What do the test results for the hormone prolactin say?

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Prolactin is an important hormone in the body. Quantifying hormones can help evaluate and detect abnormal problems in the body. Each case of increased or decreased prolactin levels has its own diagnostic significance. Contact your doctor for more specific advice on issues surrounding the hormone prolactin and reproductive function.

1. Significance of blood prolactin test results in diagnosis

Quantification of prolactin is very important in guiding the diagnosis of abnormalities of the genitourinary system. Combined with a number of hormone tests other than prolactin to be able to:
Determine the cause of breast milk production when not pregnant or not breastfeeding. Diagnosing the causes of some cases of infertility or menstrual disorders in women such as: Non-ovulatory menstrual cycle, amenorrhea due to hyperprolactinemia. Diagnosing the cause of infertility or azoospermia, erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia... Quantification of prolactin hormone is also essential when there is suspicion of pituitary disease such as the presence of Recurrence of pituitary tumors due to overproduction of prolactin in both men and women. Helps evaluate anterior pituitary function or other pituitary disorders.
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Xét nghiệm Prolactin giúp chẩn đoán nguyên nhân của vô sinh hay tình trạng vô tinh, các rối loạn cương dương ở nam giới

1.1.Prolactin test results within normal limits Prolactin index in women: In healthy people, not pregnant, blood prolactin is 2 - 29ng/ml, in pregnant and lactating women it is 10 - 209 ng/ml.
Men: 2 - 18 ng/ml.
Prolactin levels in the body change differently at different times of each stage. Normally, blood prolactin levels will increase gradually during sleep and peak in the morning with a biological half-life of 20-30 minutes. Therefore, the best time to draw blood for a quantitative prolactin test is in the morning about 3-4 hours after waking up.
1.2.Test results are higher than the standard prolactin index When the test results show that the prolactin index in the body is higher than the above thresholds, it means that you are having high prolactin. For men, high prolactin levels do not affect fertility, but in women, this can lead to infertility because too much prolactin will not stimulate ovulation.
High blood prolactin can be seen in the following pathologies:
Pathology of the genitourinary system:
Female infertility. Patient has irregular menstrual cycle or amenorrhea. Patient has polycystic ovary syndrome. The patient has a decrease in blood estrogen. Gynecomastia in men Men with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation... Extra-genital pathologies:
Patient has pituitary gland tumor, usually small tumors about 1cm in size. Combined x-ray and MRI of the brain to determine the condition and size of the tumor. Patients with hypothyroidism or hypothalamic disease, kidney disease, liver disease, etc. Patient is under prolonged stress. After chest wall trauma, using stimulants such as marijuana... Hyperprolactinemia can also be seen in some patients being treated for blood pressure, depression or gastroesophageal reflux... Normally, prolactin can also increase in some body activities such as breast massage, nipple stimulation, after intercourse, or after exercise... Hyperprolactinemia during pregnancy and Breastfeeding is thought to be a physiological state of hyperprolactin.
Hiện tượng tăng prolactin máu trong quá trình mang thai và cho con bú được cho là tình trạng tăng prolactin sinh lý

1.3. Prolactin test results are lower than normal If prolactin levels are lower than normal, it can be seen in problems such as ovarian dysfunction in women, metabolic syndrome, and stress. men with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sperm count or sperm weakness, decreased sexual function.
According to a study in the journal Sexual Medicine, data were analyzed on 3,000 men between the ages of 40 and 79 by measuring the levels of the hormones testosterone, prolactin, BMI, cholesterol, blood glucose and combined as a general health survey. The results showed that low prolactin levels were associated with some manifestations of male sexual dysfunction. Men with lower-than-average prolactin levels had poorer sex drive and lower orgasms during intercourse than other men.
Prolactin is produced in the pituitary gland, so a decrease in blood prolactin levels can be a sign of hypopituitarism.
In addition, some drugs can also cause hypoprolactinemia such as dopamine, levodopa or alkaloid derivatives...

2.The significance of prolactin in treatment

Prolactin test has important value in the treatment of tumors of the endocrine system, especially breast tumors.
Many studies have shown that the mechanism of action of prolactin is similar to that of cytokines in the body, playing an important role in metabolism and immune system regulation. Prolactin is directly involved in the cell cycle through the following processes:
Cell growth. Cell differentiation. Prevents cyclical cell death. Acting as a growth factor, prolactin binds to cytokines involved in hematopoiesis, angiogenesis, and is involved in the regulation of blood coagulation through direct or indirect pathways. Therefore, blood prolactin quantification is also of therapeutic significance.
Tumors that overproduce prolactin hormone can be treated with dopamine agonists to reduce prolactin production such as bromocriptine, cabergoline. Treatment that reduces prolactin levels can help restore fertility and reduce clinical symptoms for patients. Prolactin-lowering medications can be used for months or years, depending on the severity of the disorder and test results.
For cases that do not respond to drugs, surgery is necessary to treat tumors that are overproducing prolactin. Surgery still has the possibility of tumor recurrence.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space. Customers when choosing to perform tests here can be completely assured of the accuracy of test results.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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