Does diabetes affect sperm quality?

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According to research reviews, men with diabetes may have an increased risk of sexual problems and especially affect sperm quality. Therefore, patients need to be examined, monitored, and managed to avoid affecting fertility.

1. The Effects of Diabetes on Sperm Count

High blood sugar in the blood negatively affects male fertility, this is a problem that few people care about and know. Besides, diabetes also reduces the ability to conceive, even causing infertility in men. The effects of diabetes on sperm quality and sexual health include:
High blood sugar causes damage to sperm DNA. Making DNA fragmented or damaged can cause natural cell death that makes it difficult for men to conceive. This is the cause of infertility in men with diabetes who do not have well-controlled blood sugar levels. Diabetes also affects sperm count, causing a decrease in sperm count and motility. If diabetes is not controlled, it can lead to vascular complications. Affects the small blood vessels in the penile region and the nerves that lead to erectile dysfunction. If the blood vessels don't work properly, or if an artery is blocked, there won't be enough blood to the penis, making it difficult to get an erection. Increases the risk of retrograde ejaculation into the bladder, reducing the chances of conception. Decreased sex drive due to decreased levels of the hormone testosterone, a hormone that helps control sex drive in men. To assess the degree of influence of diabetes on sperm quality, a semen analysis can be used to know the exact extent of the effect.
Xét nghiệm tinh dịch đồ
Xét nghiệm tinh dich đồ cho phép đánh giá mức độ ảnh hưởng của bệnh tiểu đường lên tinh trùng

2. What to do when diabetes affects sexual function?

When men have diabetes, a few can cause complications that affect fertility and more seriously can cause infertility. Accordingly, the disease has manifestations of sexual dysfunction, difficulty having children. In this case, the patient should do the following:
The patient needs to go to medical facilities to be examined to assess the level of influence and to receive advice from medical experts. Accordingly, you should directly discuss your problems for specific advice. Although diabetes can affect fertility, the rate is not too high, so there is no need to worry too much to avoid causing negative effects on men's psychology. Try to take steps to maintain your weight and keep your blood sugar levels under control. It is advisable to quit smoking because smoking can affect sexual problems.
Hút thuốc lá khiến số lượng và chất lượng của tinh trùng suy giảm
Nam giới nên từ bỏ việc hút thuốc lá

3. How to limit the effect of diabetes on sperm quality

If blood sugar levels are well controlled, all risks of complications are reduced, so if blood sugar levels are controlled, the risk of complications affecting sperm quality and fertility is also reduced. of men.
Measures to help control blood sugar well include:
Maintain a healthy, appropriate diet, reduce eating foods high in starch, sugar, increase green vegetables and less sweet fruits. Regular exercise: Can practice sports such as walking, cycling, swimming, yoga... to help maintain health, limit excess energy, control weight well and help reduce stress straight tired. Use the correct and sufficient medication as directed by the medical staff. Proper rest, reduce excessive stress and fatigue. Thus, diabetes can affect many organs in the body. If a man has diabetes, it will not only affect the quality of his sperm, but also his ability to have sex. The best way to limit complications caused by diabetes is to control blood sugar well, and at the same time, perform examinations, monitor management to prevent and minimize the effects on health.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the address of diabetes examination, monitoring, treatment and management trusted and chosen by many customers. With good facilities, a team of experienced and qualified medical staff will help patients have a good chance of treatment and minimize diabetes complications affecting sperm quality, reproduction as well as sperm quality. many other agencies.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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