Sex during pregnancy should pay attention to what?

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The article was professionally consulted by a doctor from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
The bouts of nausea and fatigue make women less likely to think about sex during pregnancy. However, there are also many people who crave sex during pregnancy. The question is, is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?

1. Sex during pregnancy (trimester)

During the first trimester (first trimester of pregnancy), many women reveal that they don't have much sex drive because they feel tired and nauseous. However, for many women who do not experience morning sickness, at this time, the fetus is still small and does not affect the body much, moreover, the increase in hormones during pregnancy makes many women quite excited and excited at this stage. . Entering the second trimester (second trimester of pregnancy), pregnant women feel better because at this time there is more secretions, easier to have sex. This makes sex more pleasurable and potentially satisfying. Moreover, most women are still quite comfortable in the second trimester because the fetus has not yet put pressure on the stomach.
However, in the third trimester (the last 3 months of pregnancy) certain changes begin. When the fetus grows larger, the woman feels sluggish, the nutritional needs are high, but the stomach is compressed, eating is not easy and the signs of fatigue seem to start to return, "the story sex” seems less attractive, not to mention the physical difficulties in the last weeks of pregnancy. To make it easier to have sex, a mother needs to know the development of the fetus week by week:
Having sex during pregnancy near the due date can be risky, because orgasm triggers the release of the pituitary hormone Prolactin, which could theoretically trigger contractions. constriction and harm to mother and baby.

2. Sex positions during pregnancy

According to Foreman, doctors think that when the baby in the belly is growing, the traditional position (like lying on top) when having sex will be more uncomfortable for pregnant women. Can be changed with other sex positions to make pregnancy more comfortable including back-to-back or side-to-side intercourse (spoon-down style)...
Lying on your back with pregnant women in their early stages The third trimester should also be less applicable because at this time, when the fetus is large when lying on its back, the uterus can compress large blood vessels. This can cause pelvic pressure and pain. Lying on your back can also cause "hypotension syndrome," which results in changes in heart rate and blood pressure that cause dizziness and other symptoms or signs.
In addition, Foreman also said, one sexual act to avoid is blowing air into the "girl" during oral sex during pregnancy. If oral sex is performed while a woman is pregnant, when blowing air into the vagina, some gas can enter the circulation and cause serious consequences.
quan hệ khi mang thai
Cần tránh là thổi khí vào “cô bé” trong lúc quan hệ tình dục bằng miệng khi mang thai

3. Reasons to avoid sex during pregnancy

Sex during pregnancy may not be safe for women with a history of multiple miscarriages, premature birth, bleeding, or a weak cervix (cervical cleft, short cervix).
Furthermore, women with placenta previa (a condition in which the placenta covers the cervix) are at risk of bleeding if they have sex during pregnancy. Women with premature rupture of membranes (PROM), which occurs when the sac containing a developing baby and amniotic fluid breaks or develops a hole before labor, should also avoid sex during pregnancy.
If you experience bleeding or a bad odor after sex during pregnancy, tell your doctor right away. Purulent discharge can be a sign of an infection that needs to be treated early, and bleeding can be a sign of a threatened miscarriage.
Pregnant women also need to be aware that if your partner has an STI, you should stop having sex until your partner is cured or you need to use a safer method, such as using condoms to protect themselves and avoid affecting the health of the unborn baby. Mothers also do not forget the vaccinations that need to be taken to prevent some bacteria and viruses that cause illness for both mother and baby during 9 months and 10 days of pregnancy.
According to the World Health Organization, during pregnancy, pregnant women should receive some vaccines to prevent dangerous diseases such as diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, influenza. If these vaccines are missed, the baby will be born with congenital diseases that seriously affect health, especially congenital pertussis.
Vinmec International General Hospital currently has a full range of vaccines for pregnant women, imported directly from the US, Belgium, France, with clear origin and good quality. All vaccines are preserved in a modern cold storage system, with a cold storage line meeting GSP standards to ensure that the vaccine always keeps the best quality. Customers will be examined by specialized doctors, fully screened for physical and health problems, advised on preventive vaccines and injection regimens, how to monitor and care after vaccination before Indications for vaccination according to the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health & World Health Organization to ensure the best effectiveness and safety for customers.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source:
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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