How to take care of your health during pregnancy?

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Health care during pregnancy not only ensures the safety of the woman, but also helps the baby grow healthy. A healthy lifestyle and observance of antenatal appointments are the basic principles of health care during pregnancy.

1. General principles in health care during pregnancy

Pregnant women should schedule an appointment with the doctor as soon as they find out they are pregnant. Your doctor will start by taking your medical history. They will also want to know about your symptoms. During the first visit, the pregnant woman will be ordered to have urine and blood tests. Urine tests are meant to check for bacteria, high sugar (which can be a sign of diabetes), and high protein levels (a sign of preeclampsia, a form of high blood pressure in pregnancy). Blood tests check for blood cell counts, hemoglobin levels, blood type, and other infectious diseases such as syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
Your doctor may also do other tests during your visit. your first examination. These indications may vary based on the medical history and the unique characteristics of each woman:
Pap smear test to screen for cervical cancer. Ultrasound to see the growth and position of the gestational sac. Ultrasound is an imaging method that uses sound waves to create an image of the baby on a video screen, which is proven safe for the fetus. After the first visit, pregnant women will be scheduled for a follow-up visit every 4 weeks. In the 7th and 8th months of pregnancy, antenatal checkups will take place closer, the average frequency is usually about once every 2 weeks. In the last month of pregnancy, the visit will take place every week until delivery.
At each visit, the doctor will check your weight, blood pressure and urine tests. The doctor will listen to the fetal heart rate and measure the height of your uterus after the 20th week.
Compliance with the antenatal care appointment is a must-do thing when taking care of your health. The doctor will detect abnormalities of the mother and fetus, if any, to advise appropriate and timely interventions. A safe pregnancy needs to ensure the health of both mother and fetus.

2. Some questions when taking care of pregnant mothers

How much weight should I gain during pregnancy?
Each person's weight gain goal will be different, depending on a woman's nutritional status, pre-pregnancy BMI. Most women would be advised to gain an average of 11 to 14 kilograms. If you were underweight before becoming pregnant, you may need to gain more. Conversely, if you are overweight, you may need to gain less.
What should I eat?
Eating a balanced diet is one of the best things for a woman and her unborn baby. Be careful with the following foods and drinks during pregnancy.
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Chăm sóc sức khỏe khi mang thai thông qua các bữa ăn đầy đủ dinh dưỡng

Raw meat, eggs and fish: Food that is not fully cooked can increase the risk of food poisoning. Eat no more than 2 or 3 servings of fish per week, including canned fish. Do not eat shark, swordfish, mackerel, or tilefish because these fish are high in mercury, which can harm an unborn baby. If you eat tuna, make sure it's cooked through. Fruits and vegetables: Wash all produce before eating. Keep cutting boards and dishes clean. Add milk every day to provide enough calcium for pregnant women and fetuses. Do not drink unpasteurized milk or eat unpasteurized milk products. They may have bacteria that cause intestinal infections. This also means that cheeses should be limited. Sugar substitutes: Some artificial sweeteners can be used in moderation. These include aspartame (brand name: Equal or NutraSweet) and sucralose (brand name: Splenda). However, if you have phenylketonuria (PKU), avoid aspartame. Do not drink more than 1 or 2 cups of coffee or other beverages with caffeine per day. Can I take medicine?
During pregnancy, you need to see your doctor before taking any medicine. This includes pain relievers and some over-the-counter medicines. Some medicines can cause birth defects, especially if taken during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Can I take vitamins?
Pregnant women should get at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day. It can help prevent problems with your baby's brain and spine. Ask your doctor if you need more than 400 mcg.
Ideally, a woman should be started taking a folic acid supplement before getting pregnant every day. Do not take other vitamins or supplements without your doctor's approval.
How long can I keep working?
How it works in pregnancy varies from woman to woman. The nature of the job and the working environment are decisive. For example, jobs that involve radiation, lead and other materials - such as copper and mercury - can be harmful to your baby. If your job requires a lot of energy, you may not be able to work for a long time. Desk jobs are unlikely to harm an unborn baby. However, you should not place the computer on your stomach. In addition, your overall health also plays a part in determining working time.
Can I exercise?
For the best health care of pregnant mothers, you should exercise regularly. An exercise routine promotes a healthy lifestyle and can help reduce discomfort. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and choose light, low-impact sports.

Some women say that exercising during pregnancy makes labor and delivery easier. Walking and swimming are great options. If you were in the habit of being active before you got pregnant, you should probably continue. Otherwise, start slowly. Listen to your body and don't overdo it. Drink plenty of water to avoid overheating or dehydration, especially during the second trimester. It's best to avoid exercises that can cause you to fall, like soccer or basketball. Call your doctor if you have symptoms while exercising, such as:
Blurred vision Dizziness Chest pain Abdominal pain Can I have sex?
Sex while pregnant is safe. However, talk to your doctor if you have concerns. Some women's interest in sex changes when they become pregnant. As your uterus grows, you may need to try different positions, such as lying on your side.
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Cách chăm sóc sức khỏe khi mang thai bao gồm cả vấn đề quanh hệ tình dục

3. How to take care of your health during pregnancy to make pregnant women more comfortable

A woman's body goes through many significant changes during pregnancy. Here is a list of common problems women face and ways to help manage them:
Morning sickness : Nausea or vomiting can happen at any time, day or night. Pregnant women can try eating small meals; Avoid greasy, spicy or acidic foods. Some women feel nauseous more easily on an empty stomach. Should bring biscuits or fruit to avoid hunger. Talk to your doctor if morning sickness is causing you to lose weight or if it persists past the first trimester of pregnancy. Fatigue: Fatigue is a common feeling during pregnancy. Try to get enough rest or take a nap if possible. Talk to your doctor if you have symptoms other than fatigue. This could be a sign of anemia. Cramps: An active lifestyle can help reduce leg cramps. Stretch your calves by bending your feet toward your knees. Also, drink lots of water. Constipation: Drinking a lot of water and eating foods that are high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is one of the health care ways during pregnancy to avoid constipation. Do not take laxatives without consulting your doctor. Stool softeners may be safer than laxatives. Hemorrhoids: Try to avoid constipation, clean after bowel movements. Using wet wipes may feel more comfortable than toilet paper. Take a warm bath (soak in a warm bath) if needed. Urinating more often: You may have to urinate more often during pregnancy. Hormonal changes may be a cause. Also, as your baby grows, it puts pressure on your bladder. Don't stress too much if you are in this situation, this problem is not only for you. Varicose veins in the legs: Avoid clothing that hugs your waist or legs. Rest and keep your feet up. Avoid sitting or standing still for long periods of time. Ask your doctor about supportive measures to help prevent or relieve varicose veins. Mood swings: Your hormones are on the rise during pregnancy. Your whole life is changing. Don't be too hard on yourself. Tell your husband and loved ones immediately if you feel sad or depressed. Heartburn: Eat more often by eating smaller meals. Avoid spicy, greasy or acidic foods. Do not lie down immediately after eating. Ask your doctor about taking an antacid. Vaginal infections: The amount of discharge from your vagina can increase during pregnancy. Yeast infections can cause discharge, which is also a very common condition. Talk to your doctor if you notice any unusual discharge that increases or has a foul odor. Bleeding gums: See your dentist for advice. Don't avoid dental visits while you're pregnant.. Nasal congestion: Changing levels of the female hormone estrogen can cause a stuffy nose or nosebleeds. Edema: When you have edema, the best way to take care of your health is to lie down and stretch your legs as much as possible. Lie on your left side while sleeping. This posture helps blood from the legs circulate better to the heart. Do not use diuretics unless directed by your doctor. Stretch marks: Stretch marks appear as red marks on your skin. Lotions with shea butter can help moisturize the skin and relieve itchy, dry skin. You may also have other skin changes such as darkening of the skin on your face or around your nipples. Some women develop a dark line under their navel. Try to stay out of the sun or use sunscreen to help fade these marks. Most marks will fade after childbirth.
chăm sóc sức khỏe cho mẹ bầu
Cơ thể người phụ nữ phải đối diện với nhiều thay đổi đáng kể trong thai kỳ.

4. Things to avoid when taking care of pregnant women

Take note to follow the list of warnings below to ensure a safe and effective pregnancy:
Do not smoke or be around people who smoke: Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth , low birth weight babies and other health problems. Don't use drugs: Cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and other drugs increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and birth defects. Your baby may be born addicted to the drug you abused. It can cause serious health problems for your baby. Don't drink alcohol: Alcohol is a major cause of preventable birth defects, including fetal alcohol disorder. Do not clean litter boxes directly or eat raw or undercooked red meat: You could get toxoplasmosis, a disease that can cause birth defects. Do not douche: Increased discharge during pregnancy does not mean that you need to clean the vagina excessively. Douching can disrupt the beneficial vaginal flora. In case of bleeding or vaginal discharge; sudden and excessive swelling of the face or fingers; severe or persistent chest pain; persistent nausea and vomiting; dizziness, blurred vision, severe pain in your lower abdomen, chills, or fever; little machine pregnancy; little urine or burning when urinating or any other symptoms that cause trouble, pregnant women should go to a medical facility for examination.
Obstetrics Department of Vinmec International General Hospital has been highly appreciated by customers for its professional quality as well as professional care services, by:
Comprehensive mother and baby care: Mother & baby health care comprehensive, from before - during - after a full pregnancy; prenatal and postnatal screening for infants and mothers; heel test; maternity package ; pre-marital examination; prenatal care and counseling; cord blood storage. Children receive the best care from birth: right after the baby is born, the baby is skin-to-skin with the mother, the umbilical cord is cut by the father, and is monitored and cared for in the special care room for a few days. 12 hours for early detection of transient respiratory failure or other medical conditions. The baby is fully vaccinated. The birth team not only has obstetricians and midwives, but also has pediatricians on duty, monitoring to handle problems arising for the baby during the birth process. Modern and advanced techniques: Painless delivery with special anesthetic techniques. Treatment and care for extremely preterm infants < 27 weeks - Vinmec is the only hospital in the North that can save the lives of babies born 24 weeks premature. Outstanding equipment: The ward is designed according to international hotel standards, with modern equipment such as: specialized transport incubators with ventilators, suction blood, pressure controlled oxygen tubes; deafness screening machine, brain cooling machine to treat asphyxia; CFM brain function monitor; Monitor 5 parameters; Resuscitation bed with built-in heating lamp.
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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