Can people with gout eat crab soup?

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Gout (Gout), also known as gout, causes patients severe pain and dangerous complications for patients such as high blood pressure, kidney failure, ... Diet Proper nutrition and living can help in the treatment of gout. So what should gout eat? Can gout eat crab soup?

1. What is Gout?

Gout is a disease related to a metabolic disorder when there is too high a concentration of uric acid in the blood plasma, leading to the deposition of uric acid crystals or urate crystals (which is a salt of uric acid) in the joints. and cause arthritis. .
Causes of increased blood uric acid:
There is an increase in uric acid production (mainly due to the patient's daily diet). There is a decrease in uric acid excretion from the body (due to drug use, kidney disease, ...) There are related factors such as genetics, family, gender, age, ... The course of the disease Gout:
Gout often has exacerbations with sudden pain and lasts for several days, appearing around midnight and ending, recurring many times. Subsequent episodes of pain have an ascending development alternating with brief periods of no symptoms. After all, there are some pain that can occur every year and progress to chronic.

2. Dietary principles for gout patients

2.1 What to eat with Gout? When using foods rich in purine, patients may experience acute gout attacks due to increased uric acid levels. In healthy subjects, foods high in purines are unlikely to harm the body. However, in subjects with gout, the ability to remove uric acid is not effective, so consuming too many foods containing a lot of purine causes uric acid accumulation and acute gout attacks. . Patients should avoid foods rich in purines in the diet, specifically:
Minimize the use of red meat foods, foods containing very high purine content such as beef, goose meat, swan meat , dog meat and animal organs, ... Limit the use of seafood such as: crabs, crabs, shrimp, scallops, shellfish (Mussels, snails, scallops...). Because seafood contains many purine cores, which is the cause of high uric acid levels in the blood. Therefore, eating crabs when suffering from gout should be limited. Vegetables: Among the vegetables, there are some vegetables with high purine content that people should avoid such as mushrooms, asparagus, cabbage and spinach. Fruits or products high in fructose should also be avoided such as: Grapes, peaches, pears, apples or honey and fructose syrup. Avoid fermented foods, sour fruits, they can accelerate the synthesis of uric acid in the body. Carbonated soft drinks and alcohol can increase the production of uric acid in the liver, thus preventing the elimination of uric acid by the kidneys. 2.2 Gout should eat what? There are many foods that people with gout can use that contain less purine, such as:
White meat (chicken, river fish ...): White meat usually contains less purine, meats This still meets the amount of protein needed by the body every day. Vegetables: Vegetables such as cucumber, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, mushrooms, peas, eggplant, ... and most of the vegetables have only about 20-25mg of purine content. . Fruit: Most fruits are safe for people with gout. In addition, there are fruits that have the ability to eliminate uric acid in the blood well to support patients such as: Bananas, cherries, watermelons, strawberries and pineapples, ... Also products such as soybeans, milk Eggs also help reduce uric acid levels in the blood. Excessive abstinence in the daily diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies and make patients feel stressed with eating problems. Just knowing the foods to eat and not to eat will help the patient feel more comfortable and still meet the full nutritional support for the treatment process.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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