Reference breakfast for gout patients

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Gout is an inflammatory joint disease, the onset is often quite sudden, manifested by signs of swelling, pain and inflammation of the joints. Improper eating makes the disease progress in a bad way and leaves unpredictable consequences. Therefore, in addition to medication adherence, exercise also needs a reasonable menu for the treatment of Gout to achieve the best results.

1. How Does Diet Affect Gout?

Every day, the body produces uric acid after the metabolism of purines, which are found in many foods. To control gout effectively, it is necessary to control the cause, in which it is necessary to reduce the intake of purines. No diet will completely prevent acute gout attacks, but a healthy and reasonable diet will help you better manage your health: maintain a healthy weight; establishing and following a healthy diet; limit foods containing purines; Supplementing foods that can help control uric acid levels.
People with gout should drink more water, about 2-4 liters/24 hours, especially alkaline mineral water or 14% alkaline water. This has the effect of increasing the amount of urine in 24 hours, helping to minimize the deposition of urate in the urinary tract.

2. Food for Gout patients

The daily diet of people with Gout is very important in the treatment of the disease or the risk of disease flare-ups. Most gout sufferers are concerned because most common foods are high in purines or fructose. However, some foods have very low levels of these substances, so they can still be used, such as:
River fish including carp, red snapper; field fish such as perch; White meat such as chicken breast,... has a low content of purines, can still be used to provide essential protein for the body, the average daily recommended amount is 50-100g of protein/day. Starch such as rice, pho, vermicelli, potatoes, bread, cereals... are essential foods for everyone, including gout sufferers. Starch contains a safe amount of purines that reduce and dissolve uric acid in the urine. Add green vegetables and fruits to eliminate uric acid in the blood such as cherries, fruits, broccoli, cauliflower... These are high-fiber foods that are recommended for gout patients. . The reason is that they can reduce protein absorption thereby reducing uric acid formation. You should also use many alkaline foods at the same time as broccoli, radish, squash... because they have the effect of neutralizing uric acid in the blood, slowing the progression of the disease. Use more plant-based oils such as olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil... to reduce the amount of fat. Food should be processed by steaming, boiling, minimizing the use of fried and greasy foods. Choose foods that are low in purines, such as low-fat and fat-free milk and dairy products, such as yogurt and skim milk. In addition to the daily diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, it is recommended to use vitamin C-rich fruits such as strawberries, pineapples... because they effectively reduce inflammation, help you feel healthy. stronger; Add nuts, peanut butter and cereals; fat, potatoes, rice, bread and pasta; eggs (moderate). Using more protein from meat such as fish, chicken and red meat is good in moderate amounts (about 100 - 120g per day, depending on the patient's condition). Should drink a lot of water daily, on average you should drink 2 - 2.5 liters per day depending on weight, gender, age... Supplementing with vitamin C about 500-1000mg per day can also be effective in making reduce uric acid. Although a healthy diet can help control uric acid levels, you still need to stick to your medication to prevent gout attacks. Patients with Gout need to control their weight and follow the principles of eating in the treatment of Gout with the same amount of nutrients each day, specifically:
Average energy is about 30-35 kcal/kg body weight/day; Protein is 0.8g/kg body weight/day; Fat is 18-25% of energy needs; Salt intake is not more than 5g/day; Water intake is 40ml/kg body weight/day.

3. Foods that gout sufferers should avoid

Foods and drinks high in purines increase the risk of gout attacks, so avoid foods such as red meat, lamb and pork; animal viscera, viscera such as liver, kidney, brain or heart...; Seafood, especially shellfish such as shrimp, mussels, anchovies and sardines;
Avoid using green vegetables with fast growth such as asparagus, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, bean sprouts, longan... The reason is that they increase the rate of uric acid synthesis in the blood. Avoid high-fructose products such as soda and some juices, ice cream, candy, and fast food.
Alcohol increases uric acid production in the liver and prevents the kidneys from excreting uric acid, so stay away from alcoholic beverages. Avoid cakes and cookies as these foods are low in nutrients and can increase uric acid levels. In addition, avoid the use of diuretics or corticosteroids.

4. Reference breakfast menu for gout patients

Breakfast is a very important meal. Gout sufferers should absolutely not skip it. Skipping breakfast can make you feel exhausted and develop more severe pain. The following are breakfast suggestions for people with gout that are nutritious and suitable for people who are suffering from this disease.
Monday – Chicken porridge
300g of chicken; 1 handful of plain rice; Seasoning seasoning; Onion. How to prepare
Chicken is washed and then drained, rice is roughly crumpled; Put the rice that is simmered or stewed with 1 liter of water over low heat; Finally add seasoning to taste and add cilantro, serve hot. Chicken porridge will taste better if you use chicken in the chicken thighs, or you can use tender chicken breast if you want to limit the calories.
Tuesday – Yogurt with oats
1 year whole grain oats; 1 cup Greek yogurt or 1 cup plain yogurt; Fruits of all kinds such as grapes, strawberries, oranges or grapefruits... How to prepare
Put a handful of oats directly into yogurt, then add fruit to share; You should combine using this dish with a cup of tea or coffee to help the digestive process better. Wednesday – Boiled Egg and Sweet Potato
1 sweet potato, or potato; 1 medium sized egg. How to do
Bring potatoes and boiled eggs for 3-5 minutes, for sweet potatoes you should boil longer if you want to use soft. The dish will be more nutritious if you drink it with a glass of milk. With this dish, you can process and drink soy milk better than fresh milk. Thursday – Tofu vermicelli cooked with mushrooms
2 pieces of young tofu; 1 pack of dried vermicelli; 150g of straw mushrooms; 30g minced meat or minced shrimp; 1 handful chives. How to prepare
First, clean chives and mushrooms, cut tofu into bite-sized pieces. Cut the onion into thin slices and then fry the onion until fragrant, then add the minced onion or shrimp and sauté until cooked. Add enough water to use in the pot, simmer until the meat is cooked, then add the mushrooms. Add the vermicelli and finally the shallot leaves, season to taste and then serve the dish when it is hot. With this dish, you can eat it in the morning about 2-3 times a week. Friday – Black bean and pea porridge
150g black beans; 30g boron seeds; Chicken eggs or minced meat of your choice. How to do
First you should wash the seeds and black beans; Put the prepared ingredients into the slow cooker with the amount of water face down; Simmer the ingredients until the porridge is soft, then add meat, or add eggs, season to taste; This porridge can be cooked simply by putting the prepared ingredients in a pressure cooker, combining it with any protein source; Regular use of this dish helps to strengthen resistance to prevent many dangerous diseases. Saturday – Green bean porridge with lean meat
100g soft soaked chickpeas; 1/2 cup rice; Market, arbitrary fish; Seasoning to taste. How to prepare
You should prepare soaked chickpeas overnight, then simmer with rice until soft; Add meat and fish to cook together and add seasonings to taste, then add cilantro, serve hot; With this dish, you should have a cup of soy milk or orange juice. Sunday – Whole grain toast with honey
2 slices of toast; 2 spoons of honey; 1 banana or any other fruit. Method
Prepare 2 slices of fresh bread in the oven or toaster; Or you can also use toast on a bottom pan with the same amount of butter as you like; After the toast, use it while it is still hot, add a little honey to increase the sweetness or combine with fruits; This dish is more suitable if you use the same cup of hot milk or yogurt. The above are nutritional suggestions for gout patients, you can refer to and apply today to help the patient's health be improved.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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