How to stew beef quickly and tenderly

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Braised beef is a dish that many housewives love and often cook for the whole family to enjoy. This dish is attractive to users thanks to its moderately tender and fragrant beef without being mushy or too tough, served with a delicious, rich, eye-catching sauce made from natural vegetables and attractive aroma. The following article also reveals how to stew beef quickly and tenderly to save time for the sisters.

1. Nutritional value of beef

Beef is always the choice of many people when looking for a food to help nourish the body. Because this is a food rich in nutrients, it has many health benefits.
Nutrition facts (in 100g of beef):
Energy: 182 kcal Protein: 21.5g Lipid: 10.7g Vitamin A: 12 mcg Vitamin PP: 4.5mg Vitamin B6: 0.44mg Vitamin B12: 3.05mcg Iron: 3.1 mg Magnesium : 28 mg Zinc: 3.64mg Copper: 160mg Calcium: 12mg Beef will help you maintain muscle mass, improve exercise performance, prevent anemia,...
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2. How to cook fragrant and delicious braised beef in the right way

Beef: 1kg Carrot: 300g Onion: 300g Gieng: 30g Lemongrass: 60g Garlic: 1 Dried Onion: 2 Tapioca bulbs: 30g Cloves: 3 Star anise buds: 2 Cinnamon flowers: 3g Skull Pepper : 3g Cardamom: 1 Pineapple: 3 leaves Seasoning: ketchup, chili sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking oil, oyster sauce, rock sugar, turmeric Steps
Step 1: Preliminary preparation of ingredients
Encrusted beef: wash and then blanch in boiling water. Then take out to drain and cut into squares of about 40g. Gieng: washed, sliced. Lemongrass: peel off the old skin, wash, cut into pieces, smash. Onions, garlic: peeled, smashed, minced. Carrots: peeled, washed, cut into pieces and boiled. Onions: peeled, washed, sliced. Step 2: Marinate the beef
Put the beef in a large bowl and marinate it with 100g of ketchup, 50g of chili sauce, 60g of chili sauce, 20g of oyster sauce, 10g of white pepper, 2g of turmeric, 2g of curry powder, 20ml of cashew oil. Mix all the spices well into the meat, let marinate for about 30 minutes.
Step 3: Carry out cooking
Put the pan on the stove, put 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in the pan, bring to a boil. Continue to add 30g sliced ​​galangal, 60g lemongrass cut, smashed, 20g minced purple onion, 10g minced garlic mix well and non-fragrance. Continue to add marinated beef and stir-fry to hunt again.
Put about 1.5 - 2 liters of water in a pot to boil, add: 15g salt, 20g monosodium glutamate, 65g rock sugar, 30g oyster sauce. Then add the fried beef with 3 cloves buds, 2 star anise flowers, 3g cinnamon, 3g skull pepper, 1 cardamom, 3 fragrant leaves mix well and stew for 60 minutes on medium heat until soft beef.
Add boiled carrots and sliced ​​onions to the pot of braised beef with 50ml of diluted tapioca starch, boil again and turn off the heat.
Step 4: Present and enjoy
Ladle into a bowl, add a few thin slices of chili. Served with basil, coriander and bread. Remember to prepare a cup of salt, pepper and lemon to make the dish more flavorful.
Requirements for finished dishes
Beef must be soft and fragrant, not tough but not crushed. The broth is sweet, slightly viscous, not too thick. Carrots are soft but not crushed, keeping their inherent sweetness. Broth and ingredients mixed together. Slight scent of herbal spices is not too strong. What is delicious with braised beef?
Vegetable seasonings for braised beef will include: scallions, coriander, thinly sliced ​​onions. The accompanying vegetables will usually be basil, coriander.
In addition to eating with bread, braised beef can be combined with fresh vermicelli or noodle soup, noodles are also very delicious. Blanch vermicelli or noodle soup briefly with boiling water and then put in a bowl, add braised beef and serve while still hot. Note, if you eat this way, you do not need to add the tapioca mixture to the braised beef dish.
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3. How to stew beef quickly and soft

In order for braised beef to become attractive, soft and fragrant, and the meat to absorb the spices evenly, it requires a lot of techniques and secrets from the cook. Here are some good tips and tricks to help you get the full flavor of the dish while still saving time with a quick tender beef stew:
To cook braised beef quickly and soft, choose the beef portion, tendon or encrust of heifer for cooking. Pay attention to choose the meat with bright red color, small grain, white veins and hard. The meat has good elasticity, does not stick to the hands and has no bad smell. If you can't buy heifers, you can apply a thin layer of mustard on the meat, let it sit for 6-8 hours, then wash and process the dish. This is a quick and easy way to cook beef tenderloin, not dry, dead and residue due to running out of water. During the cooking process, a little white wine or vinegar should be added. For every 1 kg of beef, add 2-3 tablespoons of wine or 1 tablespoon of vinegar. With this method, the beef will be tender and tender faster. For meats such as beef tendon, thigh meat, ribs, to save time, put 1 ice cube in the pot, the beef will be softer faster. Please regularly monitor Vinmec website ( to update useful health care information and leave information when you need medical advice and support!

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