How can daydreaming be good for you?

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Daydreaming is often seen as characteristic of losers and lazy people. However, the concept has recently changed. Today, daydreaming is known as a natural, healthy state of rest for the brain. Research shows that daydreaming can be used as a tool to help us make decisions or get past important milestones.

1. Definition of daydreaming

What is daydreaming? Daydreaming is defined as a spontaneous experience not motivated by anything; no need for auto-reply. Daydreaming usually lasts for a few seconds. However, it is estimated that one-third to one-half of the hours people are awake are spent daydreaming.
Although the name is somewhat similar, daydreaming is quite different from dreaming during sleep. Usually, a dream is a continuous stream of consciousness that follows one another for only a few seconds. While it may seem like daydreaming is a resting state, and in many ways it's clear that a lot goes on in the brain during that time.
Dreams occur in an area of ​​the brain known as the “default network”, which has been shown to become more stimulated when external stimuli are reduced. This network mainly consists of the medial prefrontal cortex, posterior cortex, and temporomandibular junction. However, there is some variation as to whether daydreaming involves both the default network as well as other central regions of the brain.
Two different styles of daydreaming are intentional daydreaming and unintentional daydreaming. Intentional daydreaming is when someone intentionally daydreams to stimulate their creativity or problem-solving abilities.
Involuntary daydreaming is when a daydream interrupts someone. These can often interrupt when you are focused on a task. Although it can be upsetting, involuntary daydreams use the same parts of the brain as intentional dreams.

2. Why is it beneficial to daydream?

Einstein once famously said, “Knowledge is finite. The human imagination is infinite and covers the whole world.” Indeed, human history has witnessed and recorded great works and discoveries, far beyond the understanding and knowledge of the times. This is the most obvious benefit of daydreaming.
The modern world has developed at a fast pace, with information and ideas flooding all around us. In addition, many of us now have to work from home, and the line between work and rest is increasingly blurred. This 24/7 reel can be exhausting or tiring. So daydreaming is a proven method to decompress and relax your brain from constant stimuli.
The main benefit of daydreaming is creativity. There is a scientific link between daydreaming and increased creativity beyond creative input. Daydreaming has been shown to improve problem solving for non-creative tasks. This works by creating new thoughts and pathways in your brain.
Research is divided on the idea that intentional daydreaming is more effective than unintentional daydreaming. While multitasking and becoming distracted by daydreaming are linked, there is also a positive association between creativity and controlled thinking.
This type of daydreaming or purposeful thinking can allow you to suppress habitual associations and think deeply about an issue. While this way of thinking may not necessarily promote creativity, it can be helpful in the creative process.
The two styles of daydreaming seem to be opposites. However, it is essential to understand how intentional and unintentional daydreaming play a role in the broader scheme of creation. Creativity can be viewed as a complex set of processes interwoven with different forms of thinking. Includes:
Detailed Information Analytical Problem Solving Selective Coding Restructuring Information Unfortunately, the brain processes used to daydream and create are extremely complex and are still being worked on. research. There is no way to conclude whether intentional or unintentional daydreaming is more effective in promoting creativity. However, combining both forms of daydreaming is useful in that both provide unique ways of thinking. As such, both contribute to accessibility to insights, clarity of creation, or otherwise.
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Mơ mộng là trạng thái nghỉ ngơi tự nhiên của não bộ

3. Daydreaming relieves stress and anxiety

By adjusting to the noisy “outside” world, you allow your thoughts to flow freely. This promotes relaxation and mental discovery. When our thoughts flow like this, we are in a state known as alpha waves. When we're in the alpha zone, we're calm and don't think about anything out of compulsion.
The breaks and the daydreaming are not just fun; they are necessary for us. Our brains are not able to maintain focus and productivity without stopping. Good brain health requires some regular relaxation time.
After a long day at work or after a disagreement with a friend, clear your mind of things that are completely unrelated and interesting. This can help you to forget and stay out of worrying situations.
Having a tool like our intentional daydreaming would be helpful, especially when we are dealing with perceived threats or the environment is too busy. It's another tool in your mental health toolkit for avoiding stress and anxiety. If you find yourself increasingly anxious, you can turn to daydreaming and take these steps:
The first step is to stay away from your desk, work, or any other distraction. Next, take a deep breath. Then exhale slowly. Repeat. Finally, think of something pleasant and meaningful to you. You can imagine yourself at your favorite place, where you enjoy hiking in the woods. Or you can think about the new car you want to buy. What color will it be? What features will it have? Can you imagine feeling great in the driver's seat?
According to the Harvard Medical School health blog, "Mind wandering can help manage anxiety." Like meditation or other relaxing activities, daydreaming serves as a natural remedy to relieve stress and anxiety.

4. Daydreaming helps you solve problems

Daydreams are not merely temporary escapes from a complicated life. Allowing your lost thoughts to roam around will bring you back to life. You will be able to come back to the problem in a fresher way. Most of us can benefit from approaching our problems from a fresh perspective.
Besides having a fresh perspective, daydreaming seems more effective than trying to force a solution. In a study that tracked different inner thought patterns, researchers concluded that mind wandering is important and good for us. This cognitive process leads to new ideas.
While it may seem unusual on the surface, letting our mind wander can actually help us solve problems when focusing on them doesn't work.
Just stick to a certain issue, you can ignore all kinds of information. But freedom of association can help your mind move from memory to what you read and then back to what you imagine.
In other words, daydreaming can lead you to a magical golden brick road to insights. These insights can help you achieve your goals. So if you're stumped by a problem, instead of trying harder to solve it, try the opposite. Daydream and then daydream more.

5. Daydreaming uses different parts of the brain

If you've ever noticed, children's minds often fly. It's no secret that young people dream a lot. However, having "mind in the clouds", as some describe daydreaming, turned out to be not a simple pastime or a distraction.
What's going on in your brain when daydreaming is quite complicated. When your mind soars far away, you are using various parts of your brain. Both the executive problem-solving network as well as the creative network in your brain are operating simultaneously.
When we activate these different brain regions, we access information that previously might have been out of reach or inactive. Thus, boredom or idleness both serve a great purpose. It inspires us to daydream, making important connections in our brains.
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Trí tưởng tượng của con người là không có giới hạn

6. Daydreaming helps you achieve your goals

How can crooked thoughts help you achieve your goals? These stray thoughts aren't really guided, but new research shows they're often motivated by our goals. Athletes and performers sometimes use intentional daydreaming to practice before a game or performance. This method helps their brain to achieve success first. It's like training mentally instead of physically to get the results you want. This type of imaginative or structured daydreaming has become commonplace in the field of sports psychology. While a fantasy-based dream like being a superhero might disappoint you because it's so far-fetched, a structured dream can motivate you to make it real. Imagining or daydreaming about one of your real-life goals is comforting. It encourages you to think about the steps you will take, how to stay motivated, and how to overcome obstacles.

7. Daydreaming expands your creativity

Research has determined that daydreaming is correlated with higher levels of creativity. Constantly digging into a complex problem will not lead to discovery, take a break, the mind will still cherish the problem.
Bianca L. Rodriguez, Ed.M, Marriage and Family Therapist, “That's why most of us have moments of comfort doing mundane things like washing dishes, where we don't have to focus so much on the task at hand, but allow space in our minds to absorb and reveal new information. "
A study in which college students had 2 minutes to think of as many uses as possible for everyday things (like toothpicks and bricks) proved this. People daydream first, instead of next. continued to focus on the problem, did a better job at generating more creative ideas.This creativity did not fit within a small margin, they were up to 41% more productive and creative.
When your mind doesn't have to follow a narrow path, it reorganizes all the pieces of information and forms new and unexpected connections. Being distracted and letting your mind wander is a powerful positive act
Rodriguez describes daydreaming beautifully when she says it is “an exercise for your mind.” She further elaborates, “We are rarely taught to let go. allow your mind to roam It's like just tending to a tree in a giant forest Daydreaming allows your mind to zoom in and see the whole forest which creates a different perspective and invites ng create".
Daydreaming has had a bad reputation for a long time. However, it brings us many benefits as humans. Hopefully more people will embrace the process of daydreaming and let our thoughts roam more freely. If you are frustrated by a situation, problem or simply want to expand your imagination or creativity, try daydreaming and who knows, new mental paths, new horizons can be found. can open to you.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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