Methods of treatment of ureteral stricture

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Treatment of ureteral stenosis should be carried out promptly and in the right way to help the patient improve his condition and prevent the risk of potentially dangerous complications.

1. What is ureteral stricture?

In the human body, the ureter is a small tube-shaped organ about 30cm long, with the task of carrying urine from the kidney to the bladder for excretion. When suffering from ureteral stenosis, the patient may have narrowing at one of three locations such as: narrowing of the junction of the renal pelvis with the ureter, narrowing of the ureteral opening or the cross section of the ureter with the iliac artery and ureter drains into the bladder.
People with narrowing of the main ureter will have part or both of the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. This is a fairly common disease but it is easy to recognize and treat, so the earlier the disease is detected, the more effective the treatment will be.
In case the patient is not treated in time, the symptoms will quickly turn into more serious conditions and cause severe pain, loss of kidney function, sepsis, more serious may lead to death.

2. Causes and clinical symptoms of ureteral stricture

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Patients with ureteral stenosis will have the following clinical manifestations:
Appears renal colic, low back pain; Blood in the urine, cloudy urine, little urine, urinary disorders; CKD ; High fever. Depending on the specific case, there will be different causes of ureteral stricture, however, factors can originate from both inside and outside of the ureter, including:
Causes from within ureter:
Due to the influence of ureteral stones; Due to a blood clot in the ureter; There is a tumor in the lumen of the ureter; Have a urinary tract infection; Due to the impact of surgical intervention in the ureter. Causes from outside the ureter:
The surrounding organs of the ureter are inflamed; Due to the impact of tumors in the uterus, ovaries, bladder or prostate; Women with endometriosis ; Pregnancy causes the uterus to increase in size and causes compression on the ureters; Severe constipation.

3. Is ureteral stricture dangerous?

Many people wonder if ureteral stenosis is dangerous, can it be completely cured or not. Most patients with ureteral stenosis can be cured if detected early and treated properly, however, in case of late detection and inadequate treatment, the risk of the following complications:
Causes the kidneys to gradually lose their functions; The narrowing condition will cause sediment deposition and the formation of ureteral and kidney stones; Hydronephrosis, urinary infection, pyelonephritis; Renal atrophy; Hypertension .
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4. How to treat ureteral stricture?

Currently, there are many ways to treat ureteral stenosis, but the choice of treatment depends on the cause of the obstruction and the degree of obstruction in the patient. Usually, your doctor's treatment is aimed at addressing causes that are external or internal to the ureter.
In case the patient has mild ureteral stenosis, the doctor may prescribe ureteroscopy and dilation of the narrowed segment, inserting a JJ tube.
If ureteral stenosis has progressed to severe, endoscopic ureterectomy, tumor resection, stone removal...
Urethral stricture, although a less common disease than urethral stricture, is used to find Finding a way to cure ureteral stricture is also difficult, because it is the result of a benign lesion or a malignant lesion compressing from the inside or from the outside. In the world, the method of stenting to treat ureteral stenosis is a less traumatic, highly effective approach, started to be used in the 90s of the 20th century and widely used in the treatment of the following years. come back here.
Patients with ureteral stenosis can go to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and treatment. There is a team of urological specialists who are well-trained, have extensive expertise and experience in examining and treating related diseases of the urinary system, including ureteral stenosis. Vinmec medical system is equipped with modern technical facilities, meeting international standards; Professional service quality, helping the diagnosis and treatment process to be highly effective.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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