Can diabetics eat taro?

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Diabetics can eat taro is not a concern of many patients. In fact, although it contains many important nutrients, because of its high starch content, taro is not a recommended food for diabetics.

1. Nutritional composition of taro Taro is a nutrient-rich tuber, belonging to the same food group as potatoes, bread or rice. Taro is a rich source of starch and many essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, magnesium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and amino acids,...
High fiber content in taro helps prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease, improving the digestive system. In addition, taro also has a high content of vitamin E - an active antioxidant. Therefore, taro has a good effect in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
2. Can diabetics eat taro? According to folklore or oral tradition, many diabetics skip rice and eat potatoes except for meals. However, this is a bad habit that can make the disease worse. Taro is one of the foods that contain a large amount of starch. Taro has a glycemic index of 58. This number increases as the potatoes are cooked. Therefore, eating taro can increase blood sugar in diabetics, directly affecting health as well as disease status.
Therefore, people with diabetes need to limit and be cautious when eating taro. Patients do not need to eliminate this food completely from the menu, but should pay attention to control the amount of taro loaded into the body. Patients should only eat taro in a very small amount to be able to control the glycemic index well. Patients should combine the use of taro and other starchy foods, ensuring that they do not consume more than 130g of starch/day.

3. Notes when eating taro To avoid undesirable effects when eating taro, you need to pay attention to the following:
When preliminarily preparing potatoes, the damaged and sprouted parts should be discarded to avoid the risk of danger. poisoning; Do not peel the taro too thick because it will lose a large amount of protein; Taro has an itch-causing substance, so people with sensitive skin should wear gloves when peeling potatoes, to avoid the risk of skin irritation; When preparing potatoes, you should soak them thoroughly and cook them to reduce the calcium oxalate content in potatoes; People with phlegm are advised not to eat taro because this type of food can increase the amount of phlegm in the body, hindering the process of restoring health; Patients with allergic diseases such as urticaria, asthma, eczema or allergic rhinitis should not eat taro as it may aggravate the disease symptoms; Limit or should not give children taro because the child's digestive system is weak, digesting potatoes is quite slow; Gout patients should not eat taro because in this type of potato has a large content of calcium oxalate that will aggravate the symptoms of gout.
Bị tiểu đường ăn khoai sọ được không?
Lưu ý khi ăn khoai sọ cần được sơ chế cẩn thận đối với người bệnh tiểu đường

4. Note in the eating habits of diabetics To maintain the blood sugar at a safe level, the patient needs to adjust their nutrition accordingly. Diabetics should pay attention to follow the following eating habits:
Avoid foods high in sugar such as soft drinks, candies, sweetened milk, chocolate, high-sugar fruits (jackfruit, ripe bananas, ripe mangoes, etc.) grapes, durian,...) because these foods will directly affect the patient's blood sugar; Limit foods with too much fat such as animal organs, fried foods, fast foods, ... to reduce the risk of complications of diabetes. Instead, diabetics should give preference to foods rich in fiber such as green vegetables or fruits,...; Drink plenty of filtered water and limit the use of stimulants such as alcohol, beer or tobacco. In addition, patients need to limit salty foods and periodically check their blood sugar so that they can adjust their diet accordingly. Taro is a food with many health benefits, but people with diabetes should limit the use of this type of potato because it has a large starch content. In addition, diabetics also need to pay attention to changes in nutrition and exercise regimen, actively exercise and check their health regularly to better control the disease.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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