Fetal ultrasound in the second 3 months

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Second trimester ultrasound is a subclinical method that helps pregnant women monitor the development of the fetus during this period. Second trimester ultrasound images can reveal some of the fetal body features that have developed up to this point.

1. What is the role of second trimester pregnancy ultrasound?

The second trimester is the period from 12 to 26 weeks of pregnancy. This is considered the time when the fetus develops and has many changes. In order to comprehensively evaluate the development of the fetus, in addition to clinical examination of the mother, do some paraclinical tests to check and screen (Triple Test), the second trimester ultrasound also It is a very effective tool.
Ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy is performed between the 18th and 22nd week. The fetal ultrasound image shows the characteristics of shape, sex as well as screening for abnormal birth defects. usually different.

2. What does the second trimester ultrasound image show?

The second trimester ultrasound images can show some characteristics as follows:
The length of the fetus, specifically the length of the head and buttocks, can be 22.86 cm long by the end of the second trimester. Determine the sex of the baby. Observe some features such as eyes, fingerprints, foot prints, fluff, substances, skin... Detect malformations in the cranium, because at this stage the child's brain develops very quickly. Deformities in the spine, hands, feet... Check the anatomical features on the child's face to promptly detect birth defects such as cleft lip, cleft palate. Observe the connection of the vertebrae together. Most importantly, are the cardiovascular abnormalities, the anatomical features of the ventricles, atria, and whether the heart valves open and close according to fetal physiology or not. For the abdominal wall, ultrasound allows to investigate the status of the viscera in the abdomen of the fetus is covered or not, or the appendages such as umbilical cord, amniotic fluid.
Hình ảnh siêu âm thai 3 tháng giữa ở tuần thứ 25 thai kỳ
Hình ảnh siêu âm thai 3 tháng giữa ở tuần thứ 25 thai kỳ

3. Conclusion

The second trimester ultrasound is an extremely important and essential milestone in the pregnancy process of pregnant women. Ultrasound images will help assess the clear development of the fetus in this period, timely detect unwanted birth defects. From there, doctors can give further treatment directions to ensure the health of the pregnant mother and the fetus.

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