Is the lubricant in condoms harmful?

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Thi Man - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Using condoms is one of the most popular methods of contraception today. It is popular because it is convenient, inexpensive. There are many different types of condoms, there are condoms alone, there are condoms combined with lubricants or spermicides,...

1. What are condoms and lubricants in condoms?

Condoms are one of the most popular and effective birth control methods available today.
Both male and female condoms prevent pregnancy by retaining semen. During intercourse, it prevents sperm from entering the woman's vagina and uterus. Condoms can also be used during oral or anal sex.
Condoms are the only form of birth control that can also help protect you from sexually transmitted infections like: HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis,...
There are other types of male condoms Each other includes:
Condoms made from plastic, latex or sheepskin: Condoms contain lubricants: Lubricant is a thin layer of liquid on top of a condom. It helps to reduce friction, prevent pain and stimulate sexual intercourse. Lubricants also help keep condoms from breaking. Condoms contain spermicide: Some condoms are coated with a spermicide. This can reduce the risk of pregnancy. However, spermicides can also irritate your genitals, making you more likely to get HIV. Textured condoms: Includes ribbed and spiked condoms. This can increase pleasure for your partner.
Bao cao su có các chất diệt tinh trùng cũng có thể gây kích ứng bộ phận sinh dục

2. Is the lubricant in a condom harmful?

The lubricant in condoms in particular and lubricants in general helps lubricate vaginal tissue during sexual activity to reduce discomfort. However, vaginal exposure to lubricants can also cause some side effects long after use that pose a significant risk to reproductive health.
Recent studies indicate that there are many lubricants on the market that can have a long-term adverse effect on vaginal tissue. Adverse effects include:
pH: The pH is ideally compatible with a normal vaginal pH between 3.8 - 4.5. A high pH above 4.5 is associated with an increased risk of bacterial vaginosis. Unfortunately, many lubricants have a pH in excess of 4.5. As such, it will increase the risk of vaginal infections. Osmolality: This is a substance that has the ability to absorb moisture from substances and tissues. Exposure to lubricants that are more permeable than normal vaginal secretions can cause vaginal tissue to contract as the water in the cells is pulled out. This process irritates and disrupts the mucous membrane barrier that protects the vagina from infection. The lining of the vagina breaks down increasing the risk of infection and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV. There are many lubricants in use that are highly permeable to the detriment of vaginal tissue.
Toxic chemicals found in lubricants: Harsh chemicals found in lubricants. Exposure to toxic ingredients in lubricants can cause discomfort, irritation, and an increased risk of infection even with short-term exposure. However, not all lubricants in condoms cause vaginal irritation. And not all women experience irritation when exposed to lubricants contained in condoms.

3. How to use condoms properly?

Thực hiện cắt bao quy đầu
Trường hợp chưa cắt bao quy đầu hãy kéo bao quy đầu lại trước khi đeo bao cao su
3.1 Using the male condom correctly You can wear a male condom at any time before or during sex.
Make sure you don't tear the condom when taking it out of the case. If the condom is brittle, hard, chewy, or has expired, throw it away. Wear a condom when the penis is erect and before intercourse. Hold the condom the entire time, from start to finish. Use a new one each time. If you are not circumcised, pull the foreskin back before putting on the condom. If the condom doesn't have a tip, pull the end to leave about half an inch of room for semen when you ejaculate. As you hold the tip, use your other hand to roll the condom all the way down to the base of the penis. If you feel a condom break or tear during sex, stop immediately, pull out, and put on a new condom. After you ejaculate and before you lose your erection, carefully pull out, making sure the condom is still on. When you remove the condom, make sure the semen doesn't spill out.
Bao cao su nữ
Bao cao su nữ

3.2 Using female condoms correctly You should insert a condom before having sex.
Squat with knees apart or lie down with legs bent and knees apart. Remove the condom from the sheath. Hold the condom with the open end down You can put a little lubricant on the outside of the closed end to make it easier for it to enter the vagina. Squeeze the inner ring between your thumb and middle finger. Insert the inner ring and condom bag into the vagina. The condom should be inserted until past the pubic bone. Make sure the condom is not twisted. The outer ring should lie close to the body. Point your partner's penis inside the condom. Stop if the penis slips between the condom and your vagina. Stop if the outer ring of the condom is pushed into the vagina, or the condom slips out of place. There is no need to remove the condom immediately after sex. When removing the condom, gently squeeze and twist the outer ring to keep semen inside. To prevent sexually transmitted diseases, you should have healthy sex with a partner who is also completely free of STIs. In fact, there is no single preventive measure that can guarantee 100% certainty that you will not get STIs.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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