Skin care after menopause

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Excessively dry skin, brown spots, reduced elasticity, wrinkles... are signs of aging in women at menopause. This is a signal that the body is lacking nutrients and also means that you should take care of yourself to keep your youth and health.

1. Own a fresh skin right now

Intelligence and confidence may develop as people get older, but the same does not happen with the levels of many hormones in the body. During menopause, a drop in estrogen levels takes a toll on the skin. The lack of estrogen causes the skin to become fragile, saggy and wrinkled. Fortunately, you can lessen some of the skin effects of aging by taking care of your skin's unique needs.

2. Skin and Menopause

Menopause causes many changes in your skin. When your body stops producing enough collagen, some of the fat underneath your skin loses its elasticity. This, combined with the dryness caused by hormonal changes can cause sagging – especially around the neck, jaw and cheeks – along with fine lines and wrinkles. Wrinkles and lines caused by menopause are usually lines around the eyes and upper part of the lips.
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Cleansing Cleansing is an important step in skin care – especially during menopause. As the body ages and the skin becomes dry, the skin especially needs extra moisture. The key to this is to use a cleanser made for dry skin. Therefore, choose a formula that provides moisture instead of foaming or gel cleansers, as these can strip moisture from the skin.
Moisturizing After menopause, your skin becomes drier because the oil glands don't work as well as they used to. Try to give the skin extra moisture with a good cream. Avoid long baths in hot water and apply moisturizer while skin is still wet. That helps increase the amount of moisture in your skin.
Sunscreen Although skin cancer and wrinkles are caused by the sunlight you expose yourself to in your 20s, 30s and 40s, you still need to protect your skin. Because your skin now has less natural protection than it did when you were younger. Look for a cream with long-wavelength UV protection of SPF 30 or higher and use it every day.
Minimizes skin wrinkles Wrinkles are created from the harmful effects of the sun over the years, as well as the hormonal changes of menopause. As hormone levels decline with age, this reduces skin quality and makes wrinkles worse. Wrinkles can be more noticeable when the skin is dry, especially during menopause. Use moisturizer on the face, jawline, and around the neck every day, and look for skin care products designed to combat wrinkles, sagging, and create a more radiant appearance.
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Removes dark spots on the skin Dark spots caused by aging on the face, hands and chest can be clearly seen during menopause. Prevent them by using sunscreen daily. If your skin already has these tiny dots, blur them with products that help exfoliate, causing them to slough off the surface of the skin. Skin-whitening products can also help fade small spots. Toner also helps to even out skin tone.
Protect Your Hands The backs of your hands can also lose moisture, collagen, and fat during menopause. This causes the blood vessels to become more visible and the skin to become wrinkled. Furthermore, your skin may lack thickness and become bony. To reduce the look of wrinkles, use a regular moisturizer on your hands. Protect them from the sun and wear gloves when doing housework and gardening.
Eat foods that contain collagen antioxidants that give your skin its youthful plumpness and keep it plump. As estrogen levels drop, so does collagen. Eating foods that contain antioxidants can help keep your skin healthy from the inside out. Look for brightly colored fruits and vegetables (they get their color from good compounds) and try to eat ones that are close to the spectrum.
Use Soy Soybeans are rich in isoflavones and plant compounds that are thought to have collagen-like effects in the body. Isoflavones may help improve age-related changes such as thinning of the skin. Experts believe that about 50mg of isoflavones – the equivalent of about 85 grams of tempeh or half a cup of miso – per day can help women going through menopause in a variety of ways.
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Đậu nàng cung cấp nhiều chất thực vật cải thiện tình trạng da mỏng của phụ nữ

Balance in the soul Stress makes your skin dry and sensitive. It also triggers conditions like psoriasis. If you're stressed, you can even forget about your daily skin care routine. Practicing yoga, meditation, and other stress relievers can help you relax.
Exercise Exercise not only helps strengthen muscles but is also very good for the body. It benefits the skin in two ways: it relieves stress and helps improve circulation that slows down due to aging. The amount of oxygen added to the body during exercise and the circulation of blood help the skin become brighter and healthier.
Beautiful from sleep Enough sleep makes the skin become fresh. Sleep also helps prevent dark circles under your eyes and gives the rest of your body a chance to recharge. Lack of sleep causes hormone levels and metabolism to change in a bad way, similar to aging. So aim for a deep sleep of 7 to 9 hours a night.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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