What are short chain fatty acids? Nature and role

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In the body, short-chain fatty acids are made by the fermentation of fiber in the large intestine by friendly intestinal bacteria. Studies conducted have found that short-chain fatty acids play an important role in the prevention of a number of diseases and human health.

1. What are short chain fatty acids? Properties of short chain fatty acids

Short-chain fatty acids are defined as structurally fatty acids with a number of carbon atoms less than 6. Short-chain fatty acids have the following characteristics and properties:
Made by good gut bacteria , as they perform the fermentation of fiber present in the large intestine. Short-chain fatty acids are also the main energy source of the cells lining the large intestine. Therefore, short-chain fatty acids play an important role in colon health. Involved in the metabolism of starch, sugar and fat in the body (short-chain fatty acids are produced in excess). The majority of short-chain fatty acids in the human body are acetate, propionate, and butyrate. In it, acetate and butyrate combine and form cholesterol and other fatty acids, and propionate participates in the production of glucose in the liver. The amount of short-chain fatty acids in the large intestine is influenced by factors such as the number of microorganisms present, diet, and time of digestion.

2. Where are short chain fatty acids found?

Eating lots of vegetables, fruits and legumes, providing a lot of fiber for the body is how to make more short-chain fatty acids. However, depending on the type and amount of fiber consumed, it will affect the composition of intestinal bacteria, which will produce different types of short-chain fatty acids.
Here are the types of fiber and food sources that increase the production of short-chain fatty acids in the colon:
Arabinoxylan: Found in wheat bran and whole grains. FOS (Fructooligosaccharides): Found in bananas, garlic, onions, and asparagus. Guar gum: Extracted from a plant in the legume family, called guar beans. Inulin: Found in garlic, onions, asparagus, wheat, barley, artichokes. Pectin: Found in apricots, apples, oranges, carrots. Resistant starch: Found in barley, rice and other grains, beans, potatoes, green bananas.
Acid béo chuỗi ngắn có trong một số loại thực phẩm hàng ngày
Acid béo chuỗi ngắn có trong một số loại thực phẩm hàng ngày

3. The role of short-chain fatty acids in health and some diseases

3.1 Digestive Disorders Short-chain fatty acids can help relieve diarrhea and treat ulcerative colitis, two common digestive disorders. In particular, the short-chain fatty acid butyrate has anti-inflammatory properties used to help reduce intestinal inflammation, similar to acetate. In addition, studies have also found that ulcerative colitis is more severe when short-chain fatty acids are low.
3.2 Colon cancer For certain cancers, especially colon cancer, short-chain fatty acids have preventive and therapeutic effects. Specifically, butyrate helps maintain the health of colon cells to prevent tumor cells from growing, while stimulating the process of destroying tumor cells.
For colon cancer, some studies have also shown that eating more fiber may help reduce the risk of the disease, but more research specifically on this relationship is needed.
3.3 Diabetes Some studies show the role of short-chain fatty acids in regulating and controlling blood sugar in patients with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes by promoting enzymes in liver cells and muscle works. However, more research evidence will be needed to demonstrate the role of short-chain fatty acids in diabetes.
3.4 Weight loss Studies have hypothesized the relationship between gut microbiota composition and obesity through the body's absorption of nutrients in the diet and regulation of metabolism. energy.
Short-chain fatty acids are created from the fermentation of fiber in the large intestine, if excess will participate in fat metabolism, namely increase fat burning capacity and reduce storage capacity Fat, thereby helping to reduce the amount of free fatty acids in the body, against weight gain.
However, more evidence is needed to support the role of short-chain fatty acids in weight loss in humans.

3.5 Heart Some heart problems can be prevented by increasing fiber in the diet to produce more short-chain fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol in the body.
In which, butyrate is an important short-chain fatty acid that interacts with genes in the body that make cholesterol, thereby helping to lower cholesterol, similar to acetate.
Acid béo chuỗi ngắn giúp giảm lượng cholesterol trong cơ thể
Acid béo chuỗi ngắn giúp giảm lượng cholesterol trong cơ thể

4. Should foods containing short-chain fatty acids be supplemented?

According to nutritionists, using supplements to increase short-chain fatty acids in the body is not necessary because they will be absorbed in the small intestine before reaching the colon. In addition, there is not much scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of short-chain fatty acid supplements.
Instead, a high-fiber diet is a better choice to improve and increase the production of short-chain fatty acids in the body.
Short-chain fatty acids are products of fiber fermentation in the large intestine, both as an energy source for the cells of the large intestine, and play an important role in health and the prevention and treatment of a number of problems. diseases.

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Reference source: thehinhonline.com.vn
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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