Note when treating chronic prostatitis

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The article was consulted professionally by Doctor Department of General Surgery and Anesthesia, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

How to cure chronic prostatitis? According to experts, currently the treatment of chronic prostatitis is mainly antibiotics, ie using antibiotics to take orally. There are many ways to cure chronic prostatitis, so which method is the most effective in treating this disease?

1. Medicines for chronic prostatitis

Medicines used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis must be prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication can make bacteria less susceptible, increasing the risk of superinfection and making the disease worse.
Some drugs are commonly used in the treatment of this pathology, including:
1.1. Antibiotics Antibiotics (Trimethoprim, Clarithromycin and Levofloxacin,...) are used in case of chronic prostatitis caused by bacteria. The doctor will base on the bacteria causing the disease and prescribe an antibiotic with the corresponding antibacterial spectrum. Antibiotics must be taken at regular intervals for the indicated duration to limit recurrence of the infection.
Most patients with chronic prostatitis receive oral antibiotics. However, in severe cases, the doctor may use intravenous antibiotics to suppress the bacteria quickly.
1.2. Alpha blockers Alpha blockers relax the muscles in the prostate gland and bladder neck to improve urinary drainage. Thereby improving symptoms such as burning pain when urinating, frequent urination, frequent urination, urine leakage,...
However, this group of drugs can lower blood pressure. Therefore, it should be avoided in people with low blood pressure or being treated with antihypertensive drugs.
1.3. Pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs Pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Piroxicam,...) are used to relieve symptoms of pain, hyperthermia and inflammation caused by an infection in the prostate gland. out. This group of drugs only works to help relieve symptoms. Therefore, when treating the disease, it is necessary to use it in combination with alpha blockers and antibiotics.

Lưu ý khi chữa viêm tuyến tiền liệt mãn tính
Thuốc giảm đau, chống viêm (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Piroxicam,...) được sử dụng để làm giảm các triệu chứng đau nhức

When taking medicine to treat prostatitis, you need to follow your doctor's instructions. Never increase or decrease the dose on your own or stop taking it earlier than planned. With careless cases when using antibiotics, bacteria can be resistant to most drugs and be detrimental to the treatment process. In these cases, chronic prostatitis can cause dangerous complications such as sepsis, infertility, bladder and urethral infections.
Many doctors offer surgical solutions. However, surgery is not indicated for people with chronic prostatitis. Only when the disease is too severe, this solution is used to remove it by endoscopic or laser vaporization.
Prostate surgery to remove the nucleus of the cell that causes the disease to come back. These nodules - nidus - are prostate stones and they can be detected by ultrasound.

2. Cure chronic prostatitis at home

In addition to treating prostatitis with drugs, you can apply home remedies to support treatment and reduce symptoms of the disease.
Home care measures include:
The anal and penile areas can be soaked in warm water to relax the muscles and improve pain; Add plenty of water to increase the elimination of infection-causing bacteria; Practice moderate intensity sports to increase metabolism. However, it is necessary to limit sports that increase pressure on the prostate such as weightlifting or cycling; Proper hygiene of the body and intimate area to prevent superinfection. Increase the body's resistance by adding foods rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins; Improve overweight - obesity with a reasonable lifestyle and nutrition; When having sex, use protection to prevent infections. Chronic prostatitis can be completely cured if you follow your doctor's instructions. Getting the right treatment can also help prevent serious complications like prostate abscess, sepsis, and infertility.

3. Notes in the treatment of chronic prostatitis

During the course of treatment, do not quit midway, do not arbitrarily change the drug without the doctor's permission, because doing this is easy to lead to drug resistance and the treatment will take longer; Choosing to examine and treat at reputable facilities, it is necessary to have absolute confidence in the treatment of the doctor; Patients should practice the habit of ejaculating 3 times a day or having sex during antibiotic treatment to achieve better results.

4. Prevention of recurrence of chronic prostatitis

Lưu ý khi chữa viêm tuyến tiền liệt mãn tính
Uống nhiều nước giúp cho việc đi tiểu dễ dàng

Avoid the use of stimulants coffee, beer, alcohol and spicy foods, because it irritates the bladder and prostate gland; Drinking plenty of water makes it easier to urinate; Avoid putting pressure on the prostate such as sitting a lot or riding a bicycle...; Use a bath soak in a warm bath or massage the perineum to relieve symptoms; Zinc supplementation while taking antibiotics; Limit or avoid alcohol, coffee, spicy or acidic foods; Sit on a pillow or inflatable pad; Avoid cycling, if you still want to go, wear padded shorts and adjust the bike to reduce pressure on the prostate area (perineum).

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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