Normal - abnormal manifestations after cervical cryotherapy

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Posted by Specialist Doctor I Huynh Cong Tan, Deputy Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Danang International Hospital

Cervical cryotherapy is a method used to treat benign lesions in the cervix, most commonly cervical ectropion, vaginitis, cervicitis... or destroy the lesions. pre-cancer.

1. What is cervical cryotherapy?

Cervical ectropion is formed when glandular cells located in the cervical canal grow outward, invading the outer surface of the cervix. Because the exposed glandular cells still secrete fluid, patients often have increased vaginal discharge, which can easily lead to infection (cervical ectropion).
Cervical cryotherapy is a method of using low-temperature nitrogen gas to freeze and kill the cells that cause cervicitis. Cryotherapy only takes about 1-2 minutes.
Áp lạnh cổ tử cung
Phương pháp áp lạnh cổ tử cung

2. Possible manifestations after performing cervical cryotherapy

After performing cervical cryotherapy, the patient may experience some of the following symptoms:
Normal symptoms after cervical cryotherapy:
Normally, the vagina produces a lot of yellow fluid 1 week after burning and Decreased feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and back pain Abnormal symptoms after cervical cryotherapy:
Abnormal is a lot of lower abdominal pain High fever of unknown cause Vaginal discharge with an odor
Ra khí hư nhiều màu trắng đục, vón cục là bệnh gì?
Dịch âm đạo ra có mùi sau khi thực hiện áp lạnh cổ tử cung

3. Care instructions after cervical cryotherapy

Clean the vulva and vagina, avoid internal enema Do not have sex for at least 8 weeks after burning Take medicine and prescribe medication as fully prescribed by the doctor After cervical cryotherapy, the patient should re-examine after 2 weeks, then re-examination after the first menstrual period and follow-up according to the doctor's appointment depending on the status of post-burn regeneration
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has treated the lesions with laser treatment highway servical gland inflammation . In principle, it is the same as the cryotherapy method of the cervix, however, this method has more advantages because the laser correctly treats the damaged areas not according to the general size of the cryotherapy head, the treatment is also thorough. than cold pressure.
In addition, to help customers detect and treat other gynecological diseases early, Vinmec International General Hospital has a basic gynecological examination and screening package, helping customers detect diseases early. Infections are easy and inexpensive to treat. Screening detects gynecological cancer (cervical cancer) early even when there are no symptoms.
Đăng kí khám bệnh
Khi sức khỏe có biểu hiện bất thường, bạn nên đến cơ sở uy tín để được khám và điều trị kịp thời

Basic gynecological examination and screening package for female customers, has no age limit and may have the following symptoms:
Abnormal vaginal bleeding Having menstrual problems: irregular menstrual cycle, irregular menstrual cycle Irregular vaginal discharge (smell, different color) Vaginal pain and itching Female clients have several risk factors such as poor personal hygiene, Unsafe sex, abortion,... Female customers have other symptoms such as: Abnormal vaginal discharge, itching, pain in the private area, abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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