Relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy

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Pelvic pain is a common symptom in women during pregnancy. Although it is not harmful to the fetus, it causes many pregnant women pain and discomfort, affecting daily activities.

1. Causes of pelvic pain during pregnancy

Pelvic pain during pregnancy is pain in the front or back of the pelvis and can spread to surrounding areas such as hips, thighs,... During pregnancy, the body produces a hormone called relaxin , causing the pelvic ligaments to soften and stretch, making the joints in the pelvis unstable, uneven movement.
In addition, the growing fetus in the uterus, along with the change in walking position, puts more pressure on the pelvis, causing pelvic pain during pregnancy.
Other causes:
Due to weight gain during pregnancy, weight gain increases the burden on the joints causing pelvic pain. Having a high body mass index (BMI) and being overweight/obese before pregnancy. Maybe due to vitamin D and calcium deficiency, when the mother lacks calcium to meet the calcium needs of the fetus, the body will take calcium from the bones to provide the baby, leading to pelvic pain.
Canxi trong thực phẩm
Thiếu canxi trong khi mang thai có thể là nguyên nhân gây đau vùng chậu khi mang thai

2. Symptoms of pelvic pain during pregnancy like?

Pelvic pain symptoms can appear very early, right from the first 3 months of pregnancy, towards the end of pregnancy, the pain level often increases.
Pain location: Pain in the sacroiliac joint, pubic joint, hip area spreading to the thigh, often accompanied by back pain. The pain is often continuous, dull, increases with sudden changes in position, when walking, going up and down stairs and increases at night can wake pregnant women. The degree of pain depends on each case, from discomfort when walking to complete loss of function that makes the patient unable to walk or prevents the patient from performing housework, walking, sexual activities. education, work. Pregnant women need to pay attention to distinguish between pelvic pain and pain caused by uterine contractions, pain due to contractions often comes in waves, the abdomen feels hard, in addition, if it is due to threatened miscarriage or miscarriage, it will come quickly. Vaginal abnormalities.

3. How to relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy

Many pregnant women think that pelvic pain during pregnancy is an unpleasant symptom that any pregnant woman will experience during pregnancy, but in fact, this condition can be relieved if Mothers apply the following simple ways to relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy:
Bà bầu tập yoga
Thường xuyên luyện tập các các bài thể dục nhẹ nhàng, phù hợp như đi bộ, yoga giúp giảm đau vùng chậu khi mang thai

Regularly practice gentle, suitable exercises such as walking, yoga, swimming. Be careful not to overdo it. During pregnancy, you should not walk too much, just walk gently to help stretch the abdominal muscles and back muscles, support the future delivery to take place smoothly. Take more time to rest than usual. Rest will help the pelvic area and ligaments relax, thereby reducing pain effectively. Change positions often, so sleeping in a comfortable position can use specialized pillows to make pregnant women more comfortable, limiting lying on their backs a lot. Do not wear high heels and pay attention to your sitting posture. Do not squat and do not stand a lot as this will put pressure on the pelvis. In addition, should not carry, lift heavy objects, be careful when going up and down stairs and avoid sudden change of position. Use extra pillows when lying down for extra comfort. During pregnancy, it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition such as: Eat enough nutrients, especially calcium supplements in daily meals, especially the last 3 months of pregnancy.
In addition, when the above measures are not effective, pregnant women should go to medical facilities for medical examination and treatment with drugs and physical therapy.
Heat therapy uses infrared lights, warm compresses to help soften muscles and relieve pain. Regular gentle pelvic massage is an effective pain reliever. In case of a lot of pain, pregnant women can use pain relievers that can be used by pregnant women such as paracetamol. However, do not abuse the use of pain relievers, affecting the fetus. Pelvic pain during pregnancy is exhausting and affects your daily activities, but pelvic pain during pregnancy is completely treatable to help you have a healthier and happier pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women should be treated early, with higher treatment results.
Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package Maternity Care Program for pregnant women right from the first months of pregnancy with a full range of antenatal care visits, periodical 3D and 4D ultrasounds and routine tests to ensure that the mother is healthy and the fetus is developing comprehensively.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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