Why can coffee upset your stomach?

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Coffee is a popular beverage today, but many people who regularly use it find that drinking coffee causes stomach pain, and even has many other complications. So what is in the composition of coffee that makes users have stomach pain?

1. Does drinking coffee hurt your stomach?

Scientists have stepped in to find out the cause, after having coffee drinkers with stomach pain reflected their symptoms. Several studies have confirmed that the bitter taste of coffee has the ability to stimulate the production of stomach acid. That's why many people believe that drinking coffee causes stomach pain, worsens existing stomach conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and causes some symptoms like heartburn, ulcers, nausea, acid reflux, indigestion.
Some people think that drinking coffee on an empty stomach is especially harmful because there is no food to prevent coffee acids from damaging the stomach lining. However, there are still no studies that have found a link between drinking coffee on an empty stomach and the risk of stomach diseases.
Although some people are sensitive to coffee, when drinking will experience heartburn, vomiting, indigestion, but the frequency and severity does not change whether they drink coffee on a full stomach or not. hungry.
However, the most important thing is the stomach's response to coffee. If you experience digestive problems after drinking coffee on an empty stomach but not when full, you need to adjust the time to drink coffee accordingly.
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2. What ingredients does coffee have that cause stomach upset?

Caffeine Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee that helps you become more alert. An 8-ounce (240-ml) cup of coffee contains about 95 mg of caffeine.
Many people think that caffeine is merely a mental stimulant, but studies show that it can increase the frequency of contractions in the digestive system. For example, an older study from 1998 found that caffeinated coffee stimulates the colon 23% more than decaf coffee and 60% more than water. This indicates that caffeine has a strong stimulant effect on the lower organs of the digestive system. In addition, some studies have shown that caffeine can increase the production of stomach acid, causing stomach pain if it is particularly sensitive.
Coffee acids In addition to caffeine, studies have shown that coffee acids can also be a cause of stomach pain. Coffee is high in acids like chlorogenic acid and N-alkanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide, which have been shown to increase stomach acid production. This acid works to break down food so that it moves down to the intestines for further digestion. They suggested that coffee might aggravate heartburn symptoms, the study was inconclusive and showed no significant association.
Other ingredients In some cases, it's not the coffee that makes the stomach upset. In fact, upset stomach can be caused by additives like milk, cream, sweeteners, or sugar, which more than two-thirds of Americans add to their coffee.
Một số trường hợp cho thấy cà phê không phải nguyên nhân gây đau dạ dày

For example, about 65% of people worldwide cannot digest lactose, a type of milk sugar, which can cause symptoms such as bloating, stomach cramps or diarrhea soon after consuming avocado products milk.

3. Can decaf coffee cause an upset stomach?

In some cases, users switch to using decaf coffee which can help relieve stomach pain. This only works when caffeine is the culprit.
The composition of decaf coffee still contains coffee acids such as chlorogenic acid and N-alkanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide, which are associated with increased production of stomach acid and intestinal contractions. In addition, adding milk, cream, sugar or sweeteners to decaf coffee may increase the risk of stomach upset in people who are sensitive to these additives.

4. Coffee also causes any adverse effects on the body?

Caffeine can be addictive, especially in people who are genetically sensitive to caffeine. That's because regular coffee consumption can alter brain chemistry, requiring progressively larger amounts of caffeine to produce the same responses. Drinking too much coffee can lead to anxiety, restlessness, heart palpitations, and panic attacks. It can even lead to headaches, migraines, and high blood pressure in some people. Most experts agree that you should limit your caffeine intake to about 400 mg per day, which is equivalent to 4-5 cups of coffee. Coffee can also disrupt sleep, especially when taken late in the day as its effects can last up to 7 hours in adults.
Cà phê dùng cuối ngày có thể gây tình trạng mất ngủ
Caffeine can easily cross the placenta and its effects can last up to 16 hours longer than usual in pregnant women and their babies. Therefore, pregnant women are encouraged to limit their coffee intake to 1 - 2 cups (240 - 480 ml) per day.

5. How to drink coffee without stomach pain?

For starters, drinking coffee slowly can make your stomach feel better. Also, try to avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach. Coffee is considered acidic, so sipping it during lunch can reduce absorption.
Here are some other ways to reduce the acidity of your coffee:
Choose dark beans: Research has shown that the longer the beans are roasted and at a higher temperature, the less acidic they are. . That means dark-colored beans tend to be less acidic than light-colored beans. Drink cold coffee: Research shows that cold coffee is less acidic than hot coffee. Choose products with large coffee grounds: Research shows that the smaller the size of the coffee grounds, the lower its acidity. (Coffee grounds are waste products from coffee making, in the final stage of the coffee making process.) In addition, if you want to enjoy a cup of coffee with milk but your body is lactose intolerant or causes stomach upset, switch to non-dairy coffee with other types of milk such as soy or almond milk.
Coffee is a drink in daily life, in fact coffee will not be too harmful if people use them in a scientific way, in the right dosage, especially for people with stomach diseases.
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References: webmd.com, healthline.com

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