Clinical symptoms of perimenopause

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Posted by Master, Doctor Vu Thi Hong Chinh - Obstetrics Department - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Perimenopause is a normal physiological phenomenon of women that occurs when there is a decrease or deficiency of Progesterone, FSH, and LH increase. It is the transitional period before the normal menstrual period to the period when menstruation stops (menopause). This stage usually lasts about 2 to 5 years.

1. Possible clinical symptoms during perimenopause

During perimenopause, a woman may experience signs such as:
Menstrual disorders: Irregular menstruation, may change the length or shorten of the cycle, change in the amount of menstrual blood less or increase and cause discomfort to a woman if her menstrual period is heavy, prolonged, causing fatigue and affecting daily activities. Premenstrual syndrome occurs: Weight gain, stress, anxiety... Cervical mucus is clear and fluid during the cycle Increases vascular permeability: Breast pain, prone to edema Periods during this period usually do not ovulation Women's fertility is completely reduced Psychological disorders: Anxiety, stress, insomnia, forgetfulness...
Kinh nguyệt ra nhiều
Rối loạn kinh nguyệt là dấu hiệu thường thấy khi giai đoạn tiền mãn kinh bắt đầu

2. Diagnosis of perimenopause

Doctors will diagnose women entering perimenopause mainly based on clinical symptoms. Hormonal tests are not meaningful because the endocrine system is already in an unstable state during this period.

3. Treatment of perimenopause

The treatment will be based on each person's condition and location:
There is a need for oral contraceptives: Combination birth control pills, especially the new generation. No need for oral contraceptives: Treatment with Progestins administered for 10 days per month. Supportive treatment: A reasonable diet that enhances fresh vegetables, exercise regularly, maintain a suitable weight, supplement vitamins and calcium. Ensure sleep, avoid anxiety.

4. How to relieve perimenopause symptoms?

Tập thể dục bình thường sau khi đặt dụng cụ tử cung tránh thai
Thường xuyên tập thể dục để giảm nhẹ các triệu chứng của giai đoạn tiền mãn kinh
Perimenopause is a natural and inevitable process in a woman's life cycle. However, some people experience early menopause because of a medical condition or a side effect of medication. To help alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms that perimenopause brings, each person should change their lifestyle and healthy living habits by:
Get enough sleep Regularly exercise, try to have healthy lifestyles. at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Eat healthy, add more vegetables, tubers and fruits to the menu. Keep the spirit always happy, comfortable, avoid stress: you can practice yoga or meditation, nourishing exercises,... Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has a package of health examination and consultation. healthy perimenopause. When registering for an examination package, customers will be examined and consulted with a specialist in Gynecology; Perform tests to assess hormonal status such as:
Gynecological examination Gynecological examination, breast examination Transabdominal ultrasound of uterus and ovaries Taking samples for cervical-vaginal cytology Mammogram (2 sides) Osteoporosis Measurement Perform other tests to detect premenopausal conditions, if any.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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