How do I know if my baby is getting enough breast milk?

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New mothers who are new to breastfeeding sometimes worry about whether their baby is getting enough breast milk or not? Accordingly, all mothers want their babies to receive all the nutrients they need, but in reality it is difficult to know how much breastfed babies are enough. The article will help mothers understand more how to know if the baby is getting enough or not?

1. What are the signs that my baby is getting enough breast milk?

A breastfed baby can get enough nutrients if there are several signs that he is getting enough :
Your breasts feel softer after breastfeeding (because your baby has used up some of the milk you are getting) make breasts firm). Your baby seems comfortable and satisfied after feeding. Your baby continues to gain weight after regaining the initial weight he lost after birth. (Most babies lose up to 7% of their birth weight and then regain it by about 2 weeks of age.) Basic guide: Your baby will gain about 170 to 227 grams a week for the first four months. , Later. about 113 to 170 grams per week for 4 to 7 months. Your baby will be in at least six diapers a day once you have milk. In the early days, when your baby is getting only your dense, nutrient-rich colostrum, he may only have one or two wet diapers a day. But after your baby starts to breastfeed normally, he'll start to have a much wetter diaper. During the first month, your baby has bowel movements at least three times per day, and the stools fade to mustard yellow within five to seven days of birth. Your baby may have fewer bowel movements by one month of age, or they may not have bowel movements for a few days now and then. After eating solid foods, at 4 to 6 months, your baby will probably have a bowel movement at least once a day.
Mẹ nên cho bé bú nhiều để kích thích tuyến sữa sản xuất sữa nhiều hơn
Trẻ không quấy khóc, vui vẻ là dấu hiệu đã bú đủ

2. Monitor the signs that the baby is full or not?

Look for the following signs if you are concerned about your baby's milk supply:
Your baby continues to lose weight. If your child doesn't start to gain weight after five days, or if he or she starts to lose weight again any time after, talk to your doctor about it. Your baby is wetting less than six diapers in a 24-hour period five days after birth. Your baby has small, dark stools after the first five days. Your baby's urine is very dark, like apple juice. (If the urine is pale or clear, it means that the child is drinking enough fluids. If the urine is more concentrated, it could be a sign that the child is lacking fluids.) Your child is often fussy or lethargic. Your baby may fall asleep as soon as you put him on your chest but then fuss when you take him away. Baby has dry mouth or dry eyes. Your baby doesn't seem satisfied, even if the feedings go on for more than an hour. Your breasts don't feel softer after breastfeeding. You rarely hear your baby swallow while feeding. (Some babies feed very quietly, so if all other signs are positive, don't worry about this one!)
Trẻ 1 tuần tuổi có cân nặng từ 2,9 - 3,8kg
Trẻ bị giảm cân báo hiệu chất lượng sữa của mẹ

3. What if the baby is not getting enough breast milk?

Although most mothers are able to give their babies all the milk they need, sometimes babies don't get enough. And when the problem is left unresolved, the baby can become dehydrated and unable to grow, which are uncommon but quite serious problems.
If you are concerned that your baby is not getting enough milk, call your doctor or see a nurse or infant care consultant. At these appointments, you will usually breastfeed your baby while the counselor observes you and offers valuable advice for successful breastfeeding.

4. How long will the baby feed in one feeding?

Some babies prefer to breastfeed all the time, while others only breastfeed when prompted by their mother. Your baby may be too sleepy to feed heavily in the first 24 hours. But these are typical:
Mẹ cho con bú khi bị sốt xuất huyết sẽ không thể lây bệnh cho bé
Mỗi trẻ có thời gian bú mẹ khác nhau

4.1. Time period from 1 to 7 weeks

After 2 to 3 hours 8 to 12 times per day This may seem a bit overwhelming and makes you wonder if your baby is getting enough at each feed. But keep in mind that newborns have small bellies and need to be refilled often.

4.2. 2 to 5 month period

Every 2 and a half to 3 and a half hours every 7 to 9 times a day As your baby gets older and breastfeeds more effectively, he will feed longer between feeds and spend less time on your breast.

4.3. A period of 6 months or more

5 to 6 hours once 4 to 5 times per day
Bú mẹ
Trẻ trên 6 tháng tuổi sẽ có thời gian bú rút ngắn

5. How much breast milk should be pumped out?

If you're pumping your baby, you can follow these guidelines to figure out how much your baby will need:
Until your baby is about 1 month old, most babies will drink 75 to 90 ml of breast milk in bottle, feed about 8 times a day, which means 600 to 720 ml in total in 24 hours. At 6 months, babies will most likely be nursing 24 to 30 ounces a day, divided into six to eight feeds. Your baby will start drinking a little less after starting solid foods. Remember that these are only rough guidelines and don't try to force your 6-month-old to take 90ml a day if they don't want to.

6. Is it possible to overfeed a child?

Yes, if you're bottle-feeding your baby, it's very easy to give your baby too much formula or breast milk. Breastfed babies may be able to soothe themselves while getting minimal amounts of milk, or drink just enough to quench their thirst, but bottle-fed babies are not so easy. If a bottle-fed baby just wants some milk, he or she will usually finish feeding faster because the milk flows quickly through the nipple of the bottle.
Trẻ bú sữa công thức có nguy cơ bị hẹp môn vị cao hơn so với trẻ bú mẹ
Trẻ uống sữa công thức chỉ bú một lượng sữa tối thiểu

7. How can excessive bottle feeding be prevented?

To help your baby get the right amount of milk, bottle feed them slowly and give them a little rest so they have a chance to let you know when they're getting enough. If your baby is nursing quickly, help her regain her breath by resting every 10 feeds. This is especially important during the first few months, until babies learn to self-regulate.
As babies start to eat more solid foods, they start drinking less breast milk. As your baby approaches her first birthday, she may be able to breastfeed three to four times a day.
When your baby turns 1 year old, they can switch to whole cow's milk in a bottle or sippy cup. Remember that although cow's milk is good for your baby, you shouldn't overdo it or your baby won't crave other healthy foods. (Too much cow's milk can also lead to iron-deficiency anemia.) You might consider giving your child 480 to 720 ml a day.
You can continue to raise your child beyond the age of 1 if you and the child want to. Although babies will get most of their nutrition from solid foods, breast milk still provides calories, immune protection, vitamins and enzymes.
Breastfeeding not only provides the necessary nutrients for the baby but also benefits the mother. Besides, breastfeeding also helps to create a strong bond between mother and baby. Hopefully the above sharing can help mothers be more confident, no longer confused when taking care of babies.
In the process of breastfeeding, if you notice abnormal signs, parents can take their children to Vinmec International General Hospital, which is one of the leading hospitals in the country for examination and diagnosis. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system, urinary tract, respiratory diseases, nutrition, especially in infants and young children. With modern equipment, sterile space, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease spread. Along with that is the dedication from the doctors with professional experience with pediatric patients, making the examination no longer a concern of the parents.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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