Gout can be prevented by proper nutrition?

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Gout is a form of arthritis. Gout occurs mainly due to living habits, eating a lot of protein, red meat, seafood, drinking a lot of alcohol, causing uric acid metabolism disorders in the body. So can gout be prevented with the right diet?

1. What is gout? Factors that increase the risk of disease

Gout is a disease caused by a disorder of nutrient metabolism related to an increase or decrease of uric acid in the blood.
Urate crystals are deposited in the joints and surrounding tissues causing pain in the joints (arthritis).
If you don't change your diet when you have gout, it will create more favorable conditions for the disease to develop quickly and cause other dangerous complications.

2. High risk of causing gout

Eat foods with a lot of protein such as red meat, animals and plants high in purines such as seafood, mushrooms, animal organs. Have kidney disease Are taking medications such as aspirin, antihypertensive drugs, diuretics,... Genetic factors Being overweight or obese. Gout is related to overeating and not exercising regularly, so it is possible to completely prevent gout by building a scientific diet and lifestyle.
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Ăn nhiều thực phẩm có nhiều chất đạm như thịt đỏ có nguy cơ cao gây mắc bệnh gout

3. What to eat to prevent gout?

Eat in moderation, you can eat red meat and seafood normally, but you should eat in moderation, don't eat too much. Do not starve or skip meals. Do not eat spicy foods such as chili and pepper. Eat bland. Do not eat foods with high salt content such as pickles, salted eggplants Limit eating animal organs such as heart, liver, and brains of animals Limit high protein foods found in beef, seafood, and meat dog. Should eat lean meat such as chicken breast,... Should drink milk, eat dairy products such as cheese. Add a lot of fiber by: Eat lots of fruits, especially fruits rich in vitamin C, succulent like pomegranates , grapefruit, oranges,... Should eat vegetables like potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, corn, beans like tofu, bean juice,... Shouldn't eat too much fat, so eat vegetable oils such as soybean oil, peanut oil, olive oil for processing Limit alcohol consumption - the leading cause of gout, in addition, should also limit carbonated drinks, sweet drinks Regularly Drink a lot of water, should drink alkaline mineral water. Adjust your weight by doing sports. Exercise should be used daily to improve health, avoid the risk of obesity or overweight. Keep the spirit always comfortable, rest in moderation, avoid overwork stress. It is recommended to have regular health check-ups once every 6 months to check your health as well as detect any abnormal signs in time.
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Reference sources: viendinhduong.vn, gout.com.vn

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