What is Wernicke Encephalopathy?

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Wernicke encephalopathy is an acute onset disorder with clinical manifestations such as nystagmus, partial ophthalmoplegia, confusion,... the disease occurs mainly due to vitamin B1 deficiency and usually occurs in people Alcoholism.

1. Manifestations of Wernicke's encephalopathy

In fact, we can recognize simple manifestations of Wernicke encephalopathy based on the following features:
Eye abnormalities: The patient presents with horizontal nystagmus and paralysis muscles. Confusion: Slow response to unexpected situations, spatial disorientation, inattentiveness, apathy,... Drowsiness Walks slowly, walking distance is short. Unbalanced gait may be caused by the patient having a cerebellar infarction. Visual disturbances due to vasculitis or infarction Peripheral neuropathic pain thresholds gradually increase, patients develop severe autonomic dysfunction characterized by sympathetic hyperactivity manifested as tremor, agitation, or decreased Acts as hypothermia, hypotension, syncope. If not detected and treated early, the patient will fall into a coma, even death. Although comas in patients with Wernicke encephalopathy are relatively rare, they can rapidly progress to death if left untreated.
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2. Diagnosis of Wernicke's encephalopathy

Currently there is no diagnostic technique to test for specific Wernicke encephalopathy. To diagnose, the doctor will rely on clinical symptoms and check the patient's level of malnutrition below baseline or vitamin deficiency through testing.
Indicated for patients to do other blood tests, glucose, CBC, liver function tests, measure ABG, look for toxins to rule out other causes.

3. Can Wernicke's encephalopathy be treated?

For Wernicke encephalopathy, if detected in time, treatment can restore all abnormalities in the patient. Symptoms of nystagmus usually begin to subside within 24 hours of administering thiamine. Memory loss and impaired concentration are not fully reversible.
In the treatment of Wernicke encephalopathy, give the patient immediately 100mg IV or IM thiamin through the infusion line. Make infusions from 3 to 5 days. Magnesium is an essential element in thiamine-dependent metabolism. To lower magnesium, treat with magnesium sulfate 1 to 2 g IM or IV over 6 to 8 hours or magnesium oxide 400 to 800 mg orally once/day.
Intramuscular injection of vitamin B1. After the first injection, the daily dose of vitamin B1 injection is 50-100mg, which can be given to the patient orally, instead of intramuscularly. However, this depends on the patient's condition.
Pay attention to electrolytes, especially magnesium and potassium. Multivitamin supplementation in patients with chronic malnutrition. It is necessary to develop a nutritious diet. Supplementation of vitamins and electrolytes should be gradually reduced if the patient eats normally and symptoms improve.
Bệnh nếu được phát hiện sớm và điều trị kịp thời có thể giảm thiểu bệnh
Bệnh nếu kịp thời phát hiện, điều trị có thể phục hồi tất cả các bất thường ở bệnh nhân

Patients with Wernicke encephalopathy have an abnormal gait, so help in the early stages with physical therapy exercises to assist in walking. In some cases, patients may not be able to regain their original gait, depending on the severity of the initial symptoms and the timeliness of therapy.
Alcohol use for a long time is also the main cause of Wernick's encephalopathy, so patients need to abstain from drinking alcohol for the best treatment results.
Wernicke encephalopathy causes many serious health effects, so when there are signs of the onset of the disease, patients should go to the hospital for examination and early indications from a specialist. Vinmec International General Hospital is a quality medical address when the hospital has a full team of doctors and experts from many major hospitals across the country, with many years of experience. Along with that is a system of modern equipment with advanced CT - Scan or MRI scanners, helping to serve the examination process with accurate results, saving patient waiting time. Currently, Vinmec Hospital is always highly appreciated and trusted by professionals and customers for its quality of service and medical care.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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