Stomach healing diet

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Gastroparesis can be temporary or chronic. This condition could be a symptom of another medical problem, or it could also be idiopathic. Regardless of the cause or duration of your upset stomach, eating small meals and limiting fiber and fat can help your digestive system. However, you still have to make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals after recovering from stomach symptoms.

1. Stomach ache

Gastroparesis, a condition in which your stomach emptys into the small intestine more slowly than usual. Gastroparesis can be triggered by an illness or a long-term illness, such as diabetes or lupus. Symptoms associated with stomach pain can range from mild to severe, and often include: Vomiting, bloating, nausea, and heartburn. Sometimes an upset stomach is a temporary sign that your body has another problem you're dealing with.
Stomach upset can also occur after ablation surgery or another medical procedure that disrupts your digestion. When you have gastroparesis, the amount of nutrients such as fat and fiber used in the body can greatly affect the condition of the body and the degree of the disease can become severe. more important. At that time, what to eat with stomach pain will improve this situation. Dietary modification is sometimes the first line of treatment suggested for people with gastroparesis to help reduce uncomfortable symptoms of the disease.

2. How to prepare and use food

In order to ease your symptoms while ensuring you get enough nutrition from food, the way food is prepared and used is quite important. However, every person's diet is different, but your doctor or dietitian may ask you to:
Divide your daily meals into small meals. You try to arrange meals in case you have to go out. Eating can be divided into about 4-6 times a day. Your belly may swell less and empty faster if you don't take in too much food at once. A small meal is about 1 to 1/2 cup of food. You should first choose and use healthy foods. You should not use foods that contain empty calories as desserts or snacks. Dieting when you have an upset stomach can perform grinding of foods, which will help liquids leave your stomach faster than solids. You should put your food in a blender or food processor with water, juice, milk or broth. You can also mix meat, including fish and chicken. Eat less fiber and fat. Foods high in fiber and fat can slow stomach emptying. You may feel fine if you provide less than 2-3 grams of fiber in each meal. You may need to try to keep your fat intake to 30 to 50 grams or less per day. Add high-fat drinks. Your stomach will be more comfortable digesting liquid fats. So you can choose some of these foods to provide more calories for the body. Chew food thoroughly. Solid foods make it harder for the stomach to digest. Your food will be like mashed potatoes before you swallow. Provide enough water for the body. You should drink plenty of water and other fluids every day. Dehydration can make your nausea worse. If you vomit a lot, your doctor may ask you to drink sports drinks or drinks with sugar or electrolytes. Use solid foods first. You should try solid foods in the morning and eat more liquid meals later in the day. If your symptoms are severe, your doctor may suggest that you follow an all-liquid diet for a while.
Chế độ ăn kiêng chữa bệnh dạ dày
Nhai kỹ thức ăn giúp dạ dày dễ tiêu hóa hơn

3. What foods should be avoided?

3.1.Food with too much fat

You will want to limit solid foods that are high in fat, including: Non-lean meats such as: Sausages and any foods that are fried, pre-fried or greasy. Instead, try fat-free, low-fat, or reduced-fat foods.

3.2. Foods rich in fiber

Some fruits and vegetables can make chewing difficult. At the same time, these fruits can also cause the formation of bezoars - fibers that clump together. You may have a blockage of these foods in your stomach. Some high fiber foods you may not want to eat:
Raw and dried fruits such as apples, berries, coconuts, figs, oranges and persimmons Raw vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, corn, green beans, Lettuce, potato skins and sauerkraut

3.3. chewy food

These foods will include meats such as: Steaks and roasts, or any meat with skin.

3.4. Dairy products

You may not be able to digest lactose well, a sugar found in dairy products. Instead, use lactose-free or dairy-free milk like soy.
Chế độ ăn kiêng chữa bệnh dạ dày
Bị bệnh dạ dày nên tránh các loại bơ sữa có lactose

3.5. Alcohol and smoking

These can make your stomach more empty.

3.6. Soft drink

When you drink carbonated soft drinks, excess air can fill your stomach.
Chế độ ăn kiêng chữa bệnh dạ dày
Nước giải khát có ga có thể làm đầy dạ dày

3.7 Use of large amounts of body fluids

Too much liquid at once can make you feel really full. So try to take small sips while eating.

4. Foods you should use

You will need to try different foods to see which is right for you. But your doctor may suggest:
Starches : Foods from this group can be chosen such as: white pasta, white bread, crackers, English muffins, white Nuts : You can choose from nuts and seeds including: Quick oats, white rice, Low fiber cereals (under 2 grams per serving) Protein : Foods with rich protein ingredients include: Chicken , fish, tofu, lean meat (beef or pork), fine grain or nut butter (1-2 tablespoons) Fruit (peeled, canned, or cooked): Apples, bananas, grapefruit, peaches or pears . honeydew or cantaloupe Vegetables (cooked and peeled) include: Carrots, squash, squash, peppers, sweet potatoes or white potatoes, peeled Dairy or plant-based options: Skim milk, soy , rice, almond milk, low-fat cheese, pudding or yogurt High-calorie drinks : Fruit juices, sports drinks, milkshakes, protein smoothies, full-fat milk higher (2% and whole milk, or full fat oat milk), nutritional drink
Chế độ ăn kiêng chữa bệnh dạ dày
Nên ăn các loại trái cây như táo, chuối, bưởi, dưa đỏ

5. Some tips for people with stomach pain

Sit while eating : You should not bend over or lie down while eating. To improve, you should try to stay upright for at least 1-3 hours after you finish, which can reduce pressure on your stomach. Go for a walk: Your symptoms may be relieved if you go for a walk or exercise after eating. Food diary : Writing down what you eat and how you feel after consuming those foods can help you find the foods that are good for your condition and will also give you insight into the foods you eat. Food can make your symptoms worse and worse.

6. Gastroparesis and diabetes

Uncontrolled diabetes can also slow down gastric emptying. That's because high blood sugar affects your nerves, including the nerves in your abdomen. When you experience these signs, you should talk to your doctor about how you can control your blood sugar.

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