What is the effect of climbing exercises in place?

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Climbing is an outdoor activity that is loved by many people, mountain climbing brings health and spiritual values ​​to help us relax after tiring working days. Because mountain climbing brings many health values, the sport of climbing on the spot was born, in order to help those who have little conditions to climb but can still practice climbing exercises at home.

1. What is the effect of climbing exercises on the spot?

Climbing exercises in place are exercises that simulate the movement when we climb the mountain, this exercise is said to be high-intensity exercises, using a maximum force in a short time, so the level of waste Great calorie burn. This is a full body exercise that helps bring high value to health. Some of the notable effects of climbing exercises in place include:

This is an exercise that helps to consume a lot of energy, so it is very suitable for those who want to lose weight and reduce excess body fat. In particular, the exercise involves many muscle groups on the body, including the abdominal muscle group, so those who want to have strong and slim abdominal muscles should practice this exercise. Exercises on many muscle groups help the body to be more flexible, agile and active. In addition to the above effects, this exercise as well as other exercises helps to increase blood circulation for the body, improve cardiovascular health, increase resistance, limit the invasion of microorganisms, limit cardiovascular diseases and chronic diseases. In addition, regular exercise helps to relax the mind, reduce stress and fatigue of daily work, help us have more positive energy for work and also help us stay young longer. The climbing exercise in place has a lot of benefits for the body and is easy to do, especially suitable for those who are looking to lose weight and get rid of belly fat.
Bài tập leo núi tại chỗ có rất nhiều lợi ích đối với cơ thể và còn dễ thực hiện
Bài tập leo núi tại chỗ có rất nhiều lợi ích đối với cơ thể và còn dễ thực hiện

2. How to do climbing exercises on the spot properly

In order to achieve the desired results when practicing climbing exercises in place, the most important thing is to practice correctly, when practicing, you should note a few things:
Our hands must be on the ground to practice straight compared to the ground. shoulder. To increase the effectiveness of burning belly fat and toning the abdominal muscles, you must tighten the abdominal muscles during the entire exercise. During the exercise, remember to pay attention to breathing evenly to avoid lack of oxygen to nourish the body, causing fatigue and shortness of breath when exercising. When practicing, it is necessary to kick and lift the leg forward as high as possible. There are many variations of the in-place climbing exercise that work on many different muscle groups. Should practice alternately and supplement standard exercises during exercise to exercise more muscle groups. You should wear the most comfortable clothes when exercising to easily bend your legs up, stretch them down and help improve the effectiveness of the best exercise. It is recommended to have a snack 1-2 hours before exercise, not to be too hungry or too full when practicing climbing, so it will help reduce fatigue after exercise, creating excitement for the next time. Standard climbing exercise in place:
Posture: Create a 4-legged position corresponding to a high plank position, hands touching the floor with fingers pointing out and hands shoulder-width apart. Put your weight on your hands and toes. The entire body from the legs, hips, back, neck, and head forms a straight line. Start the movement by pulling your left foot toward your left hand, then bring your left foot back to the starting position. Next bring your right foot up to your right hand, then bring your right foot back to the starting position. This is 1 repetition and continuously perform the same movements as above to continue the exercise, slow at first and then gradually increase the speed. Practice as quickly as possible. Repeat this stretch of leg, stretch the other leg continuously for 20-30 seconds and breathe steadily. During the exercise, you should tighten your abdominal muscles and do not let your hips drop to the ground. Some variations can be combined in the standard climbing exercise routine to improve efficiency:
Exercise 1:
The initial position is similar to the position in the standard climbing exercise. Start the movement by bringing the left foot towards the right elbow then bring the left foot back to the starting position. Next bring your right leg up to your left elbow, then bring your right leg back to the starting position. Repeat the movement 10-15 times.
Để đạt được những hiệu quả mong muốn khi tập bài tập leo núi tại chỗ thì điều quan trọng nhất là phải tập đúng cách
Để đạt được những hiệu quả mong muốn khi tập bài tập leo núi tại chỗ thì điều quan trọng nhất là phải tập đúng cách

Exercise 2:
The initial position is similar to the position in the standard climbing exercise. Instead of bringing the legs in turn towards the chest, bring the legs to the outside one by one. When doing so, it helps to strengthen the hip and intercostal muscles. First pull your left leg to the outside of your left elbow, then bring your left leg back to the starting position. Next bring your right foot to the outside of your right elbow, then bring your right leg back to the starting position. Perform the movement at an increasing speed, the faster it expends more energy. Repeat the movement 10-15 times. Climbing exercises not only help us lose weight, remove excess fat, make the abdomen firmer and slimmer, but also improve cardiovascular function, reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Practicing climbing exercises in combination with other exercises helps to achieve higher efficiency for the training process. So, once you know the climbing movements in place, you can apply them at home every day to see a big change in your body every day.

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