The signs of good health you need to know

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Good health helps people have enough energy for work and activities every day. Therefore, recognizing the signs that the body is healthy is an effective measure to help maintain health always in the best state. The following article will present how to recognize a healthy body.

1. Signs of a healthy body shown through activities

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease. Accordingly, the body's signs of good health are expressed through a number of activities as follows:

1.1. Eat when hungry and stop when full

The act of eating when hungry and stopping when full is a sign of a healthy diet and shows that the body is in good health. This sounds simple, but actually not many of us can do it, but most of us often eat spontaneously like eating while watching TV; eating at the wrong time or eating more than usual according to mood and emotions.
Nutritionists also emphasize the important role of listening to your body in eating. This means that a healthy relationship between the body and food needs to be built and come from within the body without being influenced by external factors (such as how much to eat and how much food to eat). what to eat?), the amount of food that needs to be used in accordance with the body (eat until the body feels comfortable without being too full or too hungry).

1.2. Diverse diet with a variety of foods

A varied daily diet with a variety of foods is essential and reflects a sign of good health. Because a varied diet will help the body get all the vitamins and minerals it needs.
Along with development and modernization, many people believe that a healthy diet needs to be low in calories. However, this concept is incorrect, because the body needs to be fully supplemented with nutrients with levels depending on gender, age and activity level of the body. Besides, calories are also a source of energy to help you live and do the things you love. The body is not provided with enough calories will lead to conditions such as fatigue, depression...

1.3. Have enough energy to do the things you love

A healthy body and always feeling full of energy when doing things you love is a sign of good health. Such energies include emotional energy and physical energy.

1.4. Understanding all levels of emotions

Mental and emotional health is as important as physical health and is considered one of the important factors in assessing the health of the body.
Emotional health is the ability to control thoughts and feelings and understand that all of them are normal. Some negative emotions such as anger, sadness, anxiety, depression can occur with low frequency in daily life. A sign of good health is expressed through emotions when you clearly understand that none of these emotions last forever.

1.5. Wake up without alarm

Studies have shown that not getting enough sleep increases the risk of diseases like Alzheimer's, stroke, obesity and diabetes...This is also the reason why 8 hours of sleep per night plays a role very important game.
A sign that you are in good health is being able to wake up without an alarm and every time you wake up feeling full of energy.
dấu hiệu sức khỏe tốt
Dấu hiệu sức khỏe tốt là có thể thức giấc mà không cần đến chuông báo thức

1.6. Tough body

Exercises to help test your body's flexibility are as follows:
Perform moderate exercises and activities for at least 150 minutes; Do aerobic exercise for at least 10 minutes and do not feel tired; Do 10 push-ups in a row; Run at full body speed for 60 seconds without rest.

2. Signs of a healthy body manifest in organs

2.1. Pink and shiny nails

According to traditional medicine, nail characteristics reflect the health status of the body such as the absorption of vitamins, nutrients and the level of excretion of toxins from the body... because this is the organ involved. associated with viscera and meridians.
People with good health will have shiny and pink nails, when pressed and released, the color will return to its original color in a short time. Besides, semicircular nails also reflect good body health.
Some nail-related diseases that you need to pay attention to are as follows:
Dry and brittle nails are a manifestation of nutrient deficiency; Black streaks on the nails are a sign of a hormone disorder and often appear during early pregnancy or when taking antimalarial drugs; White spots on fingernails can be a sign of a thyroid disorder; Thick and brittle nails are a sign that the body is lacking vitamins E, C, and calcium. .. Concave nails: Common in people with chronic iron deficiency or liver diseases.

2.2. Light yellow urine

Colorless urine reflects an excessive amount of water in the body, which can cause a decrease in the concentration of electrolytes and salts in the body. In this case you need to consult a doctor.
Light yellow urine indicates adequate body water and normal kidney function. Because the kidneys are the organs that filter and excrete urine from the body, any change in urine color is a reflection of the health of the kidneys.
dấu hiệu sức khỏe tốt
Những người chăm sóc sức khỏe tốt sẽ có móng tay sáng bóng và hồng hào

2.3. Wounds heal fast

Small injuries may occur due to collisions, scratches when operating and working. The case of a wound that heals quickly shows that the body has a good blood clotting ability and a healthy immune system. In case the wound is slow to heal and there is bruising, worsening, you need to go to medical facilities for an accurate examination and diagnosis.

2.4. Body mass index (BMI) ranges from 18.5 to 24.9

BMI reflects the weight and health status of the body such as whether the body weight is thin or obese. From there, it helps you determine if you are overweight, obese, malnourished or have an appropriate weight.
Besides the body mass index, the waist measurement also reflects a part of the health status of the body. Abdominal fat not only affects aesthetics but also is a factor reflecting many diseases such as angina pectoris, hypertension, diabetes, myocardial infarction ... Some studies also show that women Women with abdominal obesity have a 20% higher risk of death than the general population. Therefore, you need to pay attention to maintain a healthy waistline that is no more than 90cm for men and no more than 85cm for women.

2.5. Feet temperature

Feet temperature helps to check the health status of the body. In people with good health, the feet should be moderately warm. According to traditional medicine, the yang qi in the body will be dissipated and affect the regulation of body temperature when the kidney qi is not enough. On the contrary, when kidney qi is fully supplemented, it will help keep the temperature of the feet and strengthen the body's resistance.
There are many signs that the body is in good health, but all signs are relative. Therefore, in case you suspect that your body has diseases, you need to go to a medical facility to be examined, diagnosed and given effective treatment by a doctor.
Periodic health check-ups help to detect diseases early, so that there are treatment plans for optimal results. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has general health checkup packages suitable for each age, gender and individual needs of customers with a reasonable price policy.
Results of the patient's examination will be returned to the home. After receiving the results of the general health examination, if you detect diseases that require intensive examination and treatment, you can use services from other specialties at the Hospital with quality treatment and services. outstanding customer service.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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