Pilates for Beginners: Discovering the Core

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Pilates is an exercise that gets us to the core of strength building. Thanks to the pilate exercise, you will practice balance and flexibility for the body. If you are just starting out with pilates, let's find out what pilates is and how it works?

1. What is Pilates?

Pilates is a method of exercise that includes movements that help increase flexibility and endurance for muscles. In pilates, the right alignment of postures brings core strength and balance to the muscles. This exercise is named after the man who discovered Joseph Pilates in the 1920s.
Pilates exercises focus on building core strength to help the body control muscle mass. This exercise pays attention to posture and how the movement increases flexibility and balance. At the same time, you also feel your body recover physically faster.

2. Pilates exercises for beginners

Most people who practice pilates think that this exercise is only for professional athletes, but this is not really true. Another mistake when new to the exercise that you often confuse is that this exercise does not require special equipment. In fact, you can do pilates with an empty space and a mat.
Tập pilates
Bạn có thể tập pilates với một không gian trống và chiếc thảm trải sàn

3. Benefits of Pilates Exercise

We all wonder what pilates does? With regular practice, you will gain a number of health benefits such as
Improves core strength and stability Corrects posture and improves body balance Increases endurance and flexibility Prevention and back pain treatment

4. Objects suitable for pilates exercises

Pilates has health benefits and helps improve endurance, but who can do it? In fact, pilates was invented to improve health, but if you are in poor shape or are pregnant, you should consult with your doctor before deciding to practice. This is also a thing to do in non-pilates exercises to ensure safety for health.
Pilates exercises can be adjusted to better suit the gentle program. However, any modification should be consulted with an expert to ensure that it does not affect the desired effect of the practitioner. If you are a newbie, practice slowly and gradually increase.
For beginners, you will need movement support to avoid common sports injuries. Experts or trainers will edit the movements to be compatible with your body. Your training process as well as any difficulties should be shared with the instructor to ensure the best possible quality.
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5. When should you consult an instructor?

The pilates method needs to be combined with the instructor and the practitioner to have the best interaction with the body. You should choose a gym closest to where you live to facilitate the first training sessions. Here are some questions you should consult and get support from your instructor:
Has your pilates instructor completed a thorough and well-trained training program? Is the instructor capable of adjusting exercises when difficulties such as injury or rehabilitation are needed?

6. Instructions on how to practice pilates effectively

Based on extensive expert research, healthy adults should include aerobic exercise with strength training in their fitness program.
Every week, make sure to practice 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise. You can exercise 75 minutes/week with more vigorous activity. It's best to combine strength training with moderate intensity, spread out over the days of the week. Perform strength training exercises for muscle groups at least twice a week. Overall Pilates can be an endurance exercise, but it's not the same as aerobics. When practicing pilates, you can also incorporate a few aerobic exercises such as cycling, jogging or swimming.
For Pilates exercises to be effective, you need to be persistent, practice the right movements and it is necessary to apply a healthy diet to ensure health and have a desired body.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: mayoclinic.org

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