Beets: Benefits and harms

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Beets along with related nutritional dishes such as boiled beetroot, juice... are no longer strange, especially in the dieting and weight loss community. However, what is the effect of red beetroot, the full benefits or harms of this colorful food are not well understood.

1. What are the effects of beets?

In the same sweet radish family, most grown in North America, China, and the UK, beets are known for their much higher nutritional content. The reason why boiled beets have red color is due to the natural mixture of betacyanin (red) and betaxanthin (purple) made up of phytochemicals. Beets and the leaves of the plant contain a lot of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. Compared with spinach, the leaves and stems of beets have higher iron content. They also contain a lot of calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, choline, folic acid, iodine, manganese, organic sodium, potassium, fiber and carbohydrates in a natural digestive tract form.
To decipher what is the effect of red beetroot, some typical benefits must be mentioned such as:
Contains many antioxidants, anti-inflammatory
It is surprising that the antioxidants, vitamins and micronutrients Minerals with disease prevention effects are high in amaranth. Not only that, beets are an excellent source of betalains that have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Promotes Heart Health, Circulatory System
One of the must-have benefits of boiled beets is its ability to promote heart health. Beets are a rich source of dietary nitrates, which act as a vasodilator assisting in improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure when needed. In addition, beets also help lower cholesterol levels, an effective assistant in protecting the heart.
Beetroot juice has a characteristic dark red color that works very well in dissolving inorganic calcium agglomerates that cause hardening of the arteries, keeping their elasticity.
Ăn mướp cải thiện sức khỏe tim mạch
Củ dền rất tốt cho sức khỏe tim mạch và hệ tuần hoàn
Participate in detoxification
Normally, the human body is capable of eliminating toxins on its own using natural purification systems. To further support this process, the choline in amaranth juice not only effectively eliminates toxins in the liver, but also helps to detoxify the entire system due to excessive alcohol abuse. Not only that, together with carrot juice, the cleansing properties of these two juices are very effective in curing diseases related to the gallbladder and kidneys.
Support brain function
To protect brain health and slow the rate of cognitive decline, providing a diet high in nitrates like beets is a method that should be considered.
Supports digestive health, weight loss
Like many other plant sources, boiled beets contain a lot of fiber, which is good for the intestinal system. Normally, fiber will only move through the intestinal tract without being absorbed, instead helping to laxative, aiding in the digestion of nutrients. Besides, when you eat fiber, you will feel full quickly, support the weight loss process very well
Improve mood, strengthen the immune system
With the content of vitamins and nutrients in red beetroot has been Proven to help boost the immune system and fight infections. Nutrients in this root help stimulate the oxidation of cells and stimulate the production of new blood cells.
In addition to plant active ingredients, fiber..., beets also contain a nitrogen compound called bataine. This substance helps promote the production of serotonin (a substance that creates excitement) naturally for the body, has a relaxing effect on the spirit, refreshing, easy to smile.

2. Is beetroot completely magic?

As with any food source, besides the information about cooking beetroot juice for any effect, you cannot ignore the downsides when overusing and using beets improperly such as: absorption of nutrients
Beets contain high levels of oxalate – one of the causes that contributes to the formation of kidney stones. Sometimes you will get advice from your doctor to avoid eating foods high in oxalates like beets if you are prone to gallstones. The oxalate in beets also has anti-nutrient properties, making it difficult to absorb some nutrients if large amounts of beets are consumed each day.
Besides, beets contain FODMAPs in the form of fructans. FODMAPs can cause some digestive problems in susceptible individuals, such as those with irritable bowel syndrome, and a number of other negative effects if not used correctly.
Confusion with other disease symptoms due to pink urine, black stool
According to statistics, about 10-14% of people have signs of pink or red urine when eating a lot of beets. While not pathologically harmful, these colored urine can be alarming because they look like bloody urine and can be associated with a urinary tract infection. Because this condition is so common, the medical community has reserved a term called beeturia (pink urine when eating a lot of red beets). Beeturia can appear and disappear depending on the pigment content digested through beetroot foods. Beeturia is also sometimes the cause of your stools turning black. Sometimes you even panic when you notice suspicious red streaks similar to those caused by hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
Cách điều trị chứng khó tiêu tại nhà
Củ dền có thể gây ra một số triệu chứng khó tiêu hóa ở những người nhạy cảm nếu không sử dụng đúng cách
Conditions related to iron and copper
People with hemochromatosis or Wilson's disease are discouraged from consuming beets in excess due to the potential for iron and copper accumulation. Iron overload is a form of iron overload, while Wilson's disease is a disorder that prevents the body from excreting excessive amounts of copper.
There are some unwanted interactions
Betaine in beets often has mild side effects such as nausea, indigestion and diarrhea. People with kidney disease and obesity should avoid betaine because it can increase total cholesterol levels when taken with folic acid and vitamin B6.
The above information partly answers the question of what beets do for you and your family. Anyway, the use of beets and nutritional balance in daily meals is extremely important.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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