Are the signs of coming period and pregnancy the same?

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Many women have difficulty identifying impending menstruation and pregnancy because the most common signs and symptoms of both conditions can be similar, including mood swings, pain back, frequent urination and chest tightness. However, the two conditions also have their own distinct signs and symptoms, and some only occur if you're pregnant.

1. What is premenstrual syndrome?

Menstruation is bleeding from the vagina due to the shedding of the endometrium in the absence of conception, occurring at the beginning of each cycle, usually 28 days. Menstruation begins at puberty and lasts until menopause. Menstruation is caused by normal fluctuations in the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, the important hormones that regulate fertility in women.
Many women experience symptoms including cramping, bloating, breast tenderness and mood swings around the middle of their period. This is premenstrual syndrome, a condition characterized by psychological and physical symptoms that develop sometime after ovulation and end with the onset of menstrual bleeding. Symptoms of PMS can include irritability, depression, crying, fatigue, bloating, acne, breast tenderness, and changes in appetite.
tiền kinh nguyệt
Dấu hiệu sắp có kinh nguyệt thường xuất hiện vào khoảng thời gian giữa của chu kỳ

2. Similarities Between Premenstrual Syndrome and Signs of Pregnancy

For many women, early signs of pregnancy can resemble those of an impending menstrual period or premenstrual syndrome. Accordingly, the most common signs and symptoms that are most similar between these two conditions include:
Headaches : Headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy but many women also experience tension headaches or migraines premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual syndrome. Back pain: This symptom can be when your period is coming but it can also be a sign of pregnancy. Mood swings: Mood swings are common in both premenstrual syndrome and early pregnancy, including depression, anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. Constipation: The hormone progesterone can lead to digestive disorders including constipation. Because levels of this hormone increase during the second half of the menstrual cycle, constipation can occur in women with premenstrual syndrome or approaching menses. At the same time, early pregnancy with hormonal changes can also cause constipation. Urinating more: Women may have to urinate more often if they are pregnant or about to have their period. Breast tenderness and tenderness: Breast tenderness, tenderness, swelling, or enlargement can occur during early pregnancy as well as before menstruation. The breasts may feel heavy, painful, or sensitive in both of these conditions.

3. What is the difference between premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy?

Vaginal bleeding or spotting : Mild bleeding (not enough bleeding to absorb a tampon or tampon) sometimes occurs around the time the embryo implants in the uterus during early pregnancy. This is called implantation bleeding, which is completely unlike the heavy bleeding some women may experience early in their period.
Fatigue: Fatigue is common in women in the early stages of pregnancy but it also shows up as a sign of PMS in many women. However, PMS fatigue usually goes away quickly once the period begins.
Cravings or loss of appetite : Many women experience cravings or increased cravings before the start of their period. Food cravings or aversions are also typical of pregnancy, although cravings during pregnancy are often more specific and intense than during premenstrual syndrome.
Nausea and vomiting : Nausea and vomiting are more typical in early pregnancy and are not common symptoms of PMS or impending menstruation. Therefore, if a woman is pregnant, she is more likely to experience this symptom.
Cramps: Cramps and pain in the abdomen or pelvis occur in many women before or even during menstruation. These symptoms are often particularly troubling for women with PMS. However, some women may also experience mild cramping in the early stages of pregnancy.
có kinh nguyệt khác gì có thai
Có nhiều điểm khác biệt giữa dấu hiệu sắp có kinh nguyệt và có thai

4. What symptoms and signs are specific to pregnancy?

Some symptoms are more typical of early pregnancy and less likely to occur due to impending menses or premenstrual syndrome:
Missing or late periods : Amenorrhea is a telltale symptom of pregnancy. Bleeding or cramping during implantation: Bleeding and cramping can be very mild at the time of implantation in the uterus during early pregnancy. This is very different from the force of contractions of the uterus that produces the normal amount of menstrual blood. Vaginal discharge: Increased estrogen production during pregnancy can lead to increased milky vaginal discharge. Darkening of the areola or nipples: Darkening or enlargement of the areola or nipples can occur as early as a week or two after conception in early pregnancy or can develop later in pregnancy. This is not at all a sign of PMS or about to have a period. In summary, the symptoms of early pregnancy can be similar to those experienced by women just before their period, so it can sometimes be confusing. However, with a clear understanding of one's feelings, especially in subjects with regular cycles, the two conditions can be easily distinguished. At the same time, the obvious way to tell the difference between a period and pregnancy is a urine pregnancy test, an easy way to do it alone at home.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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