note acupressure massage

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Xoa bóp bấm huyệt chống chỉ định với người bị gãy xương

Acupressure massage brings good treatment effect for a number of diseases, but it also has contraindications for some conditions such as fractures, trauma to muscles and ligaments, in joints; severe cardiopulmonary disease such as myocardial infarction, heart failure, malignancies, respiratory failure, sores and boils (because it will cause infection and aggravate ulcers), when organs are damaged surgical entities (appendicitis, gastric perforation, infectious disease).
Traditional Medicine Unit - Vinmec International General Hospital was established based on the quintessence and inheritance of two traditional and modern medicine backgrounds in examination and treatment, with the aim of providing choices choose the best for the customer.
This is the bridge between Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine. With traditional and natural medicinal methods, along with non-drug therapies such as nutrition, acupuncture, and acupressure massage. The unit is also an appropriate address for customers to improve health, prevent and treat chronic diseases of the era.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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