What is pansexual? 14 things to know about total homosexuality

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Are you trying to determine if you are pansexual or bisexual? Whatever the reason, if you're trying to figure out if you're bisexual, the information in this article may be of help to you.

1. What is pansexual? What is pansexual? Like all definitions of gender and sexuality, the definition of pansexual varies depending on one's point of view. The reason is because the prefix "pan" means "all". As such, a common definition of pansexual means the potential for mental, emotional, or sexual attraction to people of all genders.
The key phrase here is “attraction potential”. Someone who is pansexual is NOT attracted to people on the whole planet. This assumption is as absurd as thinking that a straight woman would be attracted to every man on the planet.
Some people who are pansexual say their orientation has nothing to do with gender. Rachel, 29, who lives in Hartford, said: 'Gender, genitals have no bearing on who I'm attracted to. It all depends on their personality and my vibe. Bill, 21, who lives in New York, makes a similar point: I define myself as Pansexual because gender is not a defining characteristic of who I want to date or move on.

2. Why does everyone mix pansexual and bisexual? There are several reasons to answer this question. Before we get into that, though, let's define bisexuality.
A common definition of bisexuality is that it is the ability to be emotionally or sexually attracted to people of multiple genders, not necessarily at the same time, in the same way, or to the same degree.
As you can see, pansexual and bisexual are similar. For example, both include attraction to 2 or more genders. The only major difference between the two orientations is: In general, pansexual means gender neutral, and bisexual is not.
Basically, these two terms mean the same thing.
3. Is there a test that identifies me as pansexual? No! Sexual orientation is determined only by your own self-reflection. So any outside source that claims to help you determine your sexual orientation is a fabrication. External sources can be: Quizzes, online surveys, words of friends or fortune tellers,...
pansexual là như thế nào
Giải đáp pansexual là như thế nào?

4. What should I know if I am pansexual? Only you can determine if you are pansexual. Therefore, finding out your own sexual orientation will take a bit of self-reflection. You could spend some time researching, journaling or answering these questions yourself:
Have I ever been attracted to someone without knowing their gender? What are the genders of the people I've been attracted to before? When I think about my ideal life partners, how does gender play a role? How do I feel about identifying as pansexual? How does identifying as pansexual feel any different than bisexual (bisexual), queer (person with a different gender), polysexual (multi-sexual) and omnisexual (monosexual - but caring). to the gender of the other party, unlike pansexual which is not interested in gender). You can optionally define your orientation. You can also change your orientation throughout life. New words always appear with more nuances and differences. So even if you choose to identify yourself as pansexual in the present moment, it is not irreversible in the future.
5. How is pansexual different from panromantic? Panromantic is a romantic - not sexual inclination. People of the panromantic group are likely to be attracted to people of all genders. The term pansexual can serve as a protective term for people who belong to pansexual and panromantic.

6. What does a pansexual look like? There aren't any particular criteria in terms of hairstyle, makeup, style or clothing to be a pansexual. People have style and looks, but sexual orientation does not.
7. Is there anything that causes your orientation? This is without a doubt an interesting question in a sociology or research class on gender and sexuality. But outside of the classroom, this question is often used with a somewhat hurtful connotation of non-heterosexuals.
This idea assumes that all people are born heterosexual and that anyone with a different orientation is the result of trauma, a mistake, or an accident. This is absolutely WRONG.
There is no cause for pansexuality and no cause for heterosexuality.
8. What does pansexual mean for my health and sex life? Your sexual orientation does not affect your risk of STIs or your ability to get pregnant. Here's what can affect your risk of STIs or your ability to get pregnant:
With whom you have sex; What type of sex do you choose; The method of protection you use during sex; How often you use protection methods and how you use them correctly; The method of birth control you use during sex.
pansexual là như thế nào
Không có nguyên nhân nào dẫn tới pansexual (toàn tính luyến ái)

9. Do I have to tell everyone? Your sexual orientation can affect how you connect with people. So you can choose to say or not.
You can choose not to share this information if sharing could have a negative effect on your physical, emotional or mental health, or could expose you to neglect by loved ones, financial stress ,... Remember, your sexual orientation is legal, even if you're the only one who knows you're pansexual.
10. What effects can pansexuality lead to? If you meet someone you trust and can share that you are pansexual, this can have many positive aspects such as:
Helps you find and connect with a larger pansexual community; Explain what you're looking for in a relationship; Always in a happy and relaxed mood. In the long run, not being able to share your true self can leave you feeling isolated and stressed.
11. How can I tell someone I'm pansexual? In a society where heterosexuality is still the norm, coming out as pansexual can be a challenge. However, you don't have to think too much about this, you can share this information with someone by accident.
You can say:
The last time I talked about my gender, I told you I was bisexual. However, I recently discovered that pansexual suits me better; Before I hang up, I just wanted to let you know that I'm pansexual; I told myself I wouldn't date someone before I talked about my sexuality. So I just wanted to tell you that I am pansexual.

12. What should I do if coming out with my sexual orientation doesn't go well? Safety should be your number 1 priority. So, if you have shared your sexual orientation with others and it threatens your safety, try to get out of it as soon as possible.
You can ask to stay with an LGBTQ+ friend or any friend who is comfortable with you.
13. Where can I find support? This depends on whether you are seeking community support or mental health support. For online communities, try using Twitter or Instagram, where communities have a voice. Just by searching
pansexualpride and
pansexuallove on the apps, you can find community influencers, activists and spokespeople,...
With live communities , try: Talk to your local LGBTQ+ organization or community center; attend LGBTQ+ community gatherings,...
If you're looking for a professional to discuss your identity with any concerns, find a therapist in the community. LGBTQ + for advice and support.

14. What's the bottom line? It is entirely up to you to determine which sexual orientation you belong to. Only you can decide if you are pansexual or not. And if you identify yourself as pansexual then don't worry, be proud of it!
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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