Don't worry and be happy however how to achieve?

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Sometimes, we may wonder how not to worry and feel happier? In fact, the way to happiness is very simple, which you can achieve through small changes in your daily living habits. Building a healthy lifestyle will help you feel freer, more comfortable, and happier every day.

1. How do daily habits affect happiness?

The definition of happiness is different for each of us. Sometimes for a person, their happiness is simply peace, not worrying about everything. But for others, happiness may be the freedom to make friends and follow your dreams.
In fact, the way to happiness is within your own reach. According to recent studies, daily habits are closely related to an individual's happiness. Specifically, implementing some good habits every day can help you achieve happiness and get rid of anxiety.
Habits play a very important role for anyone looking for a way to be happy. Some positive habits such as exercising, smiling often or getting enough sleep,... are all prerequisites to help you quickly achieve the happiness you desire. Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle also helps you learn to let go of the stresses and worries in your life.

2. How not to worry and achieve happiness?

As mentioned above, daily living habits have a great influence on a person's anxiety as well as happiness. The way to happiness starts with the smallest changes in your daily routine, including:
2.1 Always smile We all tend to smile when we feel happy. On the other hand, when you laugh, it causes your brain to release dopamine, which helps you feel more excited. This is also considered an effective way to stop worrying and bring a sense of happiness to you.
When you feel low, anxious or insecure, put a smile on your face and wait and see what happens. Or try starting each morning by smiling at yourself in the mirror.
2.2 Regular exercise Regular exercise not only improves health, but also helps reduce stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression. What's more, exercise also boosts your self-esteem and is a way to be happier every day.
Just doing a little bit of physical activity can make a difference. However, you should not force yourself into a strenuous routine, instead, exercise with moderate intensity and choose appropriate exercises, such as:
Take a walk around the house or the area close to home after every dinner. Do yoga or tai chi. Start your day with a 5-minute warm-up exercise. 2.3 Get enough sleep One of the ways to be happy that you need to keep in mind is getting enough sleep. Today's modern society makes us tend to sleep less, although most people know that sleep is essential for good health, as well as the brain functions that control emotions and happiness. happiness.
According to experts, adults need about 7-8 hours of sleep per night. If you feel like your body is struggling to cope with the afternoon sleepiness of the day, this could be a warning that you need more rest.
Bạn có thể thử cách để hạnh phúc với những giấc ngủ ngon
Bạn có thể thử cách để hạnh phúc với những giấc ngủ ngon

Here are some methods to help you establish better sleep habits, including:
Keep a sleep diary, including how many hours you sleep each night and how your body feels after a week of improved sleep sleep . Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Create a quiet time before bed, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath to relax. However, it is important to avoid eating or drinking anything right before bedtime. Create a quiet, dark and cool bedroom space. Invest in comfortable bedding and pillows. Take a nap for no more than 20 minutes a day. If you regularly experience sleep problems, it is best to talk to your doctor for timely remedies.
3.3 Choose healthy foods Did you know that the choice of foods consumed every day not only affects physical health but also has a great impact on mental state. So the way to happiness can be done through the healthy diet you build.
In your daily diet, you should and should not choose the following foods:
Carbohydrates help release serotonin - a hormone that creates a pleasant feeling in the body. You just need to keep your simple carbs (including those high in starches and sugars) to a minimum, as the energy gains from these foods are very short. Instead, you should choose complex carbs, such as beans, vegetables, and whole grains. Poultry, lean meats, dairy and legumes are high in protein. These foods help release chemicals like dopamine and norepinephrine, which boost your energy and focus. Processed or deep-fried foods should be avoided. These foods are not good for your overall health and easily make you bored.
3.4 Expressing Gratitude One of the other ways to be happy that you must know is to express gratitude. Expressing gratitude can boost your mood and have a significant impact on feelings of hope and happiness.
Start each day by acknowledging one thing for which you feel appreciated and grateful. You can do this right after waking up or while brushing your teeth. In addition, during the day you should also pay attention to interesting things around and care about your loved ones.
3.5 Take Deep Breaths One way to stop worrying is to take deep breaths. Deep breathing exercises help you calm down and reduce stress.
When you practice deep breathing, you can follow a few steps:
Close your eyes and visualize a beautiful place or happy, happy memory. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. Slowly exhale through your nose or mouth. Repeat this exercise a few times until you start to feel calm again. If you find it difficult to take deep breaths, try counting to 5 in your head for each inhalation and exhalation.
Hít thở sâu là một trong cách cách ngưng lo lắng hiệu quả
Hít thở sâu là một trong cách cách ngưng lo lắng hiệu quả

3.6 Coping with stressors Life is full of stressors and anxiety triggers, and it's hard to avoid all of them.
However, as psychologists say, sometimes stress is not always harmful, we can even change our attitude about stress.
An effective way to stop worrying is to avoid overloading yourself and try to deal with your stressors. You can seek help from a therapist if you find it difficult to cope with any stressful situations.
3.7 Get Out in Nature Spending at least 30 minutes a week in green space is considered one way to be happy and relieve symptoms of high blood pressure or depression.
Green space from nature can bring you fresh air, less noise and dust, helping you to relax your mind and feel more comfortable. In addition, you can also do some outdoor exercise to add benefits to your mood as well as your health.
3.8 Take good care of yourself every day Overall, physical and mental health are inextricably linked. Therefore, the way to be happy or stop worrying is to take good care of your body every day, including:
Annual health checkup. Manage and treat any chronic health conditions, and see a specialist as recommended. Visit your dentist for a dental checkup. Get your vision checked regularly. 3.9 Learn to Forgive Sometimes, forgiving or letting go of a grudge is a better way to comfort yourself than to show compassion for others.
One way to be happier every day is to examine your relationships with others. Are you harboring any malice or resentment toward someone? If so, you should contact them face-to-face or write or text to resolve the issue.
Just removing negative emotions from your mind will help you feel happier, less anxious, and freer.

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