What are the effects of eating wood ear?

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For a long time, wood ear has become an ingredient in many familiar dishes in daily life. In oriental medicine, wood ear is also a valuable medicine with many medicinal uses, helping to increase resistance, immune system, help detoxify, and slow down the aging process. Read the article below to understand what are the benefits of eating wood ear.

1. What is wood ear tree?

Wood ear is also known as cat fungus or cat ear mushroom. Wood ear fungus is a fungus that grows on the stems of many different types of woody plants. Wood ear is used as a food and medicine with many effects such as blood tonic, blood circulation, hemostasis and improvement of systemic weakness. Wood ear has many different names. They are also known as cat mushrooms, cat's ear mushrooms, black wood ear mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms, mallow, wood tung or van ear.
Wood ear has a smooth upper surface, the lower surface is covered with a brown hair. The fungal tissue contains a gelatinous substance and the reproductive surface is smooth or wrinkled, covered with a powdery white coating released by spores as the fungus matures.
The reproductive organ of most species of wood ear is a multicellular, club-shaped fascia, located deep within the colloid. A tree ear contains a spore with a small stalk, growing underneath extending through the mucilaginous coating and reaching the surface of the fruit body. On each peduncle there is a spore. The flesh of the wood ear tree is usually about 1-3 mm thick. The fruit of Wood ear is used to make medicine. The scientific name is Auricularia.
Wood ear is widely distributed in temperate and subtropical regions around the world. They are also found in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, South America and Africa. In our country, wood ear is grown for medicinal and medicinal use. Wood ear is said to have the best quality when it is given the right conditions to grow and develop in the trunks of plants such as azaleas, ferns, cassava, cassava, sorrel, sauerkraut, figs, jackfruit, etc. In addition to harvesting Naturally, wood ear is also grown in the trunk of jackfruit, cassava and sorrel to harvest as medicinal herbs. Wood ear is usually harvested in the summer and fall. After harvesting, they are washed, cut off the dirty part attached to the substrate and then dried.
Mộc nhĩ phát triển trong môi trường ôn đới và cận nhiệt
Unused wood ear should be exposed or dried, stored in a plastic bag or sealed box to prevent air from entering. Put the wood ear fungus in a cool, dry place, avoid high humidity so that the fungus does not get moldy. About nutrition, in 100g of dried wood ear fungus contains a number of nutrients with specific content as follows:
Energy 293 ,1 kcal
Protein 10.6 g Fat 0.2 g Sugar 65 g Iron 185 mg Calcium 375 mg Phosphorus 201 mg Carotene 0.03% mg Fiber 5.8 g

2. What are the effects of wood ear and black wood ear?

Black wood ear is a type of wood ear fungus. They are an edible wild mushroom. Black wood ear is mainly found in China but it also thrives in tropical climates such as the Pacific Islands, Nigeria, Hawaii and India. They usually grow on naturally rotting trunks and logs but can also be purposefully grown for medicinal harvest.
Mộc nhĩ đen mọc trên thân cây gỗ mục tự nhiên

Wood ear and black wood ear are both known for their jelly-like consistency and different toughness compared to other foods. They have also become a popular culinary ingredient in a variety of Asian cuisines. In addition, they have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. So, what are the effects of wood ear and black ear fungus? And is it good to eat wood ear?
Although wood ear mushrooms have many uses in traditional Chinese medicine, scientific studies on it are still in the early stages and there is no certainty as to whether they have any health benefits. Many claim that this mushroom has been noted for its immune-boosting and antibacterial properties. Scientifically proven wood ear effects include:
Contains many powerful antioxidants : Mushrooms, including Auricularia species, are generally high in antioxidants. These beneficial plant compounds help fight oxidative stress in the body, which is linked to inflammation and a variety of different diseases. Furthermore, mushrooms often contain powerful polyphenol antioxidants. Diets rich in polyphenols are associated with a reduced risk of cancer and chronic diseases, including metabolic cardiovascular disease.
May Support Gut Health and Immune System: Similar to other mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms boast a wide variety of prebiotics - mainly in the form of beta glucan. Prebiotics are a type of fiber that gives the body a healthy gut microbiome as well as increases the proportion of friendly bacteria in our gut. These substances promote digestive health and maintain bowel regularity. Interestingly, the gut microbiome is strongly linked to immune health. Prebiotics like those in myrrh are thought to work to boost your immune response to unfriendly pathogens that can make you sick.
May lower blood cholesterol: The polyphenols in mushrooms can help lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). In turn, lower levels of LDL cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. A study in rabbits that were fed wood ear mushrooms found that both total and LDL (bad) cholesterol were significantly reduced. However, researchers are still not sure exactly how the mushrooms exert this effect, and a single animal study on wood ear fungus doesn't necessarily apply to people who eat wood ear.
May promote brain health: Mushrooms are generally thought to help maintain healthy brain function. One test-tube study found that myrrh and other fungi inhibit the activity of beta secretase, an enzyme that releases the beta amyloid protein. These proteins are toxic to the brain and have been implicated in degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Although these findings are promising, human studies are still needed before conclusions can be drawn.
May protect your liver : Wood ear can protect your liver from the harmful effects of certain substances. In a rat study, a solution of water and wood ear powder helped reverse and protect the liver from damage from acetaminophen overdose and is commonly marketed as Tylenol in the United States. Researchers have linked this effect to the mushroom's potent antioxidant properties. However, human studies – as noted, are still needed.
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Use caution when using
Normally, wood ear is a benign food, with little risk of causing health problems. However, since most wood ear fungus is sold dried, it is important to always soak it before using due to its density and brittleness.
Moreover, wood ear should always be cooked thoroughly to kill bacteria and remove dirt. Studies show that boiling can even increase its antioxidant activity
However, picking and preparing and eating wood ear mushrooms is generally not recommended because of the risk of confusion with poisonous mushrooms. or contamination. Wild mushrooms not only absorb pollutants from their environment, but mistakenly ingesting mushrooms can cause poisoning or even death.
Instead, buy wood ear from reputable sellers. Wood ear is an edible mushroom that is a common ingredient in Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine. It is usually sold dry and needs to be soaked before cooking to get crispy. New research shows that wood ear fungus offers many benefits, such as protecting the liver, lowering cholesterol and promoting gut health. It is also high in fiber and antioxidants. Wood ear has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. However, for modern medicine, more studies are still needed to prove the effects of this mushroom.

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