What does subcutaneous bleeding indicate?

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Subcutaneous bleeding is a common health phenomenon that comes from a variety of causes, including blood infection, trauma or vitamin deficiency... This is a sign of a number of diseases, but many people are subjective. before this situation. So is bleeding under the skin dangerous?

1. What are the symptoms of subcutaneous hemorrhage?

Subcutaneous bleeding is easy to see through bruises, blue-black patches, tiny red hemorrhagic spots underneath the skin. This skin discoloration usually comes from a blood vessel bursting, allowing blood to leak into damaged tissue.
You can also detect a subcutaneous hemorrhage by pressing on the skin at or near the bleeding area. If this is a healthy skin, it will turn pale when pressed and pink again when released. On the contrary, if you are bleeding underneath your skin, the skin is completely normal when pressed without fading at all.
Bleeding under the skin usually manifests in 2 main forms:
Purpura without a decrease in platelet count. Bleeding under the skin because of a low platelet count.

2. Causes of bleeding under the skin

Subcutaneous bleeding has a multitude of causes, ranging from benign causes to serious conditions, including cancer. In particular, some of the main causes of subcutaneous hemorrhage are:
Due to external trauma causing bruising on the skin. Platelet problems such as thrombocytopenia (also known as Glanzmann), or primary thrombocytopenia. Due to allergies or side effects from certain medications you have taken recently. The post-treatment effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy... for cancer patients are also the cause of subcutaneous hemorrhage. Infections in the body such as tuberculosis, measles, dengue fever, encephalitis, or diphtheria, Hodgkin's, multiple myeloma, leukemia, vasculitis, autoimmune disorders. .. The deficiency of some important nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B12, folic acid ... Hemorrhage under the skin due to aging: When it comes to the aging stage, collagen as well as the fat layer of the skin will produced less and less, making bruising very easy to occur even with mild impact. Women with hormonal imbalances: When female sex hormones are out of balance, the blood vessels and capillaries in the body will be noticeably weakened, making lesions and bruises appear more often, especially in women. during lactation, during pregnancy or during menopause. Excessive exercise also causes bruising and bleeding under the skin because overexertion will cause internal damage in the body, breaking capillaries in the area around muscle fibers.
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3. Is bleeding under the skin dangerous and when to see a doctor?

Subcutaneous bleeding does not always come from serious health problems. However, the causes of this phenomenon also include dangerous pathologies. You may not need to see a doctor if the bruises/tiny red dots under the skin are from minor trauma, or go away on their own within a few days.
On the contrary, if bleeding under the skin appears for no reason, does not go away for many consecutive days and is accompanied by additional signs such as:
Swollen extremities. The bleeding area is painful, open wounds (if any) often bleed a lot. There is a lump on the skin that may bleed. Nose, gums, urine or stools that frequently bleed/contain blood.

4. Bleeding under the skin - how should you fix it?

4.1. Improve the condition of bleeding under the skin with nutrition Some groups of substances are especially important that can support blood vessel health and effectively limit bleeding problems below the skin, including:
Vitamin A : This type Vitamins have many roles in supporting platelet function, including kale, whole grains, fish oils, sweet potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and pumpkins... Vitamin B9 (or Folic Acid): Vitamin B9 has important for the development of certain tissues and cells, found in cereals, asparagus, tomatoes, avocados, beans and lentils, corn/corn, dark green leafy vegetables... Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an essential substance in the functioning of the immune system, stimulating the rate of iron absorption as well as extremely effective platelet activity. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, grapefruit, broccoli... Vitamin K: This is an essential vitamin for bone health, and also functions in blood clotting in the body. Foods rich in vitamin K include spinach, radishes, broccoli, soybeans, pumpkin... 4.2. In addition to nutrition - a long-term remedy for bleeding under the skin - while you are experiencing it, try some of these tips to fix it:
Cold compress: Low heat can reduce minor bleeding or bruising under the skin associated with trauma. At the same time, this method also reduces the symptoms of inflammation under the skin if any. You should apply cold for about 15 to 20 minutes at a time and apply until the bleeding spot subsides. Please minimize trauma or strong impact on the area that is bleeding. In particular, for the elderly, the blood clotting activity is often worse than that of young people, so hemorrhagic spots are also more likely to appear. Avoid letting them experience trauma to this target group.
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4.3. Corticosteroids: The most commonly used oral drug, prednisone, helps increase platelet counts through suppressing the immune system. Normally, it takes about 2 to 6 weeks for the platelet count in the blood to return to a safe and stable level. Intravenous Immunoglobulin. It can be said that the problem of subcutaneous bleeding is a common condition and occurs in any subject with diverse and diverse causes. In case the bleeding lasts too long or causes pain, swelling, ... without any specific cause, you need to see a doctor for a more specific examination.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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