How long does it take for measles to go away? If you have measles, can you get it again?

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The article was professionally consulted by BSCK II, Senior Doctor Tran Khac Dien - General Health Examination Unit, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Measles is an acute infectious disease caused by the measles virus and is one of the leading causes of death in children. The disease is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract or by direct contact with the nasopharyngeal secretions of the patient. Measles vaccination is an effective way to prevent measles.

1. Characteristics of measles

Measles is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus with basic symptoms such as: fever, upper respiratory tract cystitis (cough, runny nose, runny nose), rash, conjunctivitis. When infected with measles, the body's resistance is reduced, if not taken care and treated promptly, it can cause superinfection such as bronchobronchial inflammation, otitis media, diarrhea caused by parasitic bacteria. conditional disease. Measles, after turning into a superinfection state, will lead to very serious complications.
Dịch sởi
Bệnh sởi bệnh truyền nhiễm cấp tính do virus gây ra
Children born to mothers who have had or been vaccinated against measles are less likely to get measles. Children born with immunity from mothers who have had measles will be immune from 6 to 9 months of age, depending on the amount of maternal antibodies remaining during pregnancy and the rate of reduction of antibodies in the mother's blood. Remaining maternal antibodies in children will suppress the immune response to measles vaccine at this age.
According to scientists, the current measles outbreak in some countries is due to the unsatisfactory rate of measles vaccination in many countries and will have great consequences for people's health as well as increase spending. treatment costs compared to just regular measles vaccination.
In our country, many children have not been vaccinated against measles since childhood, so they are at high risk of disease and outbreaks of outbreaks in the community.

2. How long does measles take to heal?

Question "How long does measles take to heal?" depends on many factors such as: the severity of the disease; The child's resistance to illness; How to care for and treat children with measles ... Usually, the progression of the disease is as follows:
Incubation period: Usually 12-14 days, but can last up to 21 days. Period of transmission: From 1 day before the onset of the prodromal phase (usually about 4 days before the rash) to 3-4 days before and after the rash appears. Mode of transmission: By inhalation by direct contact with secretions of the patient's nose and throat. Sometimes it can be transmitted indirectly through objects recently contaminated with nasopharyngeal secretions of the patient.
Sởi lây qua đường hô hấp
Cơ chế lây truyền của Virus Sởi

3. Did you get measles after you got it again?

For measles, once you get measles, you will have lifelong immunity, not getting it again.

4. Measles prevention measures

To prevent measles effectively, the best way is to get vaccinated against measles (starting from September onwards), in addition, we need to take the following preventive measures to prevent measles outbreaks :
Make sure you are fully vaccinated or protected against measles. Vaccination against measles is the best way to prevent measles. To achieve high results, children need to be vaccinated with 2 full doses, 1st dose from 9-12 months old, 2nd dose from 18-24 months old. (Each dose 10 months apart) Children 12 months of age and older should have 2 doses, spaced at least 28 days apart. Adolescents and adults who have not had measles or have not been vaccinated should receive 2 doses of measles vaccine, at least 28 days apart. Two doses of the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella) are almost 100% effective at preventing measles.
Phòng ngừa sởi
Tiêm vắc xin phòng sởi cho trẻ là biện pháp tốt nhất để phòng bệnh

Take steps to prevent measles:
Wash your hands often. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not your hand) when coughing or sneezing. Try to avoid close contact, such as kissing, hugging, or sharing eating utensils or cups, with people who have measles. Immunization is the only effective prevention against measles. Currently, at VINMEC International General Hospital, there is a full range of Measles vaccine.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Article referenced source: Department of Preventive Medicine
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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