The link between stress and chances of getting pregnant

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Extreme stress can affect fertility, but rarely long-term effects on pregnancy. For example, stress can cause you to have late or irregular periods. So how do these stressors affect fertility and make it difficult to get pregnant?

1. Stress can lead to difficulty conceiving

Although stress alone does not cause infertility, stress can cause people to engage in unhealthy behaviors that can affect fertility. For example, when you are stressed, you can:
Sleep too much or sleep too little Eat emotionally or not have enough time to eat right Not enough time to exercise or force yourself to exercise excessive exercise Drinking too much alcohol Smoking cigarettes, or if you have quit smoking start smoking again Drinking too much coffee, especially if you are sleep deprived Loss of interest in sex All of these are habits that can affect your fertility.
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2. Explain the course between stress and delayed pregnancy why?

2.1 Sleep If your work schedule or lifestyle causes you to stay up late at night or wake up late at night frequently it will lead to a constant lack of sleep which can affect your body and thus your ability to sleep. your fertility.
Studies on night shift workers have shown that working the night shift close to ovulation can increase miscarriage rates and may cause menstrual irregularities in some women. Irregular periods are a risk factor for fertility problems.
Therefore, getting enough sleep at night and avoiding night shifts (if possible) can help improve your chances of getting pregnant.
You can refer to the following ways to improve sleep habits including:
Create a habit of going to bed on time Avoid working or checking email right before bed Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening Drink a cup of herbal tea medicine right before bed Don't work in the bedroom and the bedroom shouldn't have a TV If there's a lot to think about, try journaling before bed or even simply writing down what you think to do tomorrow 2.2 Diet When stressed, people tend to eat less healthy. Ongoing stress has been shown to lead to weight gain, and weight gain/obesity has both been linked to fertility problems. Research has long shown a link between obesity and infertility in women. Even being mildly overweight can affect fertility.
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And not just in women, obesity can also negatively impact male fertility, leading to lower sperm counts.
Just as eating too much junk food or being overweight can cause fertility problems, too little weight or not enough can also affect fertility.
Some people deal with stress by dieting or they lose their appetite when under a lot of pressure. Worse yet, an eating disorder can end your menstrual cycle. No menstrual cycle means no ovulation. If you don't ovulate, you can't get pregnant.
2.3 Drinking coffee When feeling tired and stressed at work, a cup of coffee filled with caffeine can help us stay awake through the shift.
But does caffeine affect fertility? One study found that drinking too much coffee can negatively affect fertility, especially if you are experiencing fertility problems. The researchers looked at couples who had undergone IVF treatment but then went on to try to conceive naturally.
Drinking four or more cups of coffee a day reduces a couple's chances of conceiving by 26%. As a result, most researchers consider the safe dose to be less than 300 mg of caffeine per day. In addition, several other studies have also found a possible link between miscarriage and coffee drinking. However, more in-depth studies are still needed to confirm these associations.
2.4 Drinking alcohol women, especially if a woman is having trouble conceiving.
According to experts, no amount of alcohol has been proven to be 100% safe during pregnancy. To be on the safe side, you need to avoid drinking alcohol while you're trying to get pregnant or during pregnancy. For men, drinking alcohol is also associated with reduced fertility rates as well as an increased risk of miscarriage. According to a recent study to evaluate the impact of alcohol consumption on IVF success, for every time a man drinks alcohol, the risk of unsuccessful conception increases by two to eight times. .
2.5 Smoking If either of you is a smoker, be aware that smoking has a strong impact on your fertility. In women, smoking is associated with an increased risk of blocked fallopian tubes, an increased risk of cervical cancer, damage to eggs in the ovaries, and an increased risk of miscarriage.

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For men, male smoking reduces IVF success rates and may increase the risk of miscarriage. In addition, when a husband smokes and a wife inhales it, secondhand smoke can harm a wife's fertility.
When either partner smokes will reduce fertility, increase the risk of miscarriage and endanger the health of the fetus. Therefore, before you continue trying to get pregnant, try to quit smoking first.
2.6 Sex Sex can be a stress reliever, relaxing at the end of a long day at work. However, the busy work schedule, not to mention the feeling of exhaustion, makes it difficult to make time for the relationship between husband and wife.
A stressful life can also lower your sex drive, so you may not be in the mood as often to be close to each other. But some stressed-out couples mistakenly believe that having sex once or twice a month is enough, but it's not enough to get pregnant.
If stress or a hectic life schedule is getting in the way of your having a baby, you may need to be proactive about finding some alone time with your partner. For example, if you or your husband/partner feel too tired at night, consider shifting your intimate time to the morning, before you go to work.

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