What is hemodynamics?

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Hemodynamic roles in single-ventricular pacing, atrioventricular synchronous pacing, rate-responsive pacing, and hemodynamics in 3-chamber pacing for heart failure

1. What is hemodynamics?

Hemodynamics is the scientific study of blood flow with physiological as well as pathological quantities in the circulatory system. Specifically:
Cardiac output: Amount of blood pumped by the heart in 1 minute (l/min) For cardiac index: Cardiac output / Area of ​​the body (l/min/m2) Heart rate and stroke volume : Cardiac output will be equal to heart rate X stroke volume. Factors that affect stroke volume are preload, myocardial contractility, and afterload.
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Huyết động học là khoa học nghiên cứu về các dòng chảy của máu với các đại lượng sinh lý

2. Important hemodynamic parameters

Hemodynamics plays an important role in cardiovascular resuscitation. The important hemodynamic parameters in cardiovascular resuscitation are as follows:
Hemodynamics in single-ventricular pacing: Hemodynamics plays a role in single-chamber pacing such as changes before - after pacing, variable hemodynamic changes according to pacing frequency. However, there are also hemodynamic limitations that are single-ventricular pacing without the contribution of atrial systole, which reduces end-diastolic systolic volume, thereby limiting or reducing SV and CO. It also causes pacemaker syndrome.
Hemodynamics in atrioventricular synchronous pacing: Atrial systole contributes 30-35% of left ventricular end-diastolic blood volume leading to increased SV and CO. Simultaneously maintaining atrial-collector synchrony as the best preload maintenance, CO increase 20% compared with VVI pacing and prevention of hemodynamic increase in venous pressure, atrial pacing compared with same rate ventricular pacing number. Hemodynamic index in rate-responsive pacing: For this index, only AAI, DDD, and VVI pacing modalities with impaired sinus node function should be responded to. Hemodynamics in 3-chamber pacing for heart failure treatment: There is a role in resynchronizing heart failure treatment. This is the use of TNT (3-chamber) machine for atrioventricular resynchronization and biventricular resynchronization due to prolonged atrioventricular conduction or loss of contractility between the two ventricles due to bundle branch block, which improves the condition of the patient. hemodynamic status in patients with severe ST through increased ventricular filling, increased contractility, increased CO, CI, and increased SV.
Phòng khám chuyên sâu về suy tim nào tốt nhất tại Hà Nội?
Huyết động học có vai trò quan trọng trong hồi sức tim mạch
Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for quality basic echocardiography. This is one of the leading centers in the country for examination, diagnosis, screening and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. With the convergence of a team of leading experts with rich experience, great reputation in the field of surgical treatment, internal medicine, interventional cardiac catheterization and the application of advanced techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Cardiovascular management, along with a system of modern equipment, on par with the most prestigious hospitals in the world such as: 3 Tesla MRI machine (Siemens), 640 CT machine (Toshiba), other equipment Advanced endoscope EVIS EXERA III (Olympus Japan), Avace high-end anesthesia system, Hybrid operating room according to international standards... The Cardiovascular Center at Vinmec International General Hospital has achieved many successes. work and gain the trust of a large number of patients.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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