How to work with a difficult person?

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No matter where you are working, the size of the company is large or small, or no matter how much you love your work, it is inevitable that situations of working with difficult people can be avoided. So how do you both be effective at work and understand how to work with difficult people in your organization?

1. What is a difficult person?

It is not easy to give a single and precise definition of what is a difficult person? Overall, however, there are some common characteristics that determine if your co-worker is a difficult person. These include:
Laziness Lack of ability to work independently Having an unconventional approach to getting things done Uncomfortable with their job or role in the organization Personal problems often easily influence attitudes or their ability to work effectively Don't understand their responsibilities at work Acknowledge work they don't do Do not listen or are attractive Connect with colleagues in negative ways Although, with some such characteristics, but difficult people still have good qualities to contribute to the organization. This can also be the point that makes your boss decide to hire them. Therefore, it will be more wonderful when you learn how to work with difficult people, to develop together and contribute benefits to the team.

2. How to work with difficult people

When you understand what difficult people are, and identify relationships with difficult people in your team, applying the way of working with difficult people to increase the bond between you and your colleagues no longer so difficult. There are a few options to work with difficult people that you can refer to such as:
2.1 Get to know them As you can see, it is always easier to communicate and work with people with whom you have a close relationship. . To quickly build this platform, you can choose a suitable dip, invite colleagues to lunch, and chat more with them. These meeting opportunities can help you understand why they are difficult to work with, to feel more empathetic.
2.2 Identify Their Strengths When you work with difficult people, it becomes easier to focus on their negative traits. So take some time to see where their strengths lie. Everyone is good at something and identifying the positive can help you see them differently.‌
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2.3 Problem Solving To make it easier to work with difficult people, you should try to find the root cause of their behavior. The underlying issue that causes these unpleasant reactions may have nothing to do with work, or it may also be caused by job insecurity. Without enough training to fully understand their job, they can feel helpless or defensive. In this situation, additional documentation or training can help them feel more confident.
If the cause comes from a difficult experience in their personal life, they may not have the necessary energy to deal with work, causing uncomfortable communication situations. Then, the act of sharing, helping colleagues or employees find the resources they need to solve their personal problems can help improve life and work efficiency.
2.3 Change Your Perspective Usually, everyone's worldview is different. So, if you don't feel like talking to your partner, colleague... Try changing the way you see things, put yourself from their point of view, think about how they would react in other situations. together. Ask the question, if you were them, would you have positive or negative thoughts? Adjusting in this way, will help you expand your reach in many ways, solving the situation with many different options.
2.4 Consider your role One thing is for sure, the nature of a relationship often depends on both people. It won't be superfluous to try taking some time to think about how you perceive you to be working with difficult people. Do you treat them differently because you find them difficult? Do you speak negatively about them to other colleagues? If so, not only should you learn how to work with difficult people, you should also consider how you can change your actions to improve stereotypes about this person. Then, your relationship with them can improve in a more positive direction.
Besides, if you catch other people talking bad about your colleagues, "toxic" working environment or treating them differently, you should actively stop participating or help people around you change their opinion, do working together to help lift the person up instead of putting them down.
2.5 Address Your Claims If your connection efforts aren't working, try sharing with them how you're feeling. Conversations like these can feel awkward, but de-stressing and problem-solving is still the best way to find a solution.‌
làm việc với người khó tính
Làm việc với người khó tính bạn có thể thông qua các cuộc trò chuyện để giải tỏa không khí căng thẳng

If the person is your supervisor or in a higher role than you, consider escalating the matter to human resources. When you talk to human resources, use the following thoughts to guide your discussion:
The information shared is absolutely true, don't exaggerate the issue Don't let your emotions affect you. to how you address your concerns. Clearly state that your goal is to improve your working relationship with the person. Know how to determine if a difficult coworker's behavior is turning into difficult behavior. If a coworker is hostile to you, acts inappropriately, or tries to intimidate you, plan to speak with human resources. Know when to let go, stop working If working with difficult people negatively affects your work performance, mood and attitude. Consider yourself changes like:
Focus less on them and more on yourself. Develop your own self-healing mechanisms, such as meditation. Keep your distance and interact with them as little as possible. Move to another department or role. Report your problem to your supervisor or human resources manager.‌ In some cases, you might consider looking for another job or trying too hard to figure out how to work with difficult people. Before you decide, remember that difficult colleagues are everywhere, there is no guarantee that you will get along with everyone in your new work environment.

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