Why are you tired after eating?

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If fatigue after eating affects your quality of life, you need to see a doctor to determine the cause. In case of occasional fatigue, you should change your lifestyle or diet to better maintain energy.

1. Is it normal to feel tired after eating?

Most people feel tired after a meal. When you are full and sitting comfortably, you have to work very hard to keep your eyes open to combat the feeling of drowsiness and fatigue. In general, being a little tired after eating is completely normal and nothing to worry about. There are a number of physiological and lifestyle factors that contribute to this phenomenon. When you find the cause, it will be easier to find solutions to combat the feeling of fatigue after eating.

2. Why do I feel tired after eating?

2.1. Due to the digestive cycle

The body always needs energy to function even at rest such as breathing, blood circulation, ... But the source of energy comes from food, with essential energy-producing substances such as glucose, protein. .
More than just converting food into energy, the digestive cycle triggers all kinds of reactions in the body. Hormones such as cholecystokinin (CCK), glucagon, and amylin are released to increase satiety, blood sugar levels rise, and insulin is produced to allow sugar from the blood to enter the cells to provide energy.
There are hormones in the brain that make you feel sleepy after eating and are secreted during eating, such as serotonin. Melatonin is not released when eaten, but food can affect its production.
MORE: After-meal tips to ease heartburn
Tình trạng buồn ngủ sau khi ăn
Có một số loại thực phẩm khiến bạn sẽ cảm thấy buồn ngủ sau khi ăn

2.2. Diet

Certain foods can induce postprandial drowsiness such as foods containing tryptophan found in protein-rich foods such as turkey, spinach, soybeans, eggs, cheese, tofu, fish . Tryptophan is used by the body to make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that, when increased, can induce sleep. In the US, turkey is thought to be the main culprit for postprandial drowsiness. However, the tryptophan content in turkey is not higher than in some other foods. Here is a list of foods and their tryptophan content:
Món ăn Lượng tryptophan trong 100 gam (g) thực phẩm
Tảo xoắn khô 0,93 g
Phô mai cheddar 0,55 g
Pho mát Parmesan 0,48 g
Thăn lợn nướng 0,38–0,39 g
Gà tây nướng nguyên con, bỏ da 0,29 g
Thịt ức gà tây, ít muối 0,19 g
Trứng luộc chín 0,15 g

According to the US National Academy of Sciences, the recommended dietary intake of tryptophan (RDA) per day for an adult is 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. For example, a person weighing 68kg requires about 340mg (0.34g) of tryptophan per day. In addition, there are some fruits that also create a feeling of drowsiness after eating such as cherries by increasing melatonin levels, bananas contain minerals that help relax muscles.

2.3. Sleeping habits

Insufficient sleep can affect how the body feels after eating. If you're relaxed and full, your body will want to rest, especially if you didn't get enough sleep the night before.
Medical experts recommend building and sticking to a scientific sleep schedule to limit stress. Napping can make it difficult to sleep well at night if you sleep too much, but it is important in increasing alertness for good work.

2.4. Physical activity

In addition to helping you sleep better at night, exercise can help you stay awake during the day, reducing feelings of fatigue after a meal. Many studies have found that regular exercise increases vital energy and reduces postprandial fatigue.

2.5. Other health conditions

In rare cases, fatigue or sleepiness after eating can be a sign of a number of medical conditions such as:
Diabetes Food allergies and intolerances Sleep apnea Anemia Hypothyroidism Disease celiac If you're constantly tired and have one of these conditions, see your doctor. In case you do not have any medical conditions but have other symptoms along with drowsiness after eating, you should also see a doctor to determine the cause.

2.6. Diabetes

Feeling tired after eating or drinking can be a sign of high blood sugar or low blood sugar in people with prediabetes or diabetes. Hyperglycemia occurs when you eat too much sugar. Blood sugar levels will rise difficult to control when insulin is not working well or not enough to transport sugar to cells for energy.
Sugar is the main source of energy for cells, which explains why not working properly or not enough insulin can make you feel tired. Other symptoms associated with hyperglycemia may include increased urination and thirst.
Hypoglycemia can occur from eating simple carbohydrates that are easy to digest. These carbohydrates can cause blood sugar levels to spike and then drop for a short period of time. Hypoglycemia can also occur in people with diabetes who are already taking more insulin or other diabetes medications than necessary. Drowsiness can be a major symptom of low blood sugar, along with:
Dizziness Hunger Irritability Confusion
Bệnh tiểu đường
Bệnh nhân tiểu đường sẽ xuất hiện cảm giác buồn ngủ sau khi ăn

2.7. Food intolerance or food allergy

An intolerance or allergy to certain foods can be another cause of post-meal fatigue. These conditions can affect digestion or other body functions. Other acute or chronic symptoms may also be present, including gastrointestinal disturbances, skin disturbances, and headaches or migraines.

3. Diagnosis of fatigue after eating

If you find yourself feeling tired after a meal, consider keeping a food diary. It can be a simple and helpful way to start identifying whether there are specific foods and ingredients, or other triggers, that may be affecting your energy levels.
If you feel tired after eating, you should spend time keeping a diary of your foods and how you feel after each meal under the following criteria:
Energy level Mood Quality Sleep Digestive activity From there you You can figure out the cause of postprandial fatigue on your own or with the help of your doctor with the accompanying diary.
When you go to the doctor to diagnose postprandial fatigue, you may be ordered to have tests:
Glucose tolerance test Hemoglobin A1C test Fasting or random blood glucose test Blood or skin test for allergies to food Food In addition, you may also be asked to adhere to a dietary regimen.
Xét nghiệm dung nạp glucose
Xét nghiệm dung nạp glucose giúp chẩn đoán mệt mỏi sau ăn

4. Prevent drowsiness after meals

You need to see a general health practitioner if you are often tired after eating. If you only occasionally feel fatigued after eating, there are a few ways you can maintain optimal energy levels. Diet and lifestyle habits that can help boost or maintain energy levels and combat sleepiness include:
Drink water to stay hydrated Replenish electrolytes Reduce food intake during a meal Sleep Get enough sleep Exercise regularly Limit or avoid alcohol Adjust caffeine consumption Eat foods that are good for your gut, blood sugar, insulin levels, and brain including complex carbohydrates, high in fiber and healthy fats A balanced diet that includes foods like vegetables, whole grains and fatty fish will promote sustained energy. Try to incorporate more nuts, and olive oil into your meals. You should also avoid eating too much sugar and eat smaller meals more often. If feeling tired after eating disrupts or changes your lifestyle habits, you should see a general health care provider to determine the cause.
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Reference source: healthline.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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