Foods that are good for the thyroid

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Nutrition is a very important factor, helping the thyroid gland to function healthy, and at the same time supporting people with thyroid problems in disease treatment and health recovery. So what are the good foods for the thyroid gland?

1. Learn about thyroid function

The thyroid gland is the largest endocrine gland in the human body. This is a very small organ located in front of the neck (equivalent to cervical vertebra 5 - thoracic vertebrae 1) and shaped like a butterfly. In front of the thyroid gland is the skin and muscle, behind is the trachea. The structure consists of 2 lobes (right lobe, left lobe) and 1 isthmus connecting 2 lobes together.
The thyroid gland is made up of tyrosin and iodine, it plays many important roles in life. The important functions of the thyroid gland include:
Stimulates heart activity, enhances contraction as well as metabolism in the body; Thyroid affects the development and functioning of the gonads, especially the milk glands; Enhances thermogenesis, increases blood sugar and stimulates the development and completion of the nervous system. In addition, the thyroid gland also plays a very important role, which is to regulate the amount of phosphorus and calcium in the blood. In fact, there are many common thyroid diseases such as: Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid cysts or thyroid disorders, thyroid tumors,... Symptoms are the same such as: Neck pain, difficulty swallowing, ... and often take a long time to treat as well as rebalance hormones to be able to work at their best. Therefore, building a diet with good foods for the thyroid gland plays a very important role, helping to improve the effectiveness of disease treatment.

2. Foods that are good for the thyroid

When the thyroid gland is underactive, it will not produce enough thyroid hormone, thereby causing the patient to gain weight, fatigue, depression or cold easily. Conversely, if the thyroid gland is overactive, it will also produce too much hormone and cause the person to lose weight, irregular heartbeat, nervousness, sweating or always feel uncomfortable.
There are many causes of thyroid disease such as genetics, autoimmune disorders, environmental toxins or improper nutrition. In fact, the health in general and the functioning of the thyroid gland in particular depend a lot on the daily diet.
Here are some foods that are good for the thyroid gland, helping to answer the question "what to eat with thyroid disease" in some people:
Iodine: Iodine is a very important component for the thyroid gland, because it helps the body. This organ produces the necessary hormones and balances them, thereby reducing the risk of thyroid tumors. The simplest way to add iodine is to use salt or eat algae, seaweed, yogurt and milk products....Each food or condiment will have a different amount of iodine, so you only You should eat just enough because too much can also be dangerous for the thyroid gland. Chicken and beef: Chicken and beef contain a lot of zinc. On average, every 100g of beef contains about 3g of zinc; 100g of chicken contains about 2.4g of zinc. Zinc is an essential nutrient for the thyroid gland, and a deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism, a variety of autoimmune disorders that attack the hair follicles, causing hair loss in patches. Therefore, it can be affirmed that chicken and beef are good foods for the thyroid gland. Fish and seafood: Fish and seafood such as shrimp, crab, oyster, ... are very good iodine supplements. On average, every 100g of fish contains about 99 mcg of iodine. For those who are wondering "what should thyroid disease eat?" It is best to design a menu to eat at least 3 fish meals a week, giving priority to eating wild-caught types such as: Salmon, cod, mackerel, ... because it contains a lot of oil and good nutrition. for people with thyroid nodules. Eggs: Each egg contains about 20% selenium and 16% iodine needed for the body. Currently, eggs are considered one of the foods that are good for the thyroid gland, and should be added to the daily diet. Another useful information is that egg yolk also contains many nutrients that help support metabolism in the body. Berries: Saying berries is a good food for the thyroid gland and human health is because it contains antioxidants. Some berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries...all need to be supplemented every day. Green leafy vegetables: Green vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, ... are all foods rich in magnesium, minerals and vitamins... have the effect of enhancing metabolism, supporting the activities of the body. Thyroid. It can be affirmed that green leafy vegetables are not only good food for women but also men with thyroid disease should eat every day. Nuts: Some nuts such as: cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds are rich sources of magnesium, good for the thyroid gland. These nuts will provide an essential amount of vegetable protein, zinc, copper, vitamins E, and B for the body, thereby helping the thyroid gland work more smoothly. Some of the foods that are good for the thyroid gland mentioned above need to be fully supplemented in the daily diet to help keep the body healthy, thereby minimizing thyroid diseases.
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3. What should people with thyroid disease not eat?

When knowing “What should thyroid disease eat? "It is also important to note the foods that need to be avoided so as not to affect the treatment process. According to specialists, people with thyroid disease should not eat some foods as follows:
Processed foods: This is one of the foods that people with thyroid disease should not use. . The reason is because these foods often contain soybeans, empty calories or additives, so they are not good for the body and thyroid gland. In particular, the high fat content in processed foods can cause the thyroid's production of thyroxin to decrease, and worse, reduce the effectiveness of hypothyroid medications. Do not eat a lot of sugar and fiber: Although fiber is very good for the digestive system, it interferes with the absorption of drugs by the body. Therefore, people with thyroid disease who are being treated with drugs should limit their fiber intake. In addition, sugar and sweeteners should also be limited because when thyroid disease, the conversion of sugar into energy will decrease, making the patient more likely to gain weight, thereby affecting the functioning of the gland. armor. People with hypothyroidism should also avoid eating uncooked beets and broccoli because these foods contain a lot of isothiocyanates, which reduce the absorption of iodine. In addition, people with thyroid disease should not eat hot spicy foods, greasy foods, carbonated drinks because they can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. In short, the thyroid gland is a very important organ in the body. People with thyroid disease that require treatment can compromise the immune system. Therefore, a diet with foods that are good for the thyroid gland plays a very important role in keeping the thyroid gland healthy, supporting the treatment of diseases and recovering faster.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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