In the last three months of pregnancy, you should gain up to 5-6 kg

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The article is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

The third trimester is the time when pregnant mothers need to increase nutrition to prepare for the upcoming labor and provide the most necessary nutrients for the fetus, because this period the baby absorbs nutrients very well from the mother. . However, gaining too little or too much weight has negative effects on the health of mother and baby. So how much weight should pregnant women gain in the last three months of pregnancy?

1. Changes in pregnant women in the last three months of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is the time when the fetus has perfected the organ systems in the body and focuses on rapid weight gain to develop body mass. Because of the changes of the baby in the womb, there are many changes during the third trimester of pregnancy. These changes include:
Increased pressure in the veins due to the weight of the body on the legs and heart slowing down blood circulation Pelvic pain, back pain Rapid growth of breasts, breast pain Often frequent insomnia Swelling, itching and numbness of hands and feet Feeling short of breath Difficulty breathing Constipation These conditions make pregnant women feel constantly tired, the whole body is numb, walking is also difficult.
Therefore, during the last three months of pregnancy, pregnant women need to strengthen their nutrients to keep their bodies healthy, strengthen their resistance, and provide the necessary nutrients for the baby in the last stage. at birth and contribute to the healthy development of the baby in the future.

2. How much weight gain in the last three months of pregnancy?

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can lead to risks: pre-eclampsia, diabetes, increased rate of premature birth, increased rate of caesarean section. Too little weight gain can easily lead to fetal growth retardation in the uterus, fetal malnutrition, and an increased rate of premature birth.
Depending on the mother's nutritional status before pregnancy, the recommended weight gain is as follows:
With normal nutritional status (BMI = 18.5 - 24.9):

Ba tháng cuối thai kỳ nên tăng tối đa 5-6kg
How to calculate BMI

The mother's weight gain during pregnancy should be 10-12 kg. Weight gain in the last trimester is 5-6 kg. How to calculate BMI: weight(kg) / [height(m) x height(m)] With lean nutritional status (BMI less than 18.5):
Weight gain should reach 25% compared with pre-pregnancy weight. For example: A woman weighing 40.5kg – 1.5m tall with a BMI = 18, during pregnancy, the weight gain during pregnancy is about 10kg (25%) and the weight gain in the third trimester is about 5kg. With nutritional status overweight and obese (BMI greater than or equal to 25):
Weight gain should reach 15% of pre-pregnancy weight. For example: A woman weighing 80kg – 1.5m tall with a BMI = 35, during pregnancy, the pregnancy weight gain is about 12kg (15%) and the weight gain in the third trimester is about 6kg.

3. Mother's nutrition in the last three months

Fatty acids: The last three months are the time when the baby's brain develops the fastest, at this time, the baby's brain can reach the volume of about 25% of the adult brain, so more than ever, the baby needs to be provided. fatty acids for the development of the nervous system. Besides, fatty acids are also essential for baby's eye development.
Foods that are high in fat include: some nuts (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, sesame...), fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna, ...) or When processing food, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of soybean oil, salmon oil, avocado, ...
Vitamin C: Pregnant women also need to add vitamin C because a lack of vitamin C can easily lead to premature birth. , premature rupture of membranes. In addition, vitamin C also helps absorb calcium and iron better. Foods rich in vitamin C include: oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit, strawberries, guava, papaya, ...
Protein: Pregnant women should increase their intake of protein-rich foods because they help stimulate production breast milk source. Foods that contain a lot of protein such as: meat, milk, fish, pork loin, nuts, ...
Calcium: The calcium content needed for this last 3 months is about 1200mg/day. Abundant source of calcium found in seafood, milk, yogurt, ...
Iron: Besides, the need for iron is also extremely important during pregnancy, it is not until the 9th month that it needs to be supplied. provide iron, but iron supplementation is required during pregnancy until postpartum. Foods that contain a lot of iron such as: dried fruits, beef, beans, green leafy vegetables, ... If necessary, the doctor will prescribe iron pills for pregnant women.
Drink plenty of water: Pregnant women must also maintain the habit of drinking plenty of water every day to prevent urinary tract infections and support the functioning of the excretory system. If lack of water is very easy to lead to premature birth, the baby will be born weak and underweight than babies born on time.

Ba tháng cuối thai kỳ nên tăng tối đa 5-6kg
Pregnant mothers must also maintain the habit of drinking plenty of water every day to prevent urinary tract infections

Can pregnant women in the last three months eat pineapple?
If in the past there were fruits that the mother had to limit or not eat such as: pineapple, perilla leaves, basil, ... in this stage, they can be used to help contract the uterus effectively. But mothers should only use about the last 1-2 weeks before the expected due date to avoid adverse effects causing preterm labor.

4. Lifestyle of pregnant mothers in the last three months

Along with the diet for pregnant women, pregnant women also need to pay attention to their daily routine.
In the last three months, the mother's body begins to feel heavy, so walking is also difficult, so the mother must be careful when walking, try to rest more, and limit heavy work. Besides, the mother needs to try to practice some gentle movements such as walking, practicing breathing properly, keeping the spirit comfortable and happy so that the labor process goes quickly and smoothly, reducing pain during labor. . In addition, pregnant women need to see a doctor on schedule and complete all necessary tests as indicated to promptly detect abnormal signs of fetal position, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid and weight of the fetus. fetus for timely remedial. Weight gain is a positive indicator of fetal development, the mother's reasonable weight gain index during pregnancy depends on the stage of pregnancy and nutritional status before pregnancy. In general, in the last three months of pregnancy, a pregnant mother should only gain a maximum of 5-6 kg for the baby to have enough weight and a favorable birthing process.

In the last 3 months of pregnancy, the health of both mother and baby needs to be closely monitored and checked. Pregnant women need:
Know the real signs of labor to get to the hospital in time, affecting the health of the fetus. Differentiate between amniotic fluid and vaginal discharge for timely handling to avoid premature birth, fetal distress, and stillbirth. Be especially careful when bleeding in the last 3 months of pregnancy needs urgent emergency care to ensure the life of both mother and baby. Monitor the amount of amniotic fluid regularly and continuously. Monitor fetal weight in the last 3 months to assess baby's development and predict possible risks at birth. The special monitoring group is the same as the striker, and the fetal growth retardation needs to be closely monitored by the doctor and given appropriate indications. Distinguish between physiological contractions, labor contractions and mechanical pregnancy to get to the hospital in time. Maternity services at Vinmec make the pregnancy process easier and safer for pregnant women. During pregnancy, pregnant women will be examined by top doctors in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department with high professional qualifications and experience, giving the best advice and treatment for the health of both mother and child. little.
For detailed information about all-inclusive maternity service packages, please contact the hospitals and clinics of Vinmec Health system nationwide.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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