Is cactus water good for you?

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Cactus water is an emerging drink in the natural beverage market, alongside other plant-based beverages such as coconut water and aloe vera juice. This article will look at aspects of cactus water, including its nutritional content, benefits, and preparation.

1. Nutritional value of cactus water

Most cactus juices are made by squeezing the juice from prickly pears. As a result, cactus juice is pink in color and contains small amounts of sugar and some nutrients. One cup (240ml) of cactus juice contains the following:
Calories: 19 Protein: 0 grams Fat: 0 grams Carbs: 4 grams Fiber: 0 grams Magnesium: 4% daily value (DV) Potassium: 3 %DV All the carbs in unsweetened cactus juice are in the form of natural sugars found in prickly pears. However, some brands of drinks contain sugar, so it has more calories.
Cactus juice also contains magnesium and potassium. These are two minerals that help control fluid balance, control muscles, and support heart function. In addition, magnesium has a multitude of other roles in the body including supporting immune health, improving bone health, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Along with these nutrients, cactus juice contains some of the health-promoting antioxidants found in prickly pears.
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2. What is the effect of cactus water?

Cactus water is low in calories, naturally low in sugar, rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Additionally, it contains electrolytes that can aid in hydration. Cactus juice can also be used for skin care and it is present in many beauty products.
Animal and test-tube studies have shown that cactus water has numerous health benefits, although more research is needed to fully understand how it affects humans.
2.1 Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant Rich Cactus Water Cactus juice contains several antioxidants such as betanin, betacyanin and isorhamnetin. These powerful compounds help prevent cell damage caused by harmful free radical molecules. Free radicals are unstable compounds that humans are exposed to through natural biochemical processes, food consumption, water and air supplementation. At high levels, they stress the body, cause chronic inflammation, and can lead to conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Fortunately, the antioxidants found in prickly pear can neutralize these harmful compounds, and they are also highly anti-inflammatory. As such, drinking cactus juice made with antioxidant-rich prickly pear can improve many health parameters. For example, in a 2-week study in 22 men supplementing with about two-thirds of a cup (150ml) of antioxidant-rich pear juice daily showed muscle recovery after exercise. while reducing triglycerides, blood pressure, total cholesterol and bad cholesterol.
2.2 Cactus Juice Helps Heal Stomach Ulcers One of the most promising benefits of prickly pear is its ability to help heal stomach ulcers and treat ulcerative colitis (UC), which is characterized by inflammation. and ulcers in the large intestine. Several studies have shown that supplementing with pear juice slows the development of stomach ulcers in rats. These powerful anti-ulcer effects are thought to be due to the antioxidant betanin. A similar study in rats found a reduction in intestinal damage from UC after pear juice supplementation. However, these benefits have not been observed in humans and more research is needed for more convincing results.
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2.3 Cactus juice is beneficial for skin Prickly pear also offers some skin benefits. Several animal and test-tube studies have shown that applying prickly pear extract directly to the skin reduces damage caused by sun exposure. Additionally, several studies in rats have noted that prickly pear extract speeds up wound healing and kills harmful bacteria. Furthermore, pear extract can help reduce the appearance of scars.
2.4 Other Benefits Cactus has long been used as a natural treatment for conditions like type 2 diabetes, constipation, pain relief, and even hangovers.
Cactus juice is sometimes touted as a cure for intestinal alcohol, and some animal studies have shown that prickly pear reduces liver damage caused by alcohol and other liver toxins. Additionally, prickly pear has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in rats with type 2 diabetes.
Furthermore, in animal and test-tube studies, cactus helped relieve constipation, improving iron stores in the blood, relieve pain and kill cancer cells. Most of these benefits are attributed to the effects of the antioxidants in prickly pears. However, more human studies are needed for more definitive results. In addition, much of this research was conducted using highly concentrated pear extracts. Therefore, any health effects from cactus water will be much less potent.

3. Note when drinking cactus water

Cactus juice is usually made from prickly pear. Because prickly pear can have a laxative effect, cactus juice may cause diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems in some people.
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Furthermore, high doses of prickly pear can lower blood sugar. Therefore, taking them in combination with hypoglycemic drugs can lead to hypoglycemia, a dangerous condition characterized by low blood sugar. In contrast, some cactus juices contain sugar. Excessive amounts of added sugar in the diet can lead to weight gain, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Limit added sugars to less than 10% of daily calories. Ideally, limit them to 5% or less. Try to choose cactus juice that doesn't contain added sugar.

4. How to make cactus juice

Making cactus juice at home is quite simple. You will need ingredients and utensils including a saucepan, a cloth, a knife, water 1 prickly pear, sugar or sweetener (optional). If you have fresh prickly pears, wear gloves to avoid being pricked by the thorns. Follow the steps below to make cactus juice at home:
Cut off the heads and wash the prickly pears thoroughly. Then cut half the diameter of the fruit without cutting it completely in half.
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Bring water to a boil in a pot, then put the fruit in the boiling water. Cover and reduce heat to low. Let fruit simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until tender. Remove them from the water and let cool. Place the cheesecloth over a bowl or cup. Scoop the pear flesh out of the skin and place it in a cheesecloth so that the juices from the fruit filter through the cheesecloth into a bowl or cup. You can add sugar or sweetener to the cactus juice according to your preference. If the cactus juice is too concentrated for your taste, just add more water. Cactus juice should be stored in the refrigerator and can be kept for up to 3 days. The amount of water you can extract from prickly pears depends on their size and softness during cooking. Cactus juice is made from the fruit of the prickly pear tree. It is low in calories and sugar while providing high nutrients and antioxidants, which work to help reduce inflammation, stomach ulcers, and more. If you are looking for a unique natural beverage with some health benefits, you can buy unsweetened cactus water to enjoy.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.

See more:
Foods rich in healthy fats So that the body does not become anemic due to iron deficiency Summer facial skin care guidelines Foods that are not good for acne skin
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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