23 best foods when hangover

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Feeling hungover is a common reaction of the body after drinking too much alcohol. Symptoms include: Fatigue, headache, nausea, sensitivity to light, dehydration, dizziness, etc. Although there is no cure, certain foods and drinks can make them worse. relieve hangover symptoms.

1. Bananas

Alcohol suppresses the body's production of a water-retaining hormone, leading to a loss of water and electrolytes like sodium and potassium. Banana is a food rich in potassium, which helps to replenish potassium stores in the body. An average banana contains about 12% of the daily requirement of potassium. So, to the question of what to eat after nausea after drinking alcohol - bananas are an ideal answer.

2. Eggs

Eggs are rich in cysteine, an amino acid that the body uses to produce the antioxidant glutathione. Drinking alcohol reduces the body's stores of glutathione. Without glutathione, it would be difficult for the body to break down the toxic byproducts of alcohol metabolism. Therefore, it is recommended to eat eggs to increase the amount of glutathione in the body, helping to alleviate the symptoms of hangover after drinking alcohol.

3. Watermelon

Feeling of hangover due to dehydration, reduced blood flow to the brain and headache. Eating watermelon can alleviate this symptom. Watermelon is rich in L-citrulline, a nutrient that helps increase blood flow. Besides, the high water content in watermelon also helps to rehydrate the body after drinking alcohol.

4. Pickled pickles

Pickles are high in sodium - an electrolyte that is often depleted by drinking too much alcohol. Eating pickles or drinking water mixed with a little salt can increase the amount of sodium in the body and reduce the feeling of hangover after drinking alcohol.
dưa muối chua
Dưa muối chua giúp bổ sung natri và cân bằng điện giải cho cơ thể

5. Honey

Due to its high fructose content, honey can improve hangover symptoms after drinking alcohol. Honey can contain about 34.8 - 39.8% fructose. Fructose can help the body get rid of alcohol quickly. Therefore, users can eat honey after drinking alcohol to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

6. Crackers

Crackers contain fast-acting carbs, which help raise blood sugar, improve hangover symptoms after drinking alcohol. As the liver processes alcohol, it is no longer focused on regulating blood sugar. So people who drink too much often have low blood sugar. Eating crackers will help raise blood sugar. 30g of crackers can contain about 22g of carbs.

7. Nuts

Due to the high magnesium content, nuts are also a solution to reduce the feeling of hangover after drinking a lot of alcohol. In fact, drinking too much alcohol can deplete magnesium in the body. And replenishing magnesium from nuts helps treat unpleasant symptoms after drinking alcohol.

8. Spinach (spinach)

Spinach is rich in folate. Folate in the body is often reduced if you drink a lot of alcohol. Alcohol reduces the body's absorption of folate, and drinking too much can lead to folate deficiency. Therefore, it is recommended to eat spinach to maintain folate levels for the body after drinking alcohol. About 180g of cooked spinach can provide up to 66% of the body's daily folate needs.
Rau bina
Lượng folate dồi dào trong cải bó xôi giúp cơ thể cân bằng sau khi uống quá nhiều rượu

9. Avocado

After drinking alcohol, eating avocado can help increase low potassium in the body. An avocado weighing 136g contains 20% of a day's potassium needs. Besides, avocado also contains compounds that protect the body against liver damage. Because drinking a lot of alcohol will affect liver function, avocado is very good for people who have symptoms of a hangover after drinking alcohol.

10. Meat

Meat and other protein-rich foods will help the body cope better with a hangover after eating. Research shows that alcohol prevents the body from absorbing certain amino acids. Long-term heavy drinking can lead to amino acid deficiencies. The body breaks down protein into amino acids, causing it to relieve hangover symptoms.

11. Oatmeal

Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates, which can release sugar into the blood slowly and steadily, thereby reducing hangover symptoms after drinking alcohol. So, with the question of what to eat when nauseated, users can choose oatmeal. After drinking alcohol, eating oatmeal will reduce anxiety and fatigue.

12. Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in nutrients, can fight inflammation in the body and are very useful for people who have symptoms of a hangover after drinking alcohol. Research shows that after drinking alcohol, blood levels of inflammatory compounds increase. Therefore, eating blueberries after drinking alcohol can help fight inflammation.
việt quất
Trái việt quất cung cấp nhiều dinh dưỡng cho cơ thể và giảm cảm giác buồn nôn khi say rượu

13. Chicken noodle soup

People with flu and cold should eat chicken noodle soup. Besides, it is also a very good food for people who have a hangover after drinking alcohol. Research shows that chicken noodle soup can help rehydrate the body due to its high sodium content. A bowl of chicken noodle soup can provide 35% of the body's daily sodium needs.

14. Orange

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which prevents the body from losing glutathione. Glutathione is an antioxidant that helps the body get rid of alcohol, which is often reduced with alcohol consumption. Eating oranges will provide the body with a necessary amount of vitamin C to keep glutathione levels stable, even eliminating hangovers completely. Therefore, if you wonder what to eat after vomiting, you can choose oranges.

15. Asparagus

Asparagus contains a number of compounds that also help reduce hangovers. Extracts in asparagus increase the effectiveness of certain enzymes that help break down alcohol and protect the liver from damage.

16. Salmon

Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation in the body. Because drinking alcohol can increase inflammatory compounds, eating salmon or other fatty fish will help ease hangover symptoms.
Cá hồi
Axit béo Omega-3 trong cá hồi giúp giảm chất gây viêm do rượu bia

17. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain several nutrients that can help people get over hangovers faster. About 200g of cooked sweet potato provides up to 750% of the body's daily need for vitamin A, 14% of the need for magnesium and 27% of the body's daily need for potassium. Vitamin A can fight the inflammation associated with hangovers, and potassium and magnesium help balance electrolytes after drinking alcohol.

18. Ginger

Ginger is an effective remedy for nausea. With the question of what to eat when nauseated, ginger is an ideal answer. Ginger's anti-nausea effects help treat stomach upset associated with hangovers. People who have a hangover after drinking alcohol can eat ginger alone or drink ginger tea.

19. Water

When feeling hungover, drinking water is one of the most important things. Since alcohol is a diuretic, it causes the drinker to urinate more often, leading to more dehydration. Drinking extra water will replenish lost fluids.

20. Tomato juice

Tomato juice is one of the very good beverages when having a hangover after drinking alcohol. Specifically, tomatoes contain compounds that protect the body against liver damage. Since drinking too much alcohol can cause liver damage, tomato juice is added to counteract the negative effects of drinking. At the same time, tomato juice can accelerate the rate of enzymes that process alcohol.
ép cà chua
Nước ép cà chua không chỉ giúp giải khát mà còn làm giảm cảm giác nôn nao khi say rượu

21. Green tea

Green tea is also a very good drink in fighting hangovers. Compounds in green tea significantly reduce blood alcohol levels.

22. Coconut water

Drinking coconut water can help people who have just drank alcohol reduce the feeling of hangover. Coconut water contains many electrolytes. About 240ml of coconut water contains 11% of the body's daily sodium needs and 17% of the body's daily potassium needs. At the same time, coconut water also helps to rehydrate and limit dehydration in new drinkers.

23. Coffee

Coffee also significantly reduces the feeling of hangover. At the same time, coffee also works against inflammation caused by hangovers. At the same time, if you want to reduce hangover, fatigue and be more alert after a night of drinking, a cup of coffee is a good choice for users.
In fact, there is no cure for a hangover after drinking alcohol, but some of the foods and drinks above can help users feel more comfortable. In particular, the best way to prevent a hangover is to avoid alcohol altogether or drink in moderation.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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