What to eat with migraine headaches? Learn about foods that trigger migraines

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Some foods in our daily meals are unintentionally the cause of frequent migraines in life. So what to eat with migraine headaches? What foods should you eat when you have a migraine? Join Vinmec to understand in the article below.

1. What is a migraine? Anyone who has experienced a migraine is different from other headaches. Migraine pain is usually more intense and is accompanied by debilitating symptoms that have a lot of physical effects.
The pain will usually occur in the first half and is often accompanied by nausea or photophobia. The main cause is temporary changes in neurotransmitters in the brain. This condition leads to inflammatory changes in nerve cells and produces pain.
Symptoms may vary from person to person. Some people will see a bright light or experience tingling or numbness in the extremities before a migraine occurs. Some people experience cravings and feel irritable or sad before a migraine attack hits.
When a migraine has first started, you will be especially sensitive to noise and light. You may also feel nauseous and vomit. The pain and accompanying symptoms can last from a few hours to several days. That leaves you feeling tired, depressed, and can lead to burnout.

2. Migraine what to eat? The best way to find out the foods that trigger your migraines is to carefully monitor what you eat. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, it's thought that certain food triggers in combination with some other migraine triggers have the strongest effect. However, this combination is highly personalized, so it is difficult to research. Here are some common triggers that can cause or contribute to migraines in some people.
2.1. Chocolate According to the American Migraine Foundation, Chocolate is considered a stimulant. Chocolate affects about 22 percent of people who experience migraines. Chocolate contains caffeine and beta-phenylethylamine, two ingredients that can cause headaches in some people. It's possible that some people crave chocolate right before a migraine, and that's what makes a migraine worse.
2.2. Coffee Coffee can be good and bad. Drinking a cup from time to time, about once or twice a week, can help you prevent migraines. But if you're in the habit of drinking caffeine on a daily basis, it may not help. In fact, if you skip your morning coffee, it could become a migraine trigger.
2.3. MSG: Monosodium Glutamate MSG is an artificial sweetener. In Asian dishes, this spice is often added. It gives the eater a salty taste that people call "umami". Some people blame "umami" as the cause of their migraines. There is some research to support this. But other studies do not.
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Giải đáp đau nửa đầu kiêng ăn gì?

2.4. Beer In beer contains Tyramine. This is one of the causes of migraine headaches. Grass beer has 25 times more migraine-causing tyramine than beer in a can. So if you really want a beer, use canned beer instead of grass beer. But remember, any type of beer can be addictive for some people.
2.5. Red wine Red wine is thought to be the trigger for about 25 percent of people who experience frequent migraines. Alcohol can cause dehydration and that is a significant contributor in the development of headaches. However, an Italian study of more than 300 people found no link between migraines and red wine. So it may not be the cause, unless you drink a whole bottle of wine then headaches could be your problem.
2.6. Cheese Cheese contains tyramine, a substance that has been linked to migraines. However, lighter cheeses like mozzarella and ricotta contain lower levels of tyramine. Parmesan, feta, blue cheese, these are 3 typical cheeses with high tyramine content, you should limit these 3 cheeses
2.7. Hot dogs, ham, cold cuts These foods are high in tyramine linked to migraines. These foods all contain preservatives called nitrates, which help preserve color and flavor. They can release nitric oxide into the bloodstream. This is thought to be the cause of the dilation of blood vessels in the brain. In the presence of nitric oxide can cause or contribute to migraines.
2.8. Some pickled and fermented foods Some pickled and fermented foods may also contain high levels of tyramine. These foods include: Pickles, kimchi, kombucha (which can also be alcoholic), pickled okra.
đau nửa đầu kiêng ăn gì
Trong phô mai có chứa tyramine, một chất có liên quan đến chứng đau nửa đầu

2.9. Frozen foods Eating frozen foods and drinks like ice cream or slushies can cause severe, stabbing pain in the head. You're most likely to experience headaches that turn into migraines when you eat something cold quickly, after exercise, or when it's too hot.
2.10.Salty foods Certain salty foods, especially salty processed foods, can contain harmful preservatives, which can trigger migraines in some people. When our body consumes a lot of sodium, it can cause headaches or migraines.

3. Foods to Eat During Migraines When you often experience migraines, you should pay more attention to your meals. Out of all the foods, fresh, natural foods that don't contain preservatives or artificial flavors or are minimally processed are good foods to start your diet transformation. friend.
You should combine the right foods in each of your meals. Those are foods that won't usually trigger any medical conditions, including migraines. Some of these foods include:
Green, yellow, or orange vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, or zucchini. Rice, especially brown rice, poorly milled rice Fresh or dried or cooked fruits and vegetables. Especially berries like cherries and blueberries. Some natural sweeteners or natural flavors such as plant syrup or vanilla extract. Here is information on foods that can trigger migraines. Currently, there is still no confirmation that this disease can be completely controlled. However, try to maintain some healthy eating habits and keep a record of any symptoms you experience. That will help you plan to better control this disease.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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Reference source: webmd.com

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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