Soy-based dishes and atherosclerosis

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Soybean is a food rich in protein and lipid, good for health and especially in the care and treatment of atherosclerosis. Soybeans or soy-based foods are recommended by experts because of their effectiveness in supporting the treatment of atherosclerosis.

1. Nutritional ingredients in soybeans

Soybeans contain more protein and lipids than any other animal meat. Nutrition experts indicate that in 100g of soybeans, there are 34 to 40g of protein and about 20g of lipids. The protein in soy is in the form of vegetable casein, unlike the animal casein found in milk. This protein is full of amino acids necessary for the growth and maintenance of the human body such as glycine, valine, leucine, proline, phenylalanine, tyrosine, arginine, histidine, lysine, ...
In addition, soybeans also is a food with enough mineral salts and vitamins including water-soluble vitamins such as B1, B2, PP..., fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D and vitamins E, K, F, ..
With Nutritional value mentioned above of soybeans and soy products, this is a very good food for patients with atherosclerosis.
Đậu nành - thần dược cho phụ nữ tiền mãn kinh
Đậu nành là thực phẩm có đủ muối khoáng và các loại vitamin kể cả các vitamin tan trong nước

2. Soybeans are good for people with atherosclerosis

The causes and mechanisms of atherosclerosis are quite complex and the symptoms of high cholesterol in the blood are the most obvious. Patients need to be treated with cholesterol-lowering drugs as prescribed by the doctor. Besides, using foods that have a cholesterol-lowering role is very important in the treatment process. And soybeans are foods that meet this role, providing excellent treatment support for patients with atherosclerosis.
Research shows that adding soy in meals is a way to change the rate of bile acid and steroid metabolism, leading to changes in cholesterol metabolism. Therefore, the amount of bile acids and steroids in people who use soy or regularly drink soy milk are higher than normal people. People with high blood cholesterol should add soy in their daily meals regularly to help lower cholesterol.
Patients with high blood cholesterol after experimenting with a soy-based diet with a specific content of 150g tofu, 80g of soybeans used daily, processed into different dishes such as soy milk , cakes... gave positive results with an average of 10-20% reduction in blood cholesterol, and an 80% reduction in blood pressure. Atherosclerotic complications in patients have since been greatly reduced.
Using soy in meals is a fairly simple and effective method to prevent and treat atherosclerosis. With a proper diet, soy supplement and rest, patients will gradually reduce common symptoms such as headache, chest tightness, dizziness, especially in the elderly. However, patients also need to adhere to the treatment instructions prescribed by the doctor to bring the best treatment effect.
Sữa đậu nành
Sử dụng đậu nành trong bữa ăn là phương pháp khá đơn giản và hiệu quả để phòng ngừa, điều trị xơ vữa động mạch
Vinmec International General Hospital with a team of Cardiology specialists including Professors, Doctors, Specialist 2 doctors, Masters is experienced, has great reputation in the field of medical and surgical treatment. , interventional cardiac catheterization. Vinmec also focuses on applying advanced techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, using a system of modern medical equipment that meets international standards.
In addition, Vinmec also has professional cooperation with prestigious medical units in the world, constantly consolidating and improving its expertise in medical examination and treatment.
For detailed advice on coronary artery disease and other treatments at Vinmec, you can go directly to Vinmec health system or register online HERE.
See also:
Atherosclerosis: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis Who can have a soy allergy? Uterine fibroids and soy: What you need to know

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