Use of functional foods in people with diabetes

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The most common types of diabetes are type 1 (also called juvenile diabetes) and type 2 (also called adult-onset diabetes). Although diabetes has genetic factors, environment and diet play a decisive role in the development of the disease. For patients with diabetes, the use of functional foods brings significant health benefits.

1. How diet affects the development of diabetes

In young children, foods such as cow's milk, cereals, potatoes and fruit increase the risk of type 1 diabetes, while Vitamins D and E and n-3 fatty acids have a protective effect. type 1 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance with impaired insulin secretion. The main causes of type 2 diabetes are obesity and physical inactivity, however epidemiological studies have shown that diet has a significant effect on the development of type 2 diabetes.
For example, a diet high in refined grains, red and processed meat, high consumption of sugary drinks, high alcohol consumption or a diet low in fruits and vegetables increases the risk of developing diabetes. .
Measures to prevent type 2 diabetes include keeping a moderate weight, eating a well-balanced diet, reducing fat intake, whole grains and consuming lots of vegetables.
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2. Some functional foods are good for people with diabetes

2.1. Whole grains

Controlling the carbohydrate source in the diet of type 2 diabetics plays a crucial role in glycemic control. Because of the great health benefits, the use of whole grains is considered as the first step in nutritional planning for diabetics based on functional foods.
Modification of dietary carbohydrates in patients with metabolic syndrome also improves insulin sensitivity and reduces fat cell size.
Compared with refined grains, whole grains are higher in polysaccharide compounds that help fight obesity, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome and many other types of cancer together.
More importantly, whole grains effectively increase the glycemic response, increase insulin sensitivity, improve pancreatic cell function and increase insulin secretion.
With high content of inulin and β-glucan, in addition to lowering blood sugar, whole grains also act as prebiotics in the gut, helping in regulating gut bacteria leading to a more metabolic response.
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Whole grains are good for heart patients:
Long-term follow-up studies in diabetics show that regular consumption of whole grains reduces overall all-cause mortality including death from cardiovascular causes.
Epidemiological studies have also demonstrated that regular consumption of whole grains can reduce risk factors for atherosclerotic disease including lowering triglyceride, LDL-C (bad cholesterol) levels. , regulate blood pressure, reduce serum homocysteine ​​levels, enhance vascular function, reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.

2.2. Supplementing rye in the morning is good for diabetics

In several published studies, consuming rye products with breakfast promotes colon fermentation, is good for glucose metabolism, and supports insulin function in the body. body, so it is good for diabetics.
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2.3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal products have also been studied as a healthy carbohydrate source for diabetics. Studies show that the consumption of oat products improves blood glucose, insulin, and blood lipid responses in diabetics. In addition, they also act as an active ingredient to lower blood sugar after eating.

2.4. Barley and barley products

The beneficial effects of barley and barley products on diabetics are mainly due to the high content of B-glucan. Barley B-glucan extract, when administered to pre-diabetic subjects, improved glucose tolerance and improved insulin resistance index.
The hypoglycemic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of barley products have also been studied and proven. In animal experiments, barley supplementation improved fatty liver status and reduced liver lipid content.
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2.5. Whole wheat

It is believed that most of the beneficial effects of whole wheat seeds come from the bran and germ. Wheat bran is a good source of fiber, lignans, phenolic acids and alkyl resorcinol.
In addition to promoting gastrointestinal health and weight control, they are also good for the postprandial blood sugar response. Wheat is a very good functional food for glycosylated hemoglobinopathy, dyslipidemia and helps to reduce some risk factors for cardiovascular disease in diabetics.
Wheat germ is rich in oligosaccharides, phytosterols, benzoquinones and flavonoids - which play a role in inducing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and modulating immune responses. Avemar, a fermented wheat germ extract, is very effective in treating cardiovascular disease and ameliorating metabolic abnormalities including hyperglycemia, lipid peroxidation and increased abdominal fat.

2.6. Brown rice

Brown rice and its products have been studied as a functional food for diabetics. Compared with white rice, brown rice has a lower glycemic load and glycemic index but higher levels of fiber, vitamins and minerals, phytic acid, polyphenols, tocopherols, tocotrienols and other bioactive compounds . Eating a lot of brown rice is beneficial in controlling blood sugar, reducing dyslipidemia, reducing belly fat and enhancing liver function in type 2 diabetics.
Studies show that --orizanol is present in rice Brown helps prevent fats that cause oxidative stress, improves cell function, enhances insulin secretion and prevents the development of type 2 diabetes.
In short, replace refined grains with whole grains. Whole grains and whole grain products are an effective and practical strategy for people with type 2 diabetes. They not only help improve and control blood sugar, they also help prevent complications. long-term complications of diabetes
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2.7. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of fiber (soluble and insoluble fiber), vitamins, and various minerals and play an important role in health promotion and disease prevention chronic. Changing the diet to include more fruits and vegetables is an important strategy for managing type 2 diabetes and preventing its complications.
Diabetics should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits to help control blood sugar, reduce HbA1c and triglyceride levels, strengthen the immune system, antioxidant, reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory markers, reduce the risk of disease diabetic retinopathy and reduce the burden of diabetic carotid atherosclerosis.
Different fruits and vegetables provide different micronutrients and bioactive compounds. So we should eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, especially fruits that are good for diabetics:
Studies show that tomatoes can reduce blood pressure and dyslipidemia, reduce other factors. risk factors for cardiovascular disease and strengthen the antioxidant defense system. Grapefruit and watermelon are also good at regulating lipid metabolism, lipoproteins, blood pressure and vascular function. Anthocyanin-rich fruits include red apples, berries, grapes, cherries, red cabbage, and pomegranates that are good for lowering blood sugar.
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2.8. Kinds of bean

Legumes are considered an important part of a healthy diet and there is ample evidence that regular consumption of legumes is associated with a reduced risk of obesity and weight maintenance in patients with type 2 diabetes. 2 and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Lentils: Studies show that the bioactive protein of lentils reduces plasma levels of LDL-C (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides content in the liver.
Soybean : is a rich source of phytoesterogens (genistein, daidzein, glycitein) - an important functional food for diabetes. Regular consumption of soy products can help diabetics manage dyslipidemia. In addition, soybeans and soy products as well as other legumes have been shown to be very effective in weight management, thereby preventing the development of diabetes.

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Reference article source:, NCBI
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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