Changes in pregnant women at week 13

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This article was professionally consulted by Dr. Nguyen Nhu Thu Truc - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Pregnant at 13 weeks, pregnant mothers are certainly eager to learn about the changes of the mother's body, the development of the fetus at this time and what needs to be done to support the baby's maximum development.
Here are the changes of pregnant women at week 13:

1. You will continue to gently gain weight

At 13 weeks, you will continue to gain weight, because in the belly, your baby is also growing rapidly. Your belly has been raised and revealed, relatives and colleagues begin to care about your growing belly. As your belly grows, it means it will be difficult for you to lie on your stomach, you can practice lying on your side or use a supportive pillow.

2. Pregnant women become more clumsy

When you're 13 weeks pregnant and just a week away from your second trimester, you'll feel more comfortable and at ease both mentally and physically. The second trimester is the most comfortable of the three. However, you may feel more clumsy these days: breaking dishes, tripping. The cause is the hormone Relaxin - a hormone that messes with you during pregnancy. This hormone not only acts on your pelvis, which relaxes ligaments and joints in preparation for delivery, but also works on your entire body, which means your arms and legs are affected too. enjoy.

3. Skin becomes smooth

Pregnant women at 13 weeks will own a smoother and more beautiful skin, ugly acne marks will be eliminated. To provide enough moisture and nutrients to the skin during pregnancy, pregnant women should use moisturizer. However, your bleeding gums will continue, 80% of pregnant women will have bleeding gums during this period, so don't forget to have regular dental check-ups. In addition, the pregnant woman's bra should also be changed to be more suitable, reducing the feeling of heaviness, pain or sensitivity.

4. Uterus and vaginal fluid

Sự thay đổi của bà bầu tuần 13
Dịch tiết âm đạo của bạn sẽ gia tăng
Your uterus at 13 weeks has grown a lot. Your vaginal discharge will increase. This discharge is completely normal, it is milky white, has a slight odor (sometimes even odorless). This condition is known as lymphadenopathy. Lymphatic disease is caused by increased estrogen production as well as increased blood flow to the pelvic area. Its purpose is to protect the birth canal from infection and maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the vagina.
But, lymphedema can make your underwear wet and smelly. Therefore, you should change your underwear often to be more comfortable. Absolutely do not douche the vaginal area while you are pregnant, this can upset the normal balance of microorganisms, lead to vaginal infections and even allow air into the vagina during pregnancy. pregnancy, can be dangerous.

5. The change of breasts

The chest continues to be the part with the most changes and sensitivity. Your breasts will feel heavier, often painful. And by this time, you need to prepare yourself with new, wider and more comfortable bras.

6. Nosebleeds during pregnancy dangerous?

This is the worry of most pregnant women during pregnancy. At 13 weeks, the mother often had nosebleeds. That's because the veins swell up, causing you to have a runny, stuffy, and bloody nose. This condition will go away on its own, it is important that you stay calm and have a tissue ready to absorb when you have a nosebleed. Keep the nasal cavity moist and protect against smog with a regular mask.
Week by week both mother and baby have changes: it can be a pleasant change, but sometimes it brings fatigue and hardship. Motherhood is never easy, but for the sake of children, mothers always want to bring the best things to their children.
To help mothers take care of the health of mother and fetus during pregnancy, Vinmec International General Hospital applies all-inclusive maternity health care packages with outstanding quality. Pregnant women are accompanied by experienced obstetricians and gynecologists at Vinmec throughout the process during pregnancy - labor - postpartum. Maternity packages at Vinmec International General Hospital include:
Maternity package 12 weeks Maternity package 27 weeks Maternity package 36 weeks Maternity package - labor Master. Doctor Nguyen Nhu Thu Truc has more than 8 years of experience in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, such as providing reproductive health care advice for women during pregnancy and labor, delivery, and cesarean section. In particular, Dr. Truc has a lot of experience in:
Treatment of gynecological diseases, Family planning consultation, Reproductive health care consultation for women during pregnancy and labor, Delivery, cesarean section

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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