How to know exactly when ovulated?

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For those who are longing to have children, the main concern is how their ovulation day is. In each menstrual cycle, ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle and the ability to conceive occurs only about 6 days (5 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation). So, are there any ways to know the exact date of ovulation?

1. What is ovulation?

Ovulation is the stage in your menstrual cycle when a mature egg is released from the ovary, creating oocytes that are the prerequisites for fertilization. Every woman is born with millions of eggs but at an immature stage. In each menstrual cycle, there will be a number of 30-40 oocytes that will develop, select, and in the middle of the menstrual cycle only one egg cell in this 30-40 cells develops the most (follicle). dominant) will be released. After ovulation, the egg travels down the fallopian tube, where it can meet a sperm and be fertilized. For most healthy women, ovulation usually occurs once a month, a few weeks after menstruation begins.

2. When do you ovulate?

You may have heard that ovulation usually occurs on day 15 of the menstrual cycle, but not everyone is the same.
If you're like most women of childbearing age, your menstrual cycle lasts between 28 and 32 days, and ovulation usually occurs between day 10 and day 19 of that cycle — about 12 to 16 days before your next period. So if your cycle is 35 days, ovulation will likely happen around day 21 of that cycle — but if your cycle is 21 days, ovulation should happen on day seven .
The timing of ovulation can vary from cycle to cycle and from woman to woman, that's why it's a good idea to track your period with your body's menstrual calendar for at least three month or so, to help you better estimate your own ovulation cycle.
For some women, ovulation does not always happen or may be irregular. In general, if you're pregnant, have gone through menopause, or you take your birth control pills consistently and on time, you won't ovulate. Certain diseases or disorders (such as polycystic ovary syndrome or premature ovarian failure or other conditions) and certain medications (including some antidepressants, anti-nausea medications, and chemotherapy drugs) ) can cause women to stop ovulating for a while. In addition, other lifestyle factors - such as stress or being significantly under or overweight (measured as a percentage of body fat) - can affect menstruation and ovulation.
If you are facing irregular menstrual cycles or menstrual cycles are particularly short (less than 21 days) or long (more than 35 days), you should be evaluated by your doctor to rule out any medical conditions which may cause such abnormalities. cycles. It is true that it can be harder to track ovulation when you have irregular periods, but remember that ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of your period, so even if your period is irregular, you You can still get pregnant at some point in your cycle.
Vì sao cho con bú dẫn đến không có kinh nguyệt?
Đa số rụng trứng thường xảy ra vào ngày 15 của chu kỳ kinh nguyệt

3. How long does ovulation last?

Once a mature egg is released from the surface of the ovary, it can be fertilized for 24 hours. But you don't have to have sex on the day of ovulation to get pregnant! In fact, there's a "conceiving moment" that lasts six days in your cycle—the five days before ovulation and the day you ovulate. Of those six days, you're most fertile in the two to three days before ovulation and the day of ovulation itself. Beyond 24 hours after ovulation, the egg is no longer viable and you usually can't get pregnant until your next menstrual period.

4. How to accurately predict ovulation?

Whether you're trying to conceive or simply want to know your body's signs of ovulation, these stats, including home and over-the-counter tests, can help you learn how to know yourself. are ovulating (or about to ovulate).
4.1. Track your basal body temperature Your basal body temperature is your body temperature at rest. At the beginning of your cycle, your basal body temperature remains fairly stable and averages between 37.2 and 37.6 degrees Celsius. As you approach ovulation, your basal body temperature will drop slightly, followed by a slight drop in basal body temperature. a sharp rise, usually around 0.4 to 1.0 degrees, shortly after ovulation. One way to tell if you're ovulating is to track your basal body temperature over a series of months. Take your temperature with a digital thermometer designed for the body (which you can buy online or at a drugstore) as soon as you wake up, even before you get out of bed, and take your readings every morning . Remember that from day to day, your basal body temperature can fluctuate by half a degree or more, so monitor your temperature accurately to confirm that you've ovulated. After a few months, the information will let you know when you ovulate regularly so you can plan your birth accordingly.
4.2. Menstrual chart Another simple and inexpensive way to track ovulation is to record the start and end days of your period for several months. If you have a regular menstrual cycle — between 25 and 35 days — you're likely ovulating regularly, with ovulation occurring about 14 days before your period. Remember to write it down whenever you experience signs of ovulation: Typical ovulation symptoms can include cramping, increased cervical mucus, breast tenderness, fluid retention, and cravings or changes in appetite. mood. Continue reading to know more about ovulation symptoms.
Trẻ 14 tuổi chu kỳ kinh nguyệt không đều có sao không?
Sử dụng biểu đồ kinh nguyệt giúp xác định thời điểm trứng rụng

4.3. Ovulation predictor test Ovulation prediction test measures levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), which can be detected in your urine. These kits work because ovulation usually occurs about 10 to 12 hours after LH peaks — on day 14 to day 15 of your menstrual cycle if your cycle is 28 days long. Your LH levels should remain high for 14 to 27 hours to allow the eggs to fully mature.
Here's how an ovulation test works : Dip the stick in your urine and wait for a line to appear. If the color of the line matches the color shown on the instructions, ovulation is imminent — within 24 to 48 hours. While most ovulation predictor tests can be used at any time of the day, it's a good idea to test first thing in the morning. For best results, test at the same time each day and cut back on your fluid intake for the previous four hours, so your urine will be more concentrated and your LH easier to detect.
The real secret to success with an ovulation predictor test is knowing when to start using it. If your periods are regular, the chart you're taking can help you determine that optimal interval. If your cycle is irregular, it's best to pay attention to your ovulation symptoms. Even if you have confirmed that ovulation is occurring (through tests or other signs), try to wait to have sex until you notice an increase in cervical mucus. supply, which will increase your chances of conceiving.
4.4. Ovulation symptoms Before and during ovulation, hormonal changes can affect the entire body, causing ovulation symptoms. This can be a good way to know when you're ovulating. But if you don't notice any signs that you're ovulating, don't worry — that doesn't mean it's not happening.
Changes in cervical mucus:
As you near ovulation, your body produces more estrogen, which causes cervical mucus to become elastic and clear, like egg whites, which helps sperm swim to meet the egg released during ovulation. To check if you are ovulating, insert a clean finger into your vagina, suck out some mucus, and then stretch the discharge between your thumb and finger. If it's sticky and stretchy or very wet and slippery, that's a good sign that you're in a fertile period.

For some women, a more sensitive sense of smell in the second half of a normal menstrual cycle can be a sign of ovulation. During this fertile period, your body is easily attracted to the male pheromone androstenone.
Breast tenderness or pain
Tight breasts or sore nipples can be another sign of ovulation, due to the amount of hormones entering your body just before and after ovulation.
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Phụ nữ có thể cảm thấy đau ngực khi trứng rụng
Slight pelvic or lower abdominal pain
Many women wonder, can you feel the day of ovulation? And for some people, the answer is really yes - usually a mild ache or pain in the lower abdomen, often on one side or the other (not the same side every time). This ovulation pain, known as Mittelschmerz, can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. You may also experience light vaginal bleeding, discharge, or nausea with soreness, which is usually mild and short-lived.
Sexual changes
Some women notice that their sex drive increases during ovulation, which could be Mother Nature's way of making sure we keep this species alive and healthy! But, as Moore says, "sexual desire can be affected by anything, including whether you've had a glass of wine or just your mood."

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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