6 best protein powders for men

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Protein powder, also known as protein powder, is a convenient and useful food that helps increase the amount of protein in the body. Research shows that the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein remains low enough to optimize muscle gain and fat loss. However, not all protein powders can support these goals. Here are the 6 best protein powders for men.

1. Whey protein

Whey protein is one of the most popular protein products on the market. This is a protein derived from milk, easily digested and absorbed. Whey protein is considered a pure protein because it contains 9 essential amino acids for the body. In particular, it contains high levels of the amino acid leucine, which enhances muscle growth. Due to its high leucin content and easy digestion, whey protein helps increase muscle protein synthesis more than other proteins such as casein or soy protein.
Several meta-analyses have shown that whey protein supplementation significantly increases muscle size and strength when combined with resistance exercise. Whey protein also increases satiety, helping you reduce fat intake.
In addition, Whey protein also helps limit the loss of muscle mass in the case of dieting, limiting calorie intake and especially in the case of combining exercise.
In short, Whey protein digests quickly and is easily absorbed by the body. This is an ideal source of protein when training. It also helps reduce body fat by increasing the sensation of coughing and reducing muscle loss while dieting.
Whey protein có nguồn gốc từ sữa

2. Casein protein

Just like whey protein, casein is a milk-based protein that contains many essential amino acids for the body. However, the body will digest it much slower than whey protein. This is because casein will form an emulsion (clump) when it comes into contact with the acids in the gastric juice. When in this emulsion the protein is not easily broken down and takes longer to be absorbed.
But also because casein protein is absorbed at a slow rate, this is a stable source of amino acids for a longer time (from 5 to 7 hours).
Although casein protein does not increase muscle synthesis like Whey does, a continuous supply of amino acids helps prevent muscle breakdown and is involved in longer-lasting muscle synthesis.
This makes casein protein especially beneficial for muscle growth when you're in periods of inactivity such as sleep or between meals. Studies in men show that taking 20g to 30g of casein protein before bed reduces muscle breakdown and strengthens muscle.
Aging is closely related to the loss of muscle mass, in the elderly who are in great need of casein supplements to limit muscle loss and support muscle growth.

3. Whey-Casein Combination

The combination of whey and casein proteins gives these two proteins both their fast- and slow-absorbing properties. Helps increase muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle breakdown due to the slow absorption of casein.
In a study of 16 male subjects used either 20g of whey protein or 20g of a whey-casein protein blend. The researchers who biopsied muscle samples two hours before and after the protein administration did not show a difference between the two groups in the effectiveness of muscle synthesis enhancement.
This study shows that the muscle synthesis effect of the Whey-Casein mixture is similar to that of whey-protein in the absence of physical activity. However, it is not clear that whey protein is as effective in increasing muscle synthesis as whey protein in the presence of physical activity.
In a 12-week study, 68 study participants used either a whey-casein protein blend or casein protein alone and subjects combined it with resistance exercise. The results showed that the whey-casein blend reduced muscle fatigue more than the casein group. However, there was no difference in muscle size or strength between the two groups.
The ratio of protein from whey to casein varies between products on the market and usually whey has a higher percentage than casein .

4. Soy Protein

Đậu nành
Protein từ đậu nành là một trong những loại protein từ thực vật phổ biến nhất trên thị trường
Soy protein is one of the most popular plant-based proteins on the market. Although this is a pure protein, it has only a low content of amino acids necessary for muscle growth.
One study in men compared the effects of soy protein with whey protein or casein on muscle protein synthesis. Although whey and casein are superior, this pea protein still helps stimulate muscle protein synthesis. This is also a good alternative for those who have a vegan diet or cannot use animal milk.
However, soy protein contains compounds called phytoestrogens. These compounds can lower testosterone levels so many men fear this problem. Despite this, the majority of evidence shows that moderate soy protein consumption in men does not reduce testosterone levels.

5. Pea Protein

Similar to milk-based proteins, pea protein contains all the essential amino acids. However, dairy proteins have more amino acid profiles that are better for muscle strength than pea proteins.
Despite this, protein powder from the Netherlands is one of the good alternatives for men who are vegetarian or intolerant or sensitive to dairy proteins.
A 12-week study in 161 men who did resistance training 3 times a week found that pea protein was able to increase muscle size and strength similar to whey protein. These results suggest that this is an appropriate plant-based option for muscle growth.

6. Rice Protein

Protein từ gạo là một lựa chọn thay thế khác cho những loại protein từ sữa
Rice protein is another alternative to dairy proteins. Although low in essential amino acids, rice protein can still help build muscle.
In a study of 24 men, researchers examined the effects of rice protein or whey protein on muscle recovery effects. Subjects completed resistance exercises three times a week. Post-exercise, these subjects consumed either rice protein or whey protein. The results showed that subjects taking whey gained 3.2 kg of body weight while those taking rice protein gained 2.5 kg. The whey group gained more muscle strength than the rice protein group.
Although there was no comparison with the placebo group, the results showed that, although not superior to whey protein, rice protein could still help increase muscle size and strength.
In short, with many protein powders on the market, you can have many good choices for your body. If you can tolerate milk, whey, casein or a whey-casein blend, these are good choices for your body. However, if you are on a vegetarian diet, plant-based proteins such as soybeans, peas, and rice are the best choices.
To achieve good results, you should ensure a sufficient amount of protein daily and exercise at least three times a week.

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Article referenced source: healthline.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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