Manage mood and health before the wedding

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Some couples have mood problems before the wedding. They have feelings of restlessness and anxiety before marriage. Sometimes these problems become so serious that they can lead to the delay or cancellation of the wedding. Besides, brides also eat erratically before the wedding, affecting their physical and mental health. So how to manage the mood before the wedding with the best health?

1. Common problems before the wedding

Almost all couples face some problem, from small to large, from insignificant to serious before the wedding takes place. It could be a physical problem, but it could also be a mental health issue. So what is the cause behind these problems?
1.1 Pre-Wedding Mood, says Jerilyn Ross, President and CEO of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, some anxiety helps us humans to prepare, focus and try. take action to avoid the risk of harm. If anxiety forces you to plan, organize, and execute specific work steps, that's great and necessary anxiety.
However, when the anxiety becomes extreme to the point of obsession or insomnia, for example, worrying about whether the wedding dress or venue is suitable for the guests, the type of depression, the previous mood This wedding can affect the family, social and work life of the couple.
Excessive anxiety can also be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Other signs of this disorder include anxiety avoidance. For example, the bride may be so worried about tripping up the aisle that she refuses to go during the ceremony. Or the groom is so afraid of flying that he suggests the honeymoon should be near instead of far away.
When the pre-wedding mood affects the life and normal activities of the bride or groom because of their own fear and anxiety, then they need to be considered whether they are suffering from dementia. anxiety disorder or not. While anxiety disorders are treatable, if we suspect we or a loved one has it, it's best to consult a neurologist or mental health professional.
More than just anxiety disorders, says Dr. Susan Heitler, marriage-family therapist and clinical psychologist in Denver, USA, couples also experience some mood problems before the wedding when they don't have good cooperative skills in planning and preparing for the wedding, even if they really love each other.
Because wedding planning involves making joint decisions, it can lead to some conflicts if couples are not skilled at working together. To resolve these disagreements, some couples even feel resentful and violent when their partner is too stubborn.
Worse yet, a high pre-wedding mood can lead people to fall into the worst habits. Instead of coordinating and listening to each other, one or both people become more demanding, more defensive.
Finally, pre-wedding disagreements can lead to a delay or cancellation of the wedding. It's a terrible decision that pre-wedding psychological problems can cause.
Tâm trạng trước đám cưới có thể căng thẳng cao độ nếu cặp đôi xảy ra mâu thuẫn
Tâm trạng trước đám cưới có thể căng thẳng cao độ nếu cặp đôi xảy ra mâu thuẫn

1.2 Pre-wedding erratic eating and dangers For some women, the wedding day is the most important day of their life and they wish to become more beautiful on this big day. This desire has created a great pressure on brides. To be perfect in the wedding dress, they added the diet to the list of things to prepare before the wedding.
Flipse - Nutrition expert said that the culture that overemphasizes "beautiful brides" has created a lot of pressure on soon-to-be brides, forcing them to change themselves to look beautiful. and the most personal on the wedding day. A diet can cause them to eat erratically before the wedding.
Some brides may even feel pressured to be thin on their wedding day. This puts you at risk of developing an eating disorder, says Claire Mysko, executive director of the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA).
Brides are pressured not only to become thinner on their wedding day from the media, but also from their family and friends, who desire and encourage the bride to lose weight to 'look' most beautiful' on the big day.
Initially, these brides only intended to lose a few pounds with the diet. They ate erratically before the wedding by changing their eating habits. However, dieting is one of the most common causes of eating disorders. According to studies, about 35% of people on a normal diet develop an eating disorder.
Among the mental disorders, eating disorders can cause serious health consequences such as kidney failure, heart attack, and even death. Therefore, the symptoms of an eating disorder should be noted and not ignored.
In addition to eating erratically before the wedding, brides also exercise to achieve their weight loss goals. But sometimes they have exercised to the point of exhaustion and injury, and even have less time to meet friends and participate in other social activities.

2. Mood management before the wedding

To ease the pressure on couples, Dr. Susan Heitler advises couples to prepare effective cooperation skills, specifically:
Focus on what you want instead of what you don't like : The words "dislike" express defensiveness, while the words "want" invite cooperation. For example, when discussing arrangements for the couple's family and friends from out of town, instead of saying "I don't like your family staying at our house for the weekend", you could say “I want my friends and family to stay at a hotel for the wedding weekend.” This communication skill can help couples stay in a better pre-wedding mood by avoiding friction. Use “I” instead of “you”: This will make your partner less defensive.For example, after coming home from work and finding a mess in the kitchen, instead of saying “You were caused this mess,” say, “I was so nervous when I got home and saw this mess.” Use “could” instead of “should”: “should” tends to cause trouble. pressure on both sides, while the word “can” promotes more constructive dialogue and two-way discussion.For example, the saying “We can invite all our friends” is encourage more than the saying “We should invite all our friends.” The choice of words in communication is very important, can help avoid unnecessary disagreements, affecting the pre-wedding mood of couples. Listen to learn rather than listen one-sidedly: Take notes of what makes sense as your partner is speaking. If it's wrong or unclear, ask for more information until it becomes clearer. Use “how” questions instead of “yes/no” questions to get more information from your partner. All of these communication skills can promote a smoother exchange of information and are the premise for a good marriage, not just helping to manage your mood in front of a crowd. marry . Once married, two people become a team, so we need to understand each other's concerns on the basis of mutual respect and learn to make decisions together.
Các cặp đôi nên quản lý tâm trạng trước đám cưới
Các cặp đôi nên quản lý tâm trạng trước đám cưới thật tốt

With serious problems affecting the delay or cancellation of the wedding, Dr. Kate Wachs - Psychologist Chicago, USA also advises that the bride or groom should talk to someone trusted family members, or close friends, preferably married ones, to share about pre-wedding difficulties and moods. Make sure the person you're talking to is rational enough and doesn't make the situation worse.
You can also discuss premarital doubts with a trusted friend, priest, pastor, or therapist. Talking to your partner is also an option, but be cautious and make sure your partner understands any unnecessary doubts. If you're still thinking about canceling or postponing your wedding, try to be as honest as possible with your partner.

3. Take care of the bride's health before the wedding

Nutritionists like Flipse advise that before starting a weight loss program, brides should ask themselves if they can maintain such weight loss in the long term while still being safe. whole or not. Otherwise, it's best for the brides not to start.
Instead, brides should set more realistic goals and shift their focus to eating healthy and exercising moderately and regularly, so that they can maintain their diet and exercise throughout the day. long time. Best of all, both the bride and groom work together to commit to a healthy lifestyle while living together.
Nutritionists recommend that, to take care of the bride's health before the wedding, they should pay attention to their nutrition. Besides, they also need to be more flexible with their healthy habits so that dieting does not become a pressure that can lead to eating disorders.
NEDA also advises that friends and family should be honest and talk to the bride when they feel worried about their image on the wedding day, as well as difficulties in eating. Instead, family and friends should give advice on personality, inner beauty of the bride to the bride, to relieve pressure on appearance.
Taking care of the bride's health and managing her mood before the wedding is very important and sets the stage for a good marriage in the future.
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