Is weak fetal heart dangerous?

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Fetal heart will be at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy and begin to get stronger, can be heard clearly through ultrasound according to the development of the fetus. Fetal heart is one of the important signs to know the health status of the fetus. So if the fetal heart is weak, is it dangerous? Weak fetal heart what to do?

1. What will a normal fetal heart look like?

Normal fetal heart rate will be about 120-160 beats/minute. At the 5th - 6th week of pregnancy, the average heart rate can be 110 beats/min and gradually increases at 9-10 weeks, about 170 beats/min. By the 14th week of pregnancy, the fetal heart rate tends to decrease gradually, to about 150 beats / min and when it comes to the last months of pregnancy, the fetal heart rate is 130 beats / min

2. Does weak fetal heart have any effect?

Fetal heart failure is usually defined as the fetal heart rate below 110 beats/min. Cardiac arrhythmias can range from mild to severe, depending on gestational age, the underlying cause, and the condition of the individual fetus, including any associated complications.
Do not be in a hurry to panic about whether a weak fetal heart is dangerous, if a weak fetal heart has any effect, psychological shocks are not good for pregnant mothers. You should know that the potential for dangerous complications of bradycardia in the fetus is estimated at only 1-2% of cases. If the fetal heart rate slows below the average for the corresponding gestational age but there are no other diseases, bradycardia can completely go away on its own, without harming the fetus and leaving no lasting consequences. long.
But if unfortunately your case falls into a small percentage, the fetal heart rate is severe, the fetal heart rate is prolonged and can be life-threatening, putting the fetus at risk of NIHF (external fluid retention). vessels or body cavities) and heart failure, stillbirth. The slower the fetal heart rate and the earlier it occurs in pregnancy, the higher the chance of miscarriage. During the first trimester, fetal heart failure increases the risk of miscarriage. Below 70 beats/min, the rate is almost 100%, at 90 beats/min, the miscarriage rate is 86%, below 120 beats/min, this rate only drops to 50%.
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3. Causes of weak fetal heart

In many cases, fetal heart failure is associated with other pathologies, including congenital heart defects (neurological defects, fetal heart defects), obstruction of the umbilical cord feeding, early pregnancy fetal compression in the pelvis, maternal connective tissue disease (systemic lupus erythematosus) and chromosomal abnormalities, uterine rupture, placental anomaly, maternal heart failure, kidney failure, diabetes, etc. ..
In addition, problems affecting nutrition or psychology for pregnant mothers also have a significant impact on the weak fetal heart, such as:
Prolonged morning sickness makes pregnant women unable to supplement fully. enough nutrients, weight loss, from which the fetus is also poorly nourished, making the fetal heart weak. Pregnant women have gynecological diseases such as infections, tumors, cancer, or excessive sex, unsafe sex during pregnancy. Pregnant women work too hard, do not get enough rest during pregnancy, especially in the early stages because there are many cases of late detection of pregnancy, which can affect the development of the fetus. Lack of nutrients, especially those necessary for pregnancy such as iron, protein, calcium,... Injury to the abdomen during pregnancy Stress and anxiety during pregnancy of the mother also may affect fetal development.

4. Weak fetal heart what to do?

So if your baby has a weak fetal heart, what to do?
4.1 Diagnosis of weak fetal heart Fetal arrhythmias are usually diagnosed during a routine prenatal ultrasound or when the doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat.
If abnormal bradycardia is detected, a comprehensive ultrasound should be performed immediately to assess the fetal health, including movement, muscle tone and amniotic fluid volume, to determine if the baby have problems and need to give birth urgently. Maternal blood and urine tests may be done to screen for maternal conditions that may cause fetal bradycardia.
4.2 If there are no signs of pathology that need to be treated and treated immediately, what should I do if the fetal heart is weak? If it is still not enough to need intervention, doctors may advise you to improve the condition of the weak fetal heart through improving nutrition and improving the psychological condition of pregnant women.
Eat a diet full of essential nutrients for pregnant mothers
In order not to have to put yourself in a stressful situation and worry about whether the weak fetal heart is dangerous, the weak fetal heart will not affect anything, you should try soon Try to take care of your own health, improve your health, accumulate enough knowledge about pregnancy and take care of your baby before you intend to get pregnant. When you are pregnant, build yourself a reasonable diet with a balance of nutrients:
Add a lot of protein, which is necessary for the process of building parts and organs of the body. children, and play an important role in increasing the blood supply to the fetus. Protein-rich foods such as meat, fish eggs, milk, legumes, ... will be the first choices to replenish protein for the mother's body. Eat a lot of fat, especially unsaturated fats like omega 3, which is quite important for the brain development of children later. In addition, fats also play an important role in the cardiovascular and immune systems to ensure good health for pregnant women. Unsaturated fatty acids are often found in: salmon, mackerel, herring, flaxseeds, walnuts, spinach, cauliflower,... Starch: Starch is a nutrient that helps maintain activities. maternal and fetal movements, affecting the development of fetal nerve cells. Pregnant women can load starch into the body through daily meals with foods from cereals and cereal products. Iron supplementation: During pregnancy, the mother's blood volume increases by 50% compared to normal to be able to supply enough blood for the development of the fetus in the mother's womb. Therefore, when the fetus is weak, iron needs to be supplemented most of all, every day pregnant women must provide 1000mg of iron through oral tablets and foods such as whole grains, animal liver, green vegetables, red meat, beetroot,... Folic acid: Folic acid deficiency can lead to neural tube defects in children, so when preparing for pregnancy and in the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women should take supplements Add acid tablets as directed by your doctor. At the same time, it can be combined with foods containing folic acid such as: avocados, whole grains, dark green vegetables, spinach, broccoli, milk and dairy products,... Calcium, Vitamin D: Lack of vitamin D will lead to reduced absorption of calcium and phosphorus, causing fetal rickets right away. Every day pregnant women need to provide 800UI of vitamin D and 800-1000mg of calcium/day. In addition, pregnant women can supplement vitamin D by sunbathing, enhancing vitamin D-rich foods such as fish, avocado, eggs, milk, .... And calcium supplements with cheese, seafood, beans, etc. ..
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Foods that should not be eaten
Rotten, sprouted, moldy vegetables Canned foods Alcoholic beverages, caffeine, carbonated drinks Fatty foods, fast foods Life habits healthy
Healthy living habits during pregnancy as well as before pregnancy help ensure a woman's health. Accordingly, pregnant women need to do:
Don't stay up late Don't smoke Drink enough water Eat small meals, don't eat too much for one meal Don't skip meals Moderate exercise Regular or prescribed antenatal check-ups by doctors Avoid stress and anxiety during pregnancy
A mother's emotions have a great influence on the development of the fetus. Accordingly, pregnant mothers need to do:
Practice diaphragmatic breathing: some studies have shown that diaphragmatic breathing can be significantly effective in reducing anxiety and stress. Yoga, meditation, taking a walk and getting some fresh air can help improve your mood. Regularly talk and share concerns during pregnancy with loved ones. Acquiring knowledge about pregnancy to avoid unnecessary worries Fetal heart is one of the important signs to know the health status of the fetus? Therefore, you should perform regular antenatal check-ups or as directed by your doctor to early detect abnormalities and have early treatment to ensure the health of the fetus.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the address chosen by many families during pregnancy. In particular, when pregnant women choose the Package Maternity Care Program right from the beginning of their pregnancy from the first months of pregnancy, they will be able to fully participate in antenatal check-ups, periodical 3D and 4D ultrasounds, and other health care providers. routine tests to ensure the mother is healthy and the fetus is developing comprehensively.
Pregnant women will be consulted and checked for health under the close supervision of experienced and specialized obstetricians, helping mothers gain more knowledge to protect their health during pregnancy as well as reduce pregnancy loss. reduce complications for mother and child.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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